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8:52 p.m. ET / 5:52 p.m. PT on this Wednesday, May 29, 2024 We intercede for President Trump and other going through hell right now! You don't have to do anything for the devil to afflict you! Just being HUMAN qualities you to be attacked by the devil. That's his job! BUT God! Send Jesus Christ!

BORDERS made a country! Borders around law enforcement #DeepState highest level to lowest level connected!

This one's for YOU! Oh thou most holier than thouests! 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT on this Tuesday, May 28, 2024 est thouestests! This WORD is for YOU! Who warned YOU to flee from the wrath to come!

Dear Unbeliever! Come in agreement with me! Since the believer doesn't believe! It's REAL EASY! Just say Amen to what you agree with! #WandaAndTheWord #NewsAndPrayer #MemorialDay #tornadoes

Sunday evening 10 p.m. PT on this May 26 / Monday morning 1 a.m. ET May 27, 2024 on this Memorial Day and weekend! We HONOR those who gave everything for our country in the service of their country! God bless the United States of America!

We come against suicide and bind the spirit of suicide! OCD ADD ADHD Learning disorders Anxiety disorders Tornadoes Church come in agreement! When He comes back will He find faith on earth?

Missionaries murdered in Haiti by gangs! Heartbreaking! Prayer for the parents to bring their bodies back safely! People we still need to pray against #Crime! Even the unbelievers do NOT want crime, so dear unbeliever please come in agreement with me as we BIND crime! IN the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Gaza Hamas IDF Hezbollah Antisemitism

Healed in Jesus Name! Healed in Jesus Name! Healed in Jesus Name!

Memorial Day comfort to the loved ones of those who gave their all in the service of our country! Heroes! THANK YOU!

And finally! There's Wacko Wanda talking about prayer and binding the devil! and healing and miracles, ALL Biblical!!!!

Are suppose to be mad at Paul who was Saul, Jewish under the letter of the law! Now, we as Christians should be careful we don't put a trip on people under our letter of the "Christian" law, thou oh most holier than thouest Christian. And they won't even believe we can REBUKE the tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, crime, sickness, disease!

Stop Jew hating Christians! Stop it! WE, OUR sins put Jesus on the cross!

Brainwashed in Christian cult? No, not Jehovah Witness, Morman, no, an actual "CHRISTIAN" cult, pretenders. Be careful baby Christians! Stay in the Word, keep your eyes on Jesus, not leaders! Stay FREE! in Christ!

Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m PT Psalm 121 - All scripture is from the King James Version - Public domain! Matthew 25:13 Watch! Galatians 1:3 Grace and PEACE be to YOU! I Thess. 4 We HONOR those who died in the service of our country this Memorial Day!

10:17 p.m. PT - Thursday, May 16, 2024 / 1:17 a.m. ET - Friday, May 17, 2024

Manipulations, Witchcraft, gaslighting! We BIND it all! In the Name of Jesus! Say Amen!

4:11 a.m. ET / 1:12 a.m. PT on this Saturday, May 11, 2024

First of all obey God! Not like a dog LOL Psalm 57 Public domain! I ACTUALLY SAID, "WHEN WE WERE AMERICA". #Luke #Mary #MotherofJesus

Still working on description!

9 p.m. PT - Tues. p.m. / 12 a.m. midnight Wed. a.m. It's all falling apart!

9:38 p.m. ET / 6:38 p.m. PT - Sunday, April 21, 2024 Stealth Special Forces spiritual warfare!

Sunday afternoon, May 5, 2024 Psalm 55 KJV Public domain!

1 a.m. PT / 4 a.m. ET on this Sunday, May 5, 2024 Psalm 110 KJV public domain! Jesus sits at the right hand of God right now! So WE pull down STRONGHOLDS over leaders of countries and situations in this world, heads of nations. Rulers of the darkness of this world, we BIND YOU! In the Name of Jesus!

We lift up the kids / people that have been protesting. We pray for their salvation and deliverance!

We lift up Churchs, Pastors and congregations! We BIND crime and jihad! Violence we BIND YOU! In the Name of Jesus!

PROTECT, deliver, heal, health, provision!

God bless!

9:45 p.m. PT - Sunday, May 5, 2024 / 12:45 a.m. ET - Monday, May 6, 2024 King James Version public domain He is alive! He is the first and the last! He is, He was and He is to come!

