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We are collectively heading for the winter solstice and the resolution of humanities future and path forward.

We did it! The new Summerland is permanently online and accessible for our personal healing and empowerment through these challenging times.

Grass roots common sense unites with Gaia to create unstoppable wave of organic ascension energies. The resolution of the crisis will create a new social contract that works for everyone.

There is no way to prevent to emergence of the new and free individual. They are being created out of the very stresses that are trying to enslave others. The old ways involve the manipulation of group energy and the old ways are no longer working! On the one hand identity politics tries to gather group energy and on the other hand those hoping to enslave the human race try to prevent congregations gathering in churchs for empowerment! The entire Covid-19 stategy is to isolate individuals and prevent them from tapping into group power unless it is politically correct! But the reality is almost comical! Depriving individuals of group empowerment is forcing those individuals to stand on their own two feet as individuals! Individual rights! Individual freedoms! Individual free speech! The qualities our country was based upon by the founding fathers! The restrictions we now confront are the birth pangs of a long awaited rebirth of individualism!

Between now and the November elections the most powerful and disturbing revelations will happen as a consequence of dead man switches being activated

Its time to take stock of where we are in our lives and move forward into the life we have created for ourselves. The ascension window has now closed.

I'm actually happy to share that Gaia has ascended and all that is left is for humanity to catch up! She is glowing and radiating as she has never done before and the etheric bodies of all organic life have been permanently activated with an alternating current type of energy. For all practical purposes this means that any repressed energies, emotions and toxins will be released and if not brought into conscious awareness they will be acted out in psychotic episodes as we are currently seeing on our streets.

Violence is not and never will be the answer! It is only the open heart and the open hand that matter from now on. All negativity is being caught up in a negative accelerating and self-destructive spiral. This is going to end and it will by the end of the year before the winter solstice.

As we find our life circumstances crystallizing around us we can finally begin to look foward to the future. It is time to create our new world as we imagine it to be!

As Gaia begins to shine with her own light illuminating all life upon her she is exposing the vampires in our midst.

For those ascending our new etheric body of light bodies have been activated and our new post pandemic world awaits! Gaia is energizing our new bodies right now...

The next two weeks are very powerful as we are forced to grow up and deal with things in our lives like adults. This is according to the natural rythm and energy cycle of the year as know by the ancients.

I find it fascinating how true the old knowledge is and the old wisdom…yesterday was the new moon and for the next two weeks we are heading for the maturation phase or flowering period for all living things in the northern hemisphere.

So far this year we’ve gone through the gestation phase at the winter solstice; the birth phase at Imbolc;the childhood phase at Easter; the teenage phase during the last full moon at Beltaine or Wessak…now we become adults and enter into the adult world in preparation for this fall’s harvest.

What is going to manifest physically is already done in the astral planes and can no longer be altered. Events simply need to play themselves out.

In this series exploring the energy dynamics of love relationships we distinguish between four types of energies and relationships:

The "Puppy Love" attraction in which we are caught up in who we think the other person is, not who they really are. This is very idealistic and impractical.

The second is the platonic relationship in which we are fascinated by the dreams of the other person and how they perceive the world so differently from ourselves.

In this video we begin the sharing of our deepest emotions and the beginning of the cycle is our desire to share our happiest emotions with someone else, that perfect someone. We create a space in our hearts for them and either wait for them to appear or actively try to seek them out.

The fourth, yet to be explored energy is the sensual/physical cycle where we try to manifest this relationship physically in the sensual world. That is yet to come...

It is becoming obvious that our society is becoming trancelike and highly suggestible to politically correct narrative. Mainly this is happening through modern technology which gently forces us to remain in slightly altered states of awareness where we are more vulnerable to suggestion.

Then we are subjected to the politically correct narrative over and over from every available media source...

Is this something that can be prevented or is there some way to protect ourselves from this insidious encroachment on our free will? The answers may well surprise you...

Prepare for a magical summer as the etheric planes activate and merge with physical life experience for the first time...paranormal becomes normal and it becomes increasingly important that you are oriented toward spiritual light and not darkness. This is a time of spiritual blessing and otherworldly support as Gaia finalizes her ascension process.

The dynamics of sacred sexuality are natural and to a certain extent experienced by everyone. There are ten basic stages in a complete cycle but we experience many different cycles in our lives as we explore different kinds of energies. The first exposure is the "puppy love" experience which I mentioned in my last post. That consisted of the exhange of "spiritual energies".

In this continuation of experiencing the first stage we take up the first exchanges of mental energy or philosophical energies...we can presume the puppy love cycle has completed itself and having learned those lessons we are now once more ready to begin dating...hopefully much more fun and not as shattering of our imagined preconceptions of the opposite sex. So once more we begin with a spark...

This is an update of the current energetic situation surrounding Gaia's ascension process and the recent shift of foundational frequencies to a higher level. Unlike most people who post about Gaia's ascension I do not rely upon channeled messages, but focus instead upon my own inner source of information backed by personal experience.

I fully understand that there is a war going on for the control of our planet and the choice of whether to remain free as is our constitutional right as self empowered individuals...or to become like communist China with it's AI programs and massive personal surveillance of its entire population.

This Corona virus has had the unintended consequence of breaking the entrainment and brainwashing of our minds by causing us to focus on personal survival rather than fabricated narratives. Organic reality is now the dominant force for the survival of the human race...

Everything that exists in the physical world is already in balance whether we recognize it or not. The human soul is a perfect balance of male and female energies.

Part 2 further introduces some of the concepts to be dealt with in this new series about how love relationships develop the soul and its powers.

The use of computer modeling and AI has led to scientific irrationalism where following the model has become more important than scientific observation and measuring. This takes away from the very real problem of climate change.

A new series about sacred sexuality and how love relationships create and empower the soul. This first introductory video explores how sacred sexuality is natural for the female and how tantra and alchemy were teachings created for the male to work with these energies.

This meditation continues the development of the Healing and Prosperity Circle by adding the solar plexus chakra energies. In this meditation we really begin working with the energies of healing and prosperity. This is a very powerful meditation and grows even more powerful as people get used to working with it!

In this video meditation we open a portal with throat chakra energies and actually begin doing healing and prosperity work for the first time. Very powerful and very easy!

In this meditation we explore the creation of the Healing and Prosperity Circle for the first time as we begin working with the energies of Source to cleanse it. Things begin to fall into place as more permanent energy links are established.

Some things that we need to at least mention before starting any serious group work such as healing and prosperity circles. This is an overview of some important characteristics of the astral planes and what to expect when trying to empower ourselves through group workings.

This final video pretty much concludes what I have to say about Gaia's ascension and what we can expect now and in the immediate future. Gaia has won! Life has won! Is there really any more that needs to be said? Gaia is now empowered and the question becomes how can we empower ourselves in this new world. How can conscious awareness connect and communicate with our own deep cellular levels of reality?

Gives an overview of the preceding videos and describes how the ascension process is now completely controlled by Gaia at the cellular level while the war is being waged at the mental levels! Full Spectrum Ascension means that for the first time the astral and physical worlds have completely joined and the entire spectrum of existence can be explored and experienced by both males and females who share common values and arrive at similar conclusions. This is the union of opposites in a divine dance of love and harmony!


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

87 videos

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