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Our monetary system - Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns about the new "passports".

This video was taken down from youtube. My my, they certainly are getting sensitive! Nothing too controversial here for those who have been paying attention but it is very well explained. It was on "The Irish Inquiry" youtube channel (

A must watch!!

G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd, who was the congressional Director of Research for the Reece Committee, 1953-1954. In 1953, Congress tasked Rep. Carroll Reece with establishing and directing a congressional investigative committee to investigate the activities of the major Wall Street tax-exempt foundations – Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller – on the ground of suspicions of subversion.

The Reece Committee was thus created. The Committee's investigation involved numerous interviews and the thorough study of these foundations' private records, on site. It determined the foundations' activities to be unamerican and subversive, and to consist of the use of propaganda, influence and grant making power to control the channels of social influence (media, advertising, etc.) and, thus, public opinion, but also to control education, and to infiltrate institutions and co-opt nexuses of power.

A key aspect in all this was the debasement of education and its transformation into a vehicle of indoctrination. Also essential, the use of social influence and institutional power to advance socialist legislation and globalist policies, as well as to bring about the incremental destitution of Congress (it being the truly representative body of government) – and the simultaneous empowerment of the executive branch towards semi-autocratic standards. After all, it’s easier to run the government when most power is concentrated in the executive, and you covertly run the executive, and the president, from behind the scenes.

The declared aim was to create a silent, non-bloody revolution in the United States.

The purpose was also, ostensibly, to degrade and debase the population to make them more manageable and controllable. If you're debased and dissolute you won't care about the takeover of society, won't stand for principle, and won't join with others to fix stuff. You will, in fact, help take down the fabric of society by means of inept, degraded interpersonal behavior. Also, if the focus of your concerns is whether you feel good, special and cool, have nice things for yourself, etc., then you're easily controlled by those who have the power to either give you candy, or to chastise and punish you. You're fit for social control, and that's what these foundation characters knew.

Yet, there was more. As Rowan Gaither, the director of the Ford Foundation, explained to Norman Dodd: «All of us here have at one time or another served in the OSS [the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA], or the European Economic Administration, operating under directives from the White House. We [still] operate under those same directives. The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we should use our grant making power to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union».

The “merger of the United States with the Soviet Union” Gaither alludes to occurs at two levels. First, it refers to merging capitalist democracy with the paradigm of the socialist controlled society to create a form of technocratic, corporate fascism – what we've gradually been going into for the last decades, pace now speeding big time. But it also refers to what has since become known as “convergence”: to literally converge the U.S. and the Soviet Union (along with the rest of the world) into a standardized system of world governance, one that will eventually be run by a socialist world government (on behalf of a high oligarchic elite).

Read the Reece Committee Report. Go to​, type in “reece committee” in the search box, and you'll get the links for the Report pdf files (each pdf contains a section of the Report).

In addition to this interview, you should also read Professor Carroll Quigley’s writings, “Tragedy and Hope” and “The Anglo-American Establishment”. Professor Quigley, being somewhat of an in-house historian for the old Anglo-American aristocratic and mercantile dynasties that run the U.S. (what may loosely be termed the Establishment), describes their agenda for the world, whom he personally advocated. He also describes their vast institutional and organizational networks, extending from finance banking to commercial banking, and then to industry, to politics and to civil society – and including the big Wall Street foundations. He lets you know how these networks are organized to fulfill the general oligarchical policies and agendas that emanate from Establishment circles. Everything Norman Dodd mentions in this interview is validated in Professor Quigley’s books.

You should also read Charlotte Iserbyt’s work on the foundations’ role on the debasement of education. Charlotte was Senior Policy Advisor for the Department of Education under Reagan and is an accomplished author on the use of education and the social sciences to subvert and degrade populations. Her essential bestseller is “The Deliberate Dumbing

Pfizer's abusive vaccine deals
WION is an international English language news-based pay television channel in India that is owned by Essel Group. It is part of the Zee Media network of channels. The channel reports global news and issues. Its website was launched on 15 June 2016 and the TV channel on 15 August 2016 as a free-to-air satellite service in many countries
Pfizer has become a terror. The US pharma company is reportedly asking for military bases and sovereign assets as guarantee for vaccines. Palki S Upadhyay has the details.
WION is an international English language news-based pay television channel in India that is owned by Essel Group. It is part of the Zee Media network of channels. The channel reports global news and issues. Its website was launched on 15 June 2016 and the TV channel on 15 August 2016 as a free-to-air satellite service in many countries

UPDATE 16 Jan US Time: She just posted this on her FB, I ten to believe er and not the people saying she's faking -
"Hey y’all....... I’m going to try to go live later today and show you my progress as my movements have slowed down tremendously!!! but it’s been a pretty rough day! I feel absolutely awful weak fatigued. Every cm of my body is at a 10 in pain level! The treatment is helping but my lands it’s costly! I can’t thank you enough for the donations helping me obtain these treatments! Many questions from some that want proof of my job proof of my vaccine so here is a post just a little of I am....."

Yes, I know is could be a scam to get donations, I'll check what else she has posted on her page. You can too, she makes it public so far - Shawn Skelton.

UPDATE: This may be fake. The jury is out. If so I expect she will be exposed. She will stop making any updates on her FB page public, etc. I will update the description again if we get more info either way.

VIDEO #2 - See also the other one!
January 14, 2021
Description from –
Two videos which may not last censorship … know the risks (which are clearly not being told to people) before you make your informed choice about being vaccinated. This dear woman has made this public in order to warn people, hear her speak for herself in the second video … EWR
“If you are considering the vaccine for covid….. the MODERNA…. I would advise against it! I’m in bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I’m not getting help or answers! I’m scared to death to say the least! And to find someone willing to attempt to figure this out hasn’t been very successful! I went to 2 hospitals today, walked out of deaconess and went to St Vincent. No answers there either. They say let’s see a neurologist (who knows when they can see me) yesterday my tongue began to spasm and it hasn’t quit. Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home!! I’m posting 2 videos that are quite embarrassing if you know me but I want you to see what’s happening to me! Just please pray for me.”

UPDATE 16 Jan 2021 US Time: She just posted this on her FB, I ten to believe er and not the people saying she's faking -
"Hey y’all....... I’m going to try to go live later today and show you my progress as my movements have slowed down tremendously!!! but it’s been a pretty rough day! I feel absolutely awful weak fatigued. Every cm of my body is at a 10 in pain level! The treatment is helping but my lands it’s costly! I can’t thank you enough for the donations helping me obtain these treatments! Many questions from some that want proof of my job proof of my vaccine so here is a post just a little of I am....."

Yes, I know is could be a scam to get donations, I'll check what else she has posted on her page. You can too, she makes it public so far - Shawn Skelton.

UPDATE: This may be fake. The jury is out. If so I expect she will be exposed. She will stop making any updates on her FB page public, etc. I will update the description again if we get more info either way.

This is video 1, see also the other video!
Observe what has happened to a woman who received the Moderna vax for CV
January 14, 2021
Description from –
Two videos which may not last censorship … know the risks (which are clearly not being told to people) before you make your informed choice about being vaccinated. This dear woman has made this public in order to warn people, hear her speak for herself in the second video … EWR
“If you are considering the vaccine for covid….. the MODERNA…. I would advise against it! I’m in bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I’m not getting help or answers! I’m scared to death to say the least! And to find someone willing to attempt to figure this out hasn’t been very successful! I went to 2 hospitals today, walked out of deaconess and went to St Vincent. No answers there either. They say let’s see a neurologist (who knows when they can see me) yesterday my tongue began to spasm and it hasn’t quit. Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home!! I’m posting 2 videos that are quite embarrassing if you know me but I want you to see what’s happening to me! Just please pray for me.”

From her Facebook page on 12 January 2021:
home again, still no answers! MRI. Cat Scan are perfect! Doctors are trying to convince me this is a conversion disorder from stress! Am I stressed? Well who in this world doesn’t have stress. Is it coincidental that this happened after the vaccine? I guess anything is possible, but I know I’m a very happy, upbeat person that always has a smile. I would go out of my way to help anyone or just to make them smile! I’m the loud one that do the dumbest things just to make you laugh... And my life was normal before taking the vaccine on Monday! I am not anti vaccine as I have all mine, my kiddos have all of theirs! I’m just a normal person who’s life has been turned upside down and I’m left here to try and figure this out. Yes I have a place that is willing to detox me, they don’t accept insurance so it’s $1400.00. No idea when I can even go back to work since I can’t stop dancing around! This is so unfair!!!😭 Please just continue to pray! If you don’t believe me that’s ok, but please stop being mean on my post. Instead, I’m always hungry, invite me to dinner and I’ll introduce myself

Update: If you feel like you are going to have a hemorrhage considering Owen's thoughts, see my expanded comment which is a reply to a thoughtful comment below by Iam Translation.

Must listen. Owen Benjamin lays out the case for Trump being part of the completely scripted events from January 6, 2021 and what would then be the massive double cross of all the MAGA Trump Q believing supporters. I am not 100% convinced but the case he makes is compelling. I would bet he is correct at this point (although the fact that the establishment Repubs and Dems despise him make me think there may be some redeeming feature about him that is not with their program. We won’t have long to wait to see if the outcome Owen describes comes true.

Some Owen thoughts:
Politics is hollywood for ugly peoples. There is a script that exists and they cast characters so the audience stays in their seat. That’s it. If john candy was Jack from titanic no one would buy popcorn. Don’t root for system collapse because it feeds a lot of people. But also feel no despair about casting choices. If john candy was Jack the ship would have still sank you just would have laughed instead of cried

Politics is intended to only make your life worse and full of more pain and nonsense. So I’ve learned the best predictions come when you ask “which guy would keep people in a lowered state.” That’s trump. Cuz if Biden gets in the right would be disenfranchised and stop complying to their own enslavement. That’s harder to manage with wealthier rural people than broke people in cities. This is literally how politics works. They have an end game and they need the right puppets to get you to comply. Don’t comply regardless of if Zion don or uncle sniffy gets in.
Also, you know trump is not about saving the children when he doesn’t ban pornhub. The whole Middle East and China have why not trump? He totally could if he wanted to. It’s because he doesn’t give a fuck about sex trafficking.
All good tho, if Zion don comes back for another 4 years of nonsense I’ll enjoy the ride, but uncle sniffy would definitely free a lot more slaves and I’m pretty sure the big nosed fellas in the big house are aware of this obvious fact.

This is a clip of 52:05 to 1:22:00 from Owen’s stream #1036 builders-breakers-pits-pedestals-family-guy-helen keller,

Update: A fair number of folks consider this and the other video Tweet a short time later to be deep fakes.

This is one of the tweets the MSM is scared for you to see. Enjoy. Fits right in with comment #177 on this blog post

BLM and Antifa - Burning buildings, vandalism, assault, and even murder - those are 'protests.'
But these are 'riots.'
And the media is gleeful...

AND this Q Post (comment #180 on the same blog post noted above)

RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

Last time an image I DID NOT upload was the still image, not sure how that happened, trying again.

Owen Benjamin stream from February 2019 that captures some fundamental truth. A recent writer to Owen mentioned how this stream really impacted him so I found I have it and uploading it for your enjoyment. Thank you Owen! check Owen out on his DLive channel - and at (subscription required but very economical at $5/month and loads of various contributor content).

UPDATE 15 Nov 2020 - Official explanation is these were existing test kits that were repurposed (therefore renamed) for the C V. Right, believe it or not.

(Update 5 Sep ,see end of description) This may simply be a bad code exploit as one commenter made before the author took this video down. IF that is the case, that is bad enough as it shows the JOKE LEVEL quality of what world infrastructure is built on. Which all point to the corruption, graft and wasting of money by those that try to be in positions of authority and exercise their will over us in various degrees.

What if it is real though and not an exploit of bad code. The link below still returns this C V 19 tariff for any country with various dates when I uploaded this vid. Try it yourself before it is either “fixed” or taken down. If the link remains active and returning these kinds of results for a long time it lends more credence to it being true but they want to “tell us” by shoving it in our faces in various ways.

A commenter on the video that was pulled said:

"Sadly this is a data error, not a conspiracy. I did a deep dive on this overnight and can provide details. This is what I do. I am 100% against everything that has happened but it is important to understand this is not something to run with. Old code and lazy programming allowing URL easy injections. Definitely a data error and a DBA that needs firing. That code has been in use since at least 2008 and someone just changed the descriptions maybe not realizing the impact to old data. I have piulled down all the site (it is the..."

I asked the creator why she pulled her vid. She is following up with the person quoted above (that is who she references below). She will post a new vid on this soon. She does not believe it is an error/exploit. Once she posts the new vid, I will link to her channel. I suggested she get a Bitchute channel. Her reply:

"I DID contact him via email and messenger as he sent me some crazy information and articles so I left him a message asking him to come on the show. I am waiting for his reply...And now I received another page from the Tariff pages with even more info and numbers also stating 2018 so I will be speaking about it again. I have also sent this link to him as well to discuss. I do not think any of it is just "laziness" like he though but I will be talking to him as soon as he replies. The links he sent me about that don't really say or show anything so we are still puzzled."

Owen Benjamin dishes out the piping hot gravy in his private live stream from Friday 21 August 2020. This is most of it. His message truly puts the lie to the matrix we have been living in. While we may all have a quibble with other perspectives, we are here to learn and move back towards the Logos that only comes from the Creator. Owen helps those that seek with honesty to do that and this stream is an example. He says “I may be wrong but I’m not lying”. That is refreshing when we are so conditioned by listening to actual liars whether well realize it or not. Well worth listening to.

Support Owen on his DLive (not private) channel here:

Support him on UnauthorisedTV here:
(ANY membership on UnauthorisedTV gives you access to everything from all creators).

Yanna from “Israeli News” and “Rise Up Children of God” thinks the radiation is planned deployment of tactical nukes. This makes sense based on what the woman in this video says even though she thinks ii is 5G. Yanna's commentary on this video is here: but she otherwise agrees with this person. The BS law this woman is reading from helps illustrate that so much has been planned.

All these things happening all over the world are not coincidence. If you are here you probably understand that. If you have loved ones that can see a bit of the picture from the vids here and elsewhere, maybe there will be hope for them.

Prepare mentally, physically and above all, spiritually with God to NOT become one of those with the strong delusion that falls away.

Lee D. Merritt, MD illustrates the multiple lies of the current "contagion" and the effective and ineffective counter-measures. How many will walk willingly into the oblivion and eternal damnation of which the current narrative is but the Prince of the Air's current spell?

Tom Barnett guests on Owen Benjamin’s show from 8 August 2020. They discuss the current “contagion” situation, theories of its cause, the legal scam of Admiralty law amd how we have all been taught we are persons, residents, citizens, et cetera ad nauseum. In legal terms, those all have specific meanings which we unwittingly accept by using them. In the literal God given reality, we are all men and women firmly standing on the Earth. It is a confusing and interesting aspect of each of us reclaiming our eternal standing before God to learned use these concepts correctly. Unfortunately it is an area fraught with danger so much research and methodical planning is required to successfully start the process back to being free men and women.

Support Owen on his DLive channel here:

Support him on UnauthorisedTV here:
(ANY membership on UnauthorisedTV gives you access to everything from all creators).

Support Tom Barnett here:

America's Frontline Doctors professional group address C V Misinformation at SCOTUS press conference: More doctors speak out from their direct clinical experience and common medical knowledge that has been suppressed. Clips of this conference are being actively removed by the cowards pulling the strings at YT and FB. These doctors are presenting their reasoned opinions in a calm fashion. Why is the dialog suppressed?

If you want to link to this video oorm your FB page, consider some comments like this for all the snowflakes who might get triggered. Maybe one or two of them will actually think before they react:

FB description:
If this “triggers” you or brings up angry emotions in you, ask yourself why? Isn't this news to be celebrated? If the organization doing the filming bothers you, that is not the point. Think about the information presented. What is wrong with various professionals being able to present their views? These are views the doctors have after working with their patients and from their experience. Do you challenge their experience? Why? Think outside the box. All reasoned views should be allowed to be heard.

Another example of the fear that is felt by those doing the social engineering. Why else the very calm and reasoned discussion by Spiro is BANNED from YOUTUBE? Spiro illustrates his sources so you can confirm this information for yourself.

Support him. His YT channel, while it lasts, is here:

His Bitchute, hopefully much longer for this world is here:

I do not know who Jeremy Elliot is. When I heard this, I knew word must go out. It’s short. It’s clear. It makes the point well.

I tried to find him using internet search (duckduckgo). The first YouTube link I saw (in this video cover pic) was BANNED by the COWARDS at Youtube (as seen in this video cover pic). It probably said similar stuff to this so it is a matter of time before this is gone too from Youtube..

I was shared this link to where it is on youtube:

The channel is “The Jaz MacKay Show”. Go show him some love:

Own Benjamin uses his comedic skills to see through the common narrative and reassess the actions of David and Goliath. Certainly brings some interesting points to the table. He has a lead in setting general background from the current day and ties it all together. He does correct himself as he goes when he realises he made a mistake. Worth listening to if interested in biblical information and for an example of how our view of reality is shaped by the common narrative we have heard all our lives and how taking a different view (a key talent of comedians) to see through the smokescreen can be a worthwhile exercise.


If all a crackpot theory, why is it banned? Must watch and share. Support Daniel if you can, his youtube channel is here:

The projecting pyschopaths must be cowardly which proves the strength of the people if enough wake up. Perhaps that is why this straight forward video was banned due to “Community violations”. Right, while much stuff of terrible detriment to society is actively promoted on Youtube.

The truth is obvious. Share this video and help people take the red pill.

Richie’s Bitchute channel, which does not have this video uploaded at the time of this writing, is here:

Sue Grey and another speaker (name unknown) slam the current New Zealand government for its tyrannical and cucked obeisance to the obvious world-wide coordinated agenda and propose steps forward. This took place in Nelson, New Zealand on Saturday, 16 May 2020.

Being Banned from YouTube:

Doctors Judy Mikovits and Rashid Buttar disclose AIDS and H1N1 Vaccine truth and C V Vaccine end game agenda

Our body – Our Choice


When discussion of the alternative scenarios by a qualified individual causes Youtube to remove a video, YT DOES NOT want you to SEE the TRUTH?

Dr. Judy Mikovits Lays Out the World Wide C V Scam. BANNED by the COWARDS on YOUTUBE

Why do the cowardly misfits behind YouTube not want you to see this courageous woman’s video? We are discerning enough to make up our own minds about what is likely to be credible and what is likely to be lies.

If you find this Dr. Mikovit’s version of reality credible, what is that telling you about the desperate controlling people behind YouTube and those who have orchestrated this whole farce. The culmination of this is serious. At a minimum, the ultimate end of these misdirected and deluded souls who censor alternate perspectives and orchestrate the calamities here on Earth was foretold in scripture ages ago.

When discussion of the law scares Youtube into removing a video YT DOES NOT not want you to SEE the TRUTH of the END RESULT.

Kate Shemrani, a nurse in the UK, discusses the UK Public Health Control of Infectious Disease Act of 1984 and what this act will end up meaning in the current planed epidemic scenario.

The changes Kate notes are of particular import so you will need to check what, if any changes, have been made in your country. That said, similar already totalitarian public health laws exist in most, if not all, western countries and probably the others as well. In the U.S. this is or was mostly left to the states but may have changed since I was learning about public health in the U.S. in in the 2007-2010 period. The laws arguably make sense from a dread contagious disease perspective where someone needed to be controlled (read up on “Typhoid Mary” if you want an example of someone who did need to be controlled) or where the person’s possessions were likely to be highly contaminated and dangerous. Even given all that, we understand how the C V is being framed and how the narrative is being told. So these public health laws, rarely used, may be a “color of the law” enabler of draconian totalitarian measures. That, IMO, is why Kate is pointing these things out as it relates to the UK version of the law.

Please see Kate’s YouTube channel for videos not yet banned, she provides much useful information:

Even a doctor originally covered on main stream TV must be silenced by slithering cowards in charge of youtube actively deleting it anywhere it shows up.

Why can’t this doctor’s reasoned view be allowed to be easily available? It fits the pattern of their censorship and the logical conclusion does not suit the best interests of “regular” folks.

Important: Assess what is being said and include this information as you consider your appropriate response to the interesting times in which we are now living. Keep yourself healthy and avoid the medical establishment if at all possible. I know for many of you this will require some difficult habit changes. It is now or never. It is not too late for most reading this to take charge of your health and improve it.


Created 4 years ago.

28 videos

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