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every subsidiary of 'government' are mocking you every single day and not many can see it for what it is.
Catch up on what too many people don't seem able to identify, our Living world:
The Truth:
More Truth:
Another way:
S.C. Ruling:
Common Law:
ANZAC Common Law eg:
Hague IV 'treaty':
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11:
Bill Of Rights:
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching of History:

Australian Imperial Crown on YT:
Australian Imperial Crown on Odysee:
White Papers:
Australian Imperial Crown:

Patriot Stickers
Australian Patriot Shirts
Australian Federal Red Ensign:

wow! Sky News host unleashing some facts about the jabs and the injected.
"we need to learn the lessons from covid"..."not to buy into the fear, not to be afraid to speak your truths and not to shame others for speaking theirs"

these 'things' are just a small sample of the idiots that helped curtail the basic rights of every man, woman and child in a free and civilised they are all crying out for help....
and monetary compensation of course!

never forget what these armed and dangerous lunatics did to us Aussies standing up for the rights of every man woman and child...not excluding them!
they proved then and still do today that they are the enemy of peace and civility; they are naught but Armed Racketeering Extortion gangs operating as Policy Enforcers for the corporations pretending to be Our Parliaments;
tell them dad said fuck off!
obeying Tyrants has only ever led to more Tyranny;
no one can be forced to do business with any Corporate Entity; there are indeed Laws that prevent being forced into Contract Negotiations...there are Absolutely No Laws stating that anyone can be forced into any contract;

help end the Belligerent Occupation of Our Commonwealth;

Michael Gray Griffith giving more than his Two Bobs worth:
if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the children and your children's children; it is your duty as a Father to protect your off-spring and defend your castle;
stop watchin grown men gettin paid pockets full of shekels to kick a ball around a park; stop watchin people hit a ball with a bat while gettin paid more than a nurse ever will...stop watchin the nightly 'news';
get off your arse and do something about reclaiming Our Commonwealth from the Corporate Overlords fucking up what it means to be a Free and Independent Nation as our Forefathers fought and died for;
stand up for yourself; stand up for your families; stand up for the future of the children.

oh look, us tin foil hat wearing lunatic conspiracy theorists have been proven correct yet again;
"Aurora Australis" was viewed by the naked eye all over Australia on the evening of Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April 2024; i personally viewed red/pink 'clouds' floating all over our south/western sky...something i had never witnessed in my near 60 years on this Earth;
as tempted as i was to record this 'phenomena', i felt something was 'not-quite-right'....all the birds were deadly silent when ordinarily they would be gathering for their dusk feeding; even our dogs sat at the door rather than running around chasing Rabbits like they usually do, so we quickly went indoors;
seems that my 'gut feeling' served us well.

many ask how to get off of the CITIZEN-SHIP; well, here is a solution that gives you Lawful documented evidence that you have at least issued your repudiation to the presumption that you are owned by (the) STATE as a CITIZEN;
a CITIZEN is not a living being; it is a 'thing', a fictional entity used as an instrument to collect monies for (the) STATE:
Peter Gargan and Mike discuss the Affidavit of Repudiation;

Get your copy of an Affidavit of Repudiation:

Mike Holt: [email protected]
If you would like help to hold accountable anyone who has harmed you, whether it is fines, councils causing your problems, child protective "services" denying you access to your children, unlawful entry by the uniformed goons onto your property, illegal arrest and imprisonment, or anything else, ... and you are ready to sue those who have harmed you and make them pay for their crimes, then email Mike;

Dick Yardley's book:

Common Law:
Crimes by