11:14 p.m. on this Wednesday, May 1, 2024 / 2:14 a.m. ET Thursday, May 2, 2024. College campus unrest! January 6. #DeepState is deep and shallow but all connected! I can't do satan light!

5 p.m. / 8 p.m. Mon. April 29, 2024 - Officers down in Charlotte, North Carolina. 8 shot, 4 died.

12:14 a.m. PT / 3:14 a.m. ET on this Sunday, April 28, 2024 Psalm 135 KJV Public domain! I didn't know my videos were going over the #Bitchute and also my videos stopped going over to #Rumble. Rebuke the tornadoes! Let me know if there's anything you want me to pray for you about or prayer for other things in life!
And let me know if there is something you want me to talk about! Let me know if you think I should stop these videos. I just want your ideas IF you want to share them! Not saying I am going to stop my videos.

We take authority over the spirit of #suicide My story!

Like a snow plow! DRIVE the devil OUT!

Also sowing financial seed and tie your money into the Kingdom of God for a never ending supply!

Let this country go, Satan!


The devil using democrats to wear the Saints out!

Break UP the deep state, Lord! They think YOU don't see what they are doing! Begin to show them who YOU are and who THEY are not! We bind the evil and hell they pile on people! We take authority over the riots and rebellion! We bind all and any terrorism, rage and disruption to society! Touch the schools, teaches, students in all ages and classes!

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord! Stay calm! Don't panic! Don't get mad! Do NO violence!

CORRECTION ON THE VIDEO it was Tues. the 24 and Wed. the 25th! Thank you! 11 p.m. PT / 2 a.m. ET on this Tuesday, April 23, 2024 / Wed. April 24, 2024

"12:43 a.m. PT / 3:43 a.m. ET on this Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Trump's trial for "election interference" but no trial for the Blinken 51 for suppressing Hunter Biden laptop story. Remember the Twitter files! Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Fair Use News article from Fox News / House Judiciary #JimJordan Some of the slimeballs ... #DeepStateBullshitters!

"Biden campaign, Blinken orchestrated intel letter to discredit Hunter Biden laptop story, ex-CIA official says" - April 21, 2023

11:11 p.m. PT Saturday, April 20, 2024 / 2:11 a.m. ET Sunday, April 21, 2024 Up all night coughing! But feeling better now! Thank you, Lord! HE DELIVERS HIS SAINTS OUT of the hand of the wicked! We send YOUR Word! More description LATER, maybe! Just watch, listen and say YOUR amens on any part that you do agree! Okay! It SHALL BE DONE! Amen!

and think the blood of Jesus, the cross of Jesus, the forgiveness of Jesus doesn't apply to Donald J. Trump! You talk about his past "sins" as if they happened in the last hour. You JUDGE him as if he hasn't been forgiven! You even rebuke Franklin Graham when he ask that we pray for President Trump! Oh thousest holier than thouest one who have arrived at perfection! Snobs of the Snobs!

11:39 p.m. PT on this Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Will add description later!

11:30 p.m. PT - Tuesday, April 16, 2024 One of the worse things in my life, beside other worse things, like my mother especially dying of cancer, and then the realization of having an abortion and the aftermath of that, which contributed to very difficult things.

Born in California, and raised in Oregon! I was an Oregonian!

Buried guilt and grief from an abortion!

Fear, terrified of my father!

Eating disorder! Very horrible bulimia!

Pot, marijuana, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol!

College and parties!

Breakdown! I really lost my mind! But I was misdiagnosed and they gave me horrible horrible medicine that gave me the worst side effects!

Psychiatric ward of the same hospital where I got my abortion and my mother died of cancer.

Later Oregon State Mental Hospital! OMG, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest! MOVIE!
It was just like the movie, you don't mess with Nurse Rachett! LOL Only my nurse Rachett was a male, doctor! But he wasn't mean! I just knew I had to go by his protocol for me if I was ever going to get out!

And by the way! The swimming pool in the movie was real! I swam in that swimming pool! Always LOVED swimming pools! LOL

WARNING! It only takes one time to take the wrong drug.

I totally left out that I was physically abused by a college boyfriend!

Miss America!

Prayer for President Trump and others going through false accusations and persecutions! After going through what I went through, I really know how to bind the devil!

God bless thank you for watching! And stay turned I need to continue to tell more of my story!


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

137 videos

Category News & Politics