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Created 5 months, 4 weeks ago.

160 videos

Category None

This is a Political & Social Commentary Channel for Revolutionary Leftists, your right to seeking catharsis to release repressed negative emotions caused by Corporate America's system, has been denied through the fake friendly mask of formality, and to have an outlet for your independent thinking, inner feelings, and ideas, your life has no purpose beyond producing profits for someone else's company/capital ownership in a soul drained existence as a worker bee, the people around you are empty, hollow, apathetic, and exploitative psychopaths who see you as an enemy to be at odds with, & a thing to use and abuse & discarded when no longer useful, everything that is wrong in Corporate America in terms of its workplaces, corruption, unjust laws, racism, austerity, self serving government, & it's society with it's sociopathic values, stigmas, & societal norms

We speak in a direct, uncensored, no virtue signalling, & in a brutally honest fashion with zero formal speaking