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The Man In The Arena

There were a fair number of very interesting things that were revealed in the trial. The damage to the soldiers, PTSD and moral damage because of the positions they’re put in etc. The Apple podcast covers that one excellently. There was a period in there where they were asked what would happen to the detainee they were working on after they fixed him up. Well, they’d turn him over to the Iraqis. They’d torture him and so on. The defense attorney asked them if they could hear all of that since they were in the same building as them. They said yes, the screams and sometimes the gunshot. That right there is why the first thing they did was put him under upon arrival. There were comments about nursing him to death. Why would they do that? It saved him from pointless torture at the hands of the Iraqis. When asked why he had been on the side of ISIS he told them it was for the money. They weren’t looking at a radicalized Islamist. It was a mercy killing. They said torture is a wasted effort and the information you get is useless. That’s moral damage right there.

When practicing for a deployment they get put through rigorous moral and ethical dilemma scenarios. One that was discussed with Gallagher was, you run into a room and an ISIS fighter kills four SEALs and throws his weapon out the window and surrenders, what do you do? My answer is the same as his was. Kill him. That’s a tactical move that will remove you and at least one other from the fight while others are maneuvering for a new attack. It weaponizes your moral standpoint against you. In Vietnam they preferred to injure our soldiers because you injure one and three are tasked to take care of that one. It is a game of attrition. Like I said in the video listen to Teddy Roosevelt’s speech...all of it.

How bout that Crenshaw.

This is the full speech from Theodore Roosevelt April 23 1910 “The Right of the People To Rule” or “Citizenship in a Republic” as read by pocket 83

This is the link to JFK using the man in the arena.

The line apple podcast

This guy covered the fight quite nicely. David Goggins vs Dan Crenshaw

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Why Eye Patch McCain?

Dan Crenshaw is one of those people that really amazes me. When it comes to the 2020 election he was even part of the Texas legal challenge to the 2020 last minute election changes in five states. He is all over the map on all kinds of issues but steady on one thing, making political hay. As I looked into all of this when he went after Tucker Carlson for the interview he did with a Christian priest in the West Bank I discovered he was far worse than I had ever imagined. I hate to say it but I kind of feel like he worked for this insult really hard. As I looked into all of this I went down the rabbit hole of the Eddie Gallagher trial and really got to know Dan Crenshaw. Here is some of what I dug up. I’ll be adding a video regarding the trial in a little bit.

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The Enemies Inside the Gates

As I was working this video I realized I had forgotten Tom Daschle’s name as I discussed Lieberman and the Patriot Act. While seeking that, I ran across something else that was noteworthy. There was a commentary on Lieberman in ‘The Nation’ It is a progressive parrot cage liner that was started in 1885. After Abraham Lincoln the first Republican president took away the slaves, they apparently decided to move on to enslaving all of us. That is what progressives are all about. Tyranny with a smiley face. The article was called ‘Joe Lieberman and the Venality of Elite Bipartisanship’ It was obvious that they only like it when they can use RINOs like McCain and Romney to name a couple. They put that article out before the ink was dry on Lieberman’s obituary.

In this video I discuss the possibility of Tulsi Gabbard as Trumps VP choice. It would be a brilliant move. Also discussed is the 4th arm of the government that shouldn’t exist the bureaucrats! Eric Prince of Blackwater and Tulsi Gabbard are in this.

The links I have in this video won't be supported here. You can find them at the read more portion at the link below.

The rest of the links that go with this article are at this site in the see more section. Not all of them would fit up here and there's no way to add new links here.

Cold War Ends? Turn Up The Heat

Having grown up during the cold war I have been floored by some of the rhetoric out of numerous people who didn’t. What I have learned from this is how poorly modern history is taught. John F. Kennedy did several speeches that made Russia pay attention. Nikita Kruschev actually played one of them on their networks. It made the point that we are in a new era where war is pointless. I remember houses that had built in bomb shelters and break out walls so you could dig out afterwards. Russia has amazing resources and I suspect that is what makes some over here unwilling to align with them. Never mind the fact that it was Russia that kept France and England from entering our Civil War. After Lincoln was assassinated the only way, we could pay them for helping us was to buy some useless land from them. It was called Sewards’ folly, and that useless land by the way is Alaska.

