LMOW Checkmate-The-Final-Move

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LMOW Checkmate-The-Final-Move

LMOW Checkmate-The-Final-Move


I will be making my rounds, if you are talking this sprinkle sprinkle, I have money, but I have special skills that I have acquired over the years makes me a valuable creator.
If you are talking sprinkle sprinkle, I will find you, and I will make verses out of you.

That was actually similar to the movie TAKEN, LOL. Drizzle Drizzle

Triple D
No Date
No Dinner
No drinks

just testing the water

I thought about this decision and my only conclusion was to move forward with what needs to get done. It has been a interesting run on this channel and I wish you guys in the manosphere all the best. It's time to explore other things, we all know the FeFails nature so there is really nothing else to say about it. Except be careful of their natural instinct.

If you have no logic or understanding of something so simple..you may not want to listen to what I have to say. Hope you guys are doing well with this screwed up situation in America.

I mentioned in several of my vids months ago to stop following and allowing that one TROLL into the Mgtow manosphere. I guess my words fell on deaf ears. This is the time for the manosphere to make up your mine, once and for all. Is the troll more important than what you have been through with FEFAILS?

Lie and blame men, never pointing out the outcast fefails that do the exact things she talk about.

It was never going to WIN, no W@men Stank Vag as President.

Let's talk about a few subjects.

They never uploaded this vid, WTF?

No one wants to see crap made by CRAP!!!!!!!

Well, fellas, it was decent while it lasted,

My Bitchute is: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/W6ndriGb1qNP/
I use the word Feminist so much, I am likely to be Banned.

Don't allow women to think you are going to be her man child. Next year is your year to buckle down and make things happen for yourself men. Females are not going to change any time soon, so you have to focus on number one. That is yourself.

If You are a Good Pup they (Wimmin) will tell you what to buy them and where to buy it. Don't spend your resources on fefails for acting badly. #Boycottwomenandchristmas.

Real men care about their life and well being instead of caring about a useless Thing called a WAHMAN.

Your Wallet your spending choice. Buy what you want, spend nothing on WOMEN.

24/7, 365 days a year wimmen are out to Mate

Just something I put together so you all will not forget

Just another reminder to men around the world, don't be stupid and start buying these WHORISH WIMMEN for their BAD, DISGUSTING, TREACHEROUS, DIABOLICAL BEHAVIOR. Drain the SWAMP of these FEMINIST THINGS. NO apologies, no smiles, no opening doors, no marriage, no cohabitating, no having babies with the WITCHES of destruction.

This Stuped Cow is one of the WORST Things that was Bred, society will soon get rid of these type of Diseases. Her-pes infested SCUM Wimmin. Their mouth are the main virus that needs to be SHUT permanently.

Excuse the popping in the vid guys, sorry.

Feminist complain about the way men sit naturally, but they want to continue to be the HYPOCRITES that they are. Stupid BE - OUCHES

The Crypt keepers will keep you in the Burial place which is that Relationcrypt or Fake Marriage.

I was just minding my own business and a Feminist Thing commented on one of my vids. I blocked that THING because they are scary..so I made this for the Feminist Thing. Feminist Stay out of my space, if you have a VAG you are a FEFAIL period.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

90 videos

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