what is a blueunicorn and why is it important?


"what is a blueunicorn and why is it important?" is a pseudo-podcast/pseudo-historic video blog that will answer not only , What IS a blueunicorn? but also "why it IS IMPORTANT." so stay tuned to find out the answers to this and several rhetorical statements made by blueunicorn AND by you.
rhetorical statements such as... "what is this guy an idiot?" and "is this guy stupid?" or maybe even "is this the greatest content creator that bitchute has ever seen?"
if you, or i have stated these arguments or more, in the form of a question that answers itself, then you are in the right place. if finding out what is so important about a blueunicorn then stick around and subscribe and like and all that stuff because sheer djinnius is on its way... 10-7

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
2 years ago