This an informative video with links that helps to explain how we got here.

This is the link to the full video I started with a clip of.

Here is the link to Cresson Kearny’s Nuclear War Survival Skills. Read it.

Scott Ritter on Ukraine and Putin


The main act was AC DC here is one of the better parts. It was towards the end. It was a celebration. The cold war was over. Bill Clinton took a whizz on it and started heating it up.

This was the full line up.

This is the vigil that was held in Moscow that the people are talking about. It was August 19th, 1991, the concert was September 28th about 6 weeks later.

CCP sucks murder vans this video puts on display that which the CCP never wanted you to see and that’s why I’m spreading this as well.

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The Many Faces of Our Dilemma

In a nutshell Biden did what he said he was going to do, and I already covered that. In 2017 he said we have to have a steady stream of immigrants. I turned that into a GIF I like to sling at them.
The first thing he did when he got into office was create a branch for government funded immigration where people could sponsor immigrants. Here’s the link.

This is mostly about shifting the demographics for the next election, but there’s something darker beyond that. Republican Scott Bottoms of Colorado’s House of representatives discussed it in very clear terms. Yeah, it’s pretty rough and hard to look at. We have to be able to look at things like that however because it has to be dealt with. There is no way around that. Watch the Movie ‘The Sound of Freedom’.

The links that are imaged but not live at the back of the video, lead to Telegram, which is a Russian platform. I don’t use it, but a lot of people do. I noticed a link to Q and as I suspected, it tied back to Telegram also. Q has always been something I’ve stayed clear of. It appeared to me to be a redo of the Bolsheviks ‘Trust the Plan’. It was a psyop that got everyone to calm down and wait to get their butts kicked. The wording of the Q drops reminded me of the specificity always passed on by fortune cookies.

What do I think this is all about? A good battle strategy generates chaos on your enemy and that is happening right now. Because you’ve generated the chaos you’ve usually planned out the options that will open up. That woman in the video from Colorado makes a good point. Where’s the money going to come from to pay for this. Biden and company don’t care. Money is not a problem if you’re intentionally ruining the currency as you go. I can almost see them shutting off the cash just before the election in order to have to save the country because of the new riots. I’ve noticed that all of their problems lead to new correct what they just caused. It has been said many times that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are a lot of well-meaning idiots that are adding to the problem and they’re so giddy from the dopamine hits created by the virtue signaling they can’t imagine what’s coming.

Make this one trend folks!

Taylor Not So Swift

“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
This quote from Macbeth is quite the description of our current news and entertainment industry. Rarely these days do they impart anything that enriches or teaches something of use. Anytime there is a person who rises above the rest, they unfortunately find themselves surrounded by the likes of Wormtongue, of LOTR fame. He is the archetype of our current media’s slave holders.

Greek theater had a purpose in Athens, all would gather and learn and relearn and discuss philosophy. Rich and poor alike. There was a time when we had that. We healed old wounds and began to move forward together. We were sold out to insanity and social media likes. This was done for the purpose of moving us backward. Someone recognized that like riches, guilt can be inherited and passed down through generations. The media had been turned to that purpose. Fortunately that is slowly being turned around again.

What was the purpose behind that? Take a look at any radicalized leftist and you’ll see a self loathing person who has been twisted by these forces. They are the modern day Orcs. Have you ever really known a person that is driven by guilt and self loathing? They can be convinced to do just about anything in an attempt to redeem themselves. Our mass media was turned to that purpose. All of the real talent got run off and fortunately rehired intp safer companies. “Support what supports you and leave everything else behind.” Is finally taking hold again.

Hopefully Taylor and company will wake up again one day. Their historical knowledge has been subverted by hysterical knowledge. They’re caught in the vortex above the drain.

Bidens E0 is on this page and you can see where all of this illegal immigration is coming from and by the way it’s still illegal. This is the left trying to backfill for the people that got fed up with corruption and moved away. Read it with an eye towards what I said above. Guilt is powerful.

