amariespeaks comprehending consciousness series


this playlist contains videos of my own creation.

In this series I will be exploring commonly used terms and phrases within the consciousness community. It's my sincere hope that these videos provide an interesting and new perspective to assist with people's understandings around these evolving concepts.

The New Age world may seem a little 'out-there' and it is – but that shouldn't deter anyone from taking a look around and picking up new ideas that resonate with them or their journey.

If you're on the fringe – If you've seen where the 'world' is headed and you don't like it – if you feel like something is missing in the mainstream or there's no meaning, depth or point to life – well then you're in the right place!

Let's dive deep and discover all that is meant for us.

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago