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This video will show how in Multiple places the Qur'an affirms the Bible!

This is the melody My favorite Church Hymn As the Deer and the Native Tongue of Psalm 42 that is was based on!

I'm so sick of the filthy anti God, Jesus Hating disgusting racism in certain cults like the White Anglo Saxon Israeli Identity "Christians" and Black Hebrew Israelite "Jews", that I had to Expose, debunk, and DESTROY their demonic doctrine unto the Glory of the LORD YaHWèH! With one word from one verse of the Bible i will destroy the Disgusting Filthy Peversion that is Racism! Amen and Amen!

This Video will give multiple evidences for The Original Text if the New Testament in Hebrew, I'd also like to recommend that you look up Dr. Al Garza on this topic. God Bless you all in Jesus name! Amen! Check out my other Video Platforms: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKYYxaMJeumh_tUH0tVRD_A Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/YaHWistChrisondomofYisrael https://referral.rumble.com/kRiBqFdwuThFet956 Minds: https://www.minds.com/halleluyahyeshuamashichyhwh/ https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/subscriptions Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8h5AmTuB3M8E/ LBRY: https://lbry.tv/@Yahw%C3%A8hYeshuaismyLordandGod:9 https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@YahwèhYeshuaismyLordandGod:9

In this video I will show several peices of Evidence from multiple Early Greek Sources for the Pronunciation of the name of the God of Israel, YaHWèH!

My cousin told me about a dream he had last night where he met Jesus, touched him, and than showed Jesus to a Crowd of People. It's obvious YaHWèH is Calling him into his Army! Please Pray he accepts Yeshua Jesus as YaHWèH, and His God and Savior! Thank you all. God Bless. Amen!

In this video I'll show you guys further evidence for God as the Messiah and How it links to YaHWèHas Adonayik in Isaiah 51:22 and the Messiah as Adonayik in Psalm 45:10

I looked all over Rumble. Nobody is reading the Bible in Hebrew on Rumble AT ALL! I think I'm the first one. If anybody else would like to Join me please come check it out!

Psalm 1 in Biblical Hebrew

In my Hebrew Tanakh Old Testament and Brit Ha Chadesha New Testament based on the Greek Textus Receptus, we look at the words רב חסד ואמת
Ravi Hhesed We'Ammet!

This is the first day of creation in Hebrew.

שלום In this video I explain some things I've learned about the name of YaH Most High! ברוך הוא Blessed Is He! We will also see a Messianic Prophecy with in the four letters of the Tetragram Itself! God Bless You all Amen!

In this video I give a couple examples of the Holy Trinity in Deuteronomy 6:4 $ 5

Bernell Trammell was shot in the back for being a dread lock wearing Universal Salvation Black Hebrew Israelite Trump Supporter

In this video, we will explore the text of Isaiah 54:5 and examine two Plural Titles used for יהוה YAHWÈH! Osayik and Voalayik. עשיך and בעליך. Shalom! And God Bless you All!

Psalm 45:7 and 8 say therefore, O God, your God Anointed you with the oil of gladness", but what does this mean exactly? We know that the Hebrew word for Messiah (Mashiach משיח) means Anointed One! Let's see if the Hebrew Scriptures can shine some light on this subject for us!

Please beloved Family in Christ. Help me spread the Gospel of Christ by Glorifying Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Also help me enlighten our Christian family to find our roots as Jews who worshipped a Jewish GodMan in Israel! May YaHWèH Yeshua bless you all! Amen!

We will be exploring all three sections of the Hebrew Tanakh Old Testament. The Torah, Prophets, and Writings. In all three I will show Jesus Christ called God and YaHWèH by name in the Hebrew Scriptures! I hope you guys enjoy the teaching and spread the Truth Of Jesus Christ as the Creator, God, and Savior of the Universe!

The Hebrew version of the New Testament uses several Titles of Deity exclusive to YaHWèH Most High; the God of Israel; in the Hebrew Tanakh Old Testament

This is a video that will be the first of many to prove the Doctrine of the Trinity.

Jesus Christ in his Revelation to John Claimed to be the First and the Last and the First and Last Letters of the Greek alphabet. What if he spoke Hebrew and claimed to be the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet? After all Yeshua was Jewish. A quick exegesis of Revelation 1:8 and 22:13 as Well as the very first verse if the Bible will Hopefully shed some light on this. YAHWÈH Willing!


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

21 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Shalom Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ our Savior! I hope you enjoy the theological and exegetical content I plan to post. I plan to prove the Doctrine of the Trinity, Jesus Christ as Divine, the Jewish roots of Christianity, and much more. YaHWèH Willing we will all Learn and Grow in our Faith together. Amen!