Boycott anything Mexican

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Obama Todays Pisistratus

If you don’t know what a Community Organizer is I have links to Amazon to buy the books and learn. Once you do read them what Obama does starts to make sense. You also come to an understanding of how infantile they really are. Don’t believe me read it and understand. I laughed when he first got into office because he was clueless as to how it looks when you punch down. He suddenly realized it was our turn to punch up. The Tea Party was born.

Saul Alinsky Books
Rules for Radicals

Reveille for Radicals

What’s Behind Biden’s Border Con

This is an Obama attempt to seize power. Numerous elements were laid out early on. Don’t forget one of the most frequent visitors to the Obama White House back when it was known as The Crib was none other than George Soros. He has grown rich tanking economies and wrecking countries. Putin declared him an economic terrorist with reason. The exploding trans movement has it’s roots in Obamacare. In the next video I’ll be discussing 1968 because that’s the pattern Obama is trying to emulate. The riots we saw here also appeared as Obama went underground after Hillary lost. He vanished for a while. There will be riots in Chicago again and it will be the illegals Obama has convinced Biden to allow in. Biden is a shell the warped psyche behind him can only be Obama and that’s because of the obvious continuation of his policies. Then there was also that Steve Colbert moment where Barak said he’d love to run the country from his basement in his sweats. That statement was made on November 30, 2020. You can see it right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnf9T_X3LfA

Ukraine on Fire By Oliver Stone

The Hot Zone With Chuck Holton
Episode 790 - Building Bridges in the Darien

These guys traveled the Darian Gap took the train of death and were kidknapped by a cartel.

This is an excellant expose of what goes on with both sides of the border. It also has some interesting discussions regarding politicians on both sides as well.

Obama’s 4th Term Derailed

Davos got to hear a lot of truth and I doubt they liked it. The illegal immigration has truly ticked off the masses in Chicago. I saw one black man really blowing off some steam. He said that 500 illegals if allowed to vote would neutralize their voting block. Welcome to the real world buddy. This is what leftwingers do. Once they’ve used you up they move on to the next victim. They’re about to lose control of politicians that already ignore them. What they don’t realize is that they’ve set themselves up for quite a mess. In 1968 there were massive riots in Chicago. As Mark Twain said “History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes.” Once again the left has whipped up some fire and it’s going to go off on them again. This riot will be about Gaza. In London the BLM protestors in many cases have converted to Islam. This will be a huge surprise to the left. To the rest of us who pay attention it was expected. There have been a few exciting evenings at the White House lately with Palestinian supporters that look strangely like ANTIFA and BLM rattling the fences there. By the time we get to summer heat and the convention it’s going to be glowing plasma white.
There is a continuous testing of the waters, I suspect looking for reactions. One ‘Black Swan’ They mention is some kind of terrorist attack, or an EMP solar event. Charles Sykes comments leaned towards the events of 68 with two assassinations. They’re probably tracking responses to these mentions. The only response they’ll get out of me is. We will see how people will react won’t we. Right now everybody in a position where honesty is a requirement seems to be a liar. That’s a formula for disaster.
Obama is probably feeling a little depressed as he watches his 4th term slip away. He worked so hard to sow the seeds of division and the only place they took was in Blue Hives. Bummer! I’m sure he can be comforted by Steve Colbert. That’s quite the Bromance there.

Javier schools WEF

This is the Heritage Foundation speech at the WEF at the end you can get the links to the platforms this news site is on.

Love is in the air regarding Biden

2024 Let Fall The Sword of Damocles

We are at a point where we have to act. What has occurred at the border is a crime and it is intentional. The left has pressed hard to ruin our nation from the inside. I am no longer surprised by much of anything. Our colleges have become mental sewers from which the rot grows. I watch some of the leftists speak and realize that you have to have a degree these days to think that wrongly. My father and I were discussing that one day and I told him that a degree had been cheapened to nothing more than an initiation. It is a right of passage through which all must pass or those who did it before would not feel they had spent their time well. Sadly it had metastasized into something different. I was reminded of a friend many years before that had joined a fraternity. His initiation rite was a riot. He and others stood naked before the other members. On one side of the room was a chair with a stem ware glass with a martini on it. On the other side was a block of ice with one olive on it for each pledge. They had to go to their block of ice, pick up the olive with their butt cheeks and carry it across the room drop it in the glass and then drink it. That is what they have turned education into. It’s a shame. But that started years ago. Hard sciences things like that, math etc are still worth the trouble but the rest of it is just a martini you don’t really want to drink unless you’re simply trying to fit in.



J6th Truth Will Bury the Leftist Media

What we witnessed from the start with Trump was an attempt to usurp the will of the people.
Epoch Times has a deep dive into the January 6th incident. There will be much more to come out regarding all of this over time. I view the January 6th commission put together by Pelosi as a cover up. Right now through December 31 you can watch their first installment on this investigation. It is worth it to watch. I was impressed to see that Ashli Babbit punched the idiot that was breaking windows. That was moments before she was shot. When Jayden X released his video on youtube chronicling his time inside the J6 tour I recorded and saved it. He hadn’t been charged with anything yet. I knew that video would change once he was charged. It did. I knew there was something very wrong when Sikniks death was the subject of a lie and that lie was that he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. That funeral fraud with Schumer and Pelosi just ticked me off. But it was quite informative. It was done in order to raise peoples emotions and it was a lie. Propagandists use emotions to make people quit thinking so they can be manipulated. I’ve gotten to the point where when I hear the Siknik extinguisher line out of somebody’s mouth I know I’m talking to somebody that is clueless and disinterested in the real world. I move on quickly.

Here is an open source group trying to ID the various players that have not been ignored so much as actively hidden it seems.

Illegal Immigration
What I have below here is very interesting from the standpoint of a document that gets poo pooed by the left a lot. It was George Washington’s vision. What I find interesting is that it is playing out right now. So believe it or not as far as the poo pooed document is concerned, it kind of turns out to apparently not be BS like the 2020 Biden election win.
My video on George Washington’s Vision
Rumble link https://rumble.com/v2mpx5m-george-washingtons-vision-at-valley-forge.html
Twitter Link https://twitter.com/Richard84382185/status/1739346111171633550
Zerohedge article on NGO’s Apparently we need to do something legally about NGO’s

I have discussed NGO’s quite a few times. They’re the organizations behind election law changes, land grabs and a bunch of other problems. Most of them seem to be Trojan Horses. Time to send them to the glue factory.

Cuckoldorado SCOTUS J6

What the Colorado State Supreme Court just did is typical Kangaroo court stupidity. The adults in Colorado better start voting again. This is what the left had become. Anybody that identifies as a Democrat is outing themselves as an Armadillo. That great and wonderful Lemming of the prairie. Unlike a lemming however they avoid cliffs and large bodies of water. They play on the highway and rather than duck like most animals they jump into the air and take out your grill, radiator and it’s a mess. Anybody cheering this doesn’t care about the rule of law.

Here are links to what Tarik Johnson has put up so far.








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The moment Trump got into office WaPo said the impeachment starts today. Then, as now, the entire focus of the democrat party has been about keeping him out of office and off of the ballot. They ran on impeaching him and then after he was gone they impeached him illegally again. That’s not even a thing legally speaking. It was just a Pelosi tantrum. Now we have DA’s that ran on screwing Trump in court to keep him off of the ballot or choke his businesses down. They have noting positive to offer. They’re really just a bunch of ass hats with nothing intelligent to do. They make all kinds of promises and it’s always the same ones. Doesn’t anyone on the left pay attention to anything? How do they keep getting voted back in. I think we know the true answer to that one.

Here is the script I made for this video. This was the first really hard one I did and I usually don’t have much time to take a video to this level, the sound was a little heavy in a few places and although I can hear it, not everyone else can. I had a lot of fun writing this so here it is.

Granddaughter: How did it come to all of ths grandpa?

