The Plandemic of 2020


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our NEW CHANNEL/PLAYLIST on Bitchute. Hopefully, here we can share information/videos and have an open discussion without having to worry about all the censorship that is taking place right across the internet.

Well anyway, if you've made it this far congratulations! We look forward to having a closer relationship with all of you.

Also, if you haven't done so already please sign up / Join The Light Revolution encrypted mailing list HERE: The link can be found in our DISCONNECT VIDEO description.

Join our NEW GROUP on MeWe HERE:

So that we can have a more direct way of staying connected.

The Healing Hands Duo
Jessica & Kevin

PS: To those that have questions about our products/services you should be able to find that information linked in our Bitchute description/LinkTree account & donations to support our work can be made through PayPal when you click the little green dollar sign any of our videos.

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago