Tech Café

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Tech Café

Matthew Moore


Install Winfetch using scoop.
Step 1: Open power shell as Admin
Step 2: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
Step 3: Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Step 4: scoop install git
Step 5: scoop bucket add extras
Step 6: scoop bucket add java
Step 7: scoop install winfetch
Make winfetch run automatically when launching powershell.
Step 1: New-Item $profile -Type File -Force
Step 2: Edit newley created file Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile
simply add the line winfetch inside that file. Save and exit.

Just playing a few random games here to test out my new hardware. If this works i'll do more specific gaming videos later depending on the feedback.

XFX Radeon™ RX 570 xXx Edition
GPU Clock, Up to 1286MHz ( Overclocked to 1356mhz )
Stream Processors 2048
Memory Bus 256 bit
Memory Clock: 8.0GHz
Memory Size 8 GB
Memory Type DDR5

Six Core AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black edition
3200mhz with 3600mhz turbo
( Overclocked all six cores to 4000mhz )
Capable of 4600mhz burst at max FSB voltage.

This is My Arch Linux Desktop. I am using XFCE with the Numix-Frost theme from the AUR, and the Numix-Square icons. I also created a Custom Panel applet that Switches the window manager from xfwm4 to kwin to compiz with a single click. It was a challenge to Duplicate the theming through all the Different Windows managers. Thanks to Deviant art and i was able to load duplicate artwork and make it work. I am using Arch Linux as a test bed, Many of the things you see here will make it into my Manjaro_By_MM Distro. Thanks for watching. ;)


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

9 videos

Category Science & Technology