Grandpa: The greatest victory of all for evil was the battle unrecognized. The principality of lies mocked even it’s own existence. What began as a whisper ended in a crescendo of unwitting silence. Lurking in the shadows of obscurity once again it renewed it’s conquest. Because a good job required a college degree, the next wave waited patiently for the sign. Finally Antonio Gramscii’s long march on our institutions began. In the aftermath there were many false eruditions by smaller minds caught up in personalities rather than driving historical forces and patterns. They argued it wasn’t Gramscii but possibly Hegel or others. Those who wanted to deceive parroted their words. What they missed was the creeping change from education to indoctrination. As a diversion the information highway or internet entered the public domain. Social networks became divisive wedges in families no matter where you went in there you found predatory personalities trying to find a spouse and they didn’t care who’s it was. Psychotics formed cults to spread lies simply because they enjoyed the power to create mayhem. The misfits united becoming the sowers of chaos, division and eroticism. The prince of lies tested the waters. The coveted Nobel prize was given to someone who was but a facade. The response to this travesty was crushed as hateful. Darkness crept forward unnoticed, tendrils gaining purchase on levers of power, slowly consolidating it’s gain. Eleven years later a young scientist discovered a bacteria that can reduce plastic to a harmless mush and was overlooked as a recipient for the Nobel prize for a young boat girl pontificating about the environment while her handlers blew several lifetime of carbon allotments each just to assist her. It too was a lie. Again the angry reaction was crushed as hateful. It was time.

Our Political Adversaries Are Actually Stupid

Keep in mind that stupid also means dangerous. It is difficult for a normal person to guess what an idiot will do next. Keep in mind they’re pretty damn cornered too. They have painted themselves into a corner and everybody, even their base has started to notice.

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is just like her mommy... so stupid.

This is the link to Tarik Johnson’s X channel where he will be releasing 12 hours of radio traffic that proves J 6 was a set up. He was a Capital Police officer during J 6.

Link to the Megyn Kelly

Here is the full interview with Elon on X.

Tik Tok in Panic Mode
(The Daily Wire Returns Fire)

What do the antics of Greta and the trans movement have in common? It is all about upending the order of our society. Make note of the fact that she gets cheers from the UN for scolding them. It’s because she’s doing their work for them. She’s really lecturing us. Her parents have to be the worst too. I can’t think of a way to say this, but it reminds me of Michael Jackson’s parents who it appears to me to just used him for financial gain. Other than propagandize for the leftists what do her parents really do? I ask a serious question here. Can she scowl like that and moon walk?

I love the way Jeremy Boreing flips the script in here.


They have a lot of great content over there.


Argentina Ousts A Socialist

Javier will be interesting to watch. I was watching him for a while nd he looked pretty good. We will see. At the end you can see he’s on the same page was we are. We need to do this here. The Blue Anon Slumericans here need to be corrected since self correction seems to be off the table with them. We are already on track to fix a lot of things. Argentina didn’t have quite the constitution we do so they had a harder fight. As I said in the last video ‘Rising Above the Slumericans’ we are generating a parallel economy and that includes entertainment and news.

Rising Above the Slumericans

American politics is a contact sport. People who choose to stay on the sidelines are the dummies you see on TV getting the baseball up the side of their heads. A new world is growing as the old one jumps off of the cliff. You can help build the new world by openly stating your opinions and by feeding that which is good as opposed to that which is rotten. We’re in an interesting place where many of us get to see how our system does work. You just have to not give up. Rebuild the nuclear family. Get old and buy a farm. Next generation takes over the farm when parents are too old to handle it and rather than wasting money on managed care facilities, they take care of their parents and let their children do the same for them when it’s time. It worked for centuries. Let’s get back to that. The parents can be feeding their children’s families with high quality food until they can’t. It’s not really a carrot and stick routine like they do with corporations. It’s paying it forwards and back. Like I told one person who was going to work for a large corporation, “That’s not a carrot. It’s a trick. They just painted something else orange. Don’t fall for it.”

Here is the link to the whole Snow White preview by Daily Wire

Here is the link to the teaser for The Pendragon Cycle

As you can see they are not screwing around. They are taking it all the way.

Here is Brett Cooper’s short that I used.
This is her channel on YT

Babylon Bee with a book ad. Use the ad clip in video.

Oops Georgia case may be in a lot of trouble now. They found an honest judge.

As I said two weeks ago what happened in Gaza is just the start. The Screw Israel protests are metastasizing into something very familiar. I have a few video clips from strangely and familiarly enough, Minneapolis. You remember right? The epicenter of vacuous liberals having milk poured in their faces as they apologized for being born white and the privilege that came with it. There were two groups that worked in tandem. BLM and ANTIFA. All of their antics were smeared on Trump and the pansies begged it to stop. They blamed Trump for all of it the entire time. That fueled the insidious idiots of the media to move from the disproved Russia gate lie to the next one. It was a relentless barrage of moronic lies and many wanted it to stop so they blamed the victim. That guy is gone from office now. Now they’re trying to lawfare him to death and they’re still spooling up the next summer of hate for us right before our eyes. The UN and WEF were strapped into many of the NGO’s that helped bring all of these budding rocket scientists and neurosurgeons to our shores. How many rioters are going to be arrested and deported during this up coming Color Revolution? Not one... just like last time. Covid is on the ropes these days. But those who used it to change laws and cheat in the 2020 election are still kicking. This is all going to get much much more interestinger.

Gays for Gaza travel vid

Obama meddled in Israeli elections but the people gave him the finger. Obama was really pushing to get his deeply flawed nuke agreement. Obama also killed a huge investigation into Irans involvement in drug and human trafficking. Anything to get that much vaunted legacy.

In this TIME article about the 2020 election you can read about who controlled the rioters. They had plans but didn’t need them. Actually what they don’t say because it hadn’t happened yet was the ANTIFA was present on J6 and did what they always do.


10/07/ 23 Hamas Attack Is Just The Start
(October Surprise)

As I discuss in the video our administration has pushed our enemies into each others arms. A really stupid move by the way. Here we are however. On October 8th in NY there will be a gathering of the Aints to support the Palestinian cause. This will cause further fractures to occur in our national fabric. That is not an accident. China and Russia back Iran and Iran backs Hamas. There have been factions metastasizing over here for many years. There were benign organizations in the Hispanic community that were taken over by communist radicals many years ago. This will give us all a glimpse of their reach at this point. We will get to see who has been let into our country with the planned open borders disaster. Brace for impact!

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DNC’s China Syndrome and Uncle Joe’s Open Borders

In here I lay out how it was the DNC candidates and presidents that laid the groundwork for allowing China into our back yard. It’s been nothing but fun ever since. The links below are to videos that deal with The DNC’s love affair with China as well as the immigrant crisis. Do you know how we managed to take Florida from Spain? We sent our worst there until they fled because it was unmanageable.
The text part of this is rather large. You can find it over here on this link.

Let’s do our own reset instead

Thomas Jefferson was correct. Cities become sewers of corruption. Just look at the blue hive crime centers with their apparently state approved crime sprees. Flee the cites start a permaculture farm and get healthy again. You’ll be stunned at how much happier you are when you are active and productive.

Permaculture links
This will give you a great overview of the subject. There are a ton of channels on all platforms that deal with this. https://www.youtube.com/@DiscoverPermaculture


Tempest in a Tea Pot? Adapt or Fail!


Back to the great reset and the struggle for liberty book. In the middle it’s a pile of UN and WEF population control it’s insane and the reason the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed and removed. What are they reacting to? Well here it is.

An ice age termination event may very well be in progress. This is a long term event. 12/21/2012 marked the top of the cycle. The planet continues it’s wobble which takes 26,500 years approximately to return to the same point. That is the duration of the Mayan long count calendar. During our winter up here in the north we are closest to or pointing at the sun. Half of the way through this cycle 13,250 years or so it will be the opposite. The last glacier melt began 12,000 years ago. What is occurring right now is that the southern part of the globe is cooking up real nice and that creates rotting vegetation etc. From that you get methane. Methane is 80 times more warming than CO2. What is happening right now is natural. These dunces are going to try to play the role of that little Dutch boy by sticking a finger in the dike. There’s a reason they’re going after cattle and saying it’s about the farts. Cattle are a high protein food source, and this is about Population control.

The written part of the video can be found at the link below. I add occasional links to the written part at that location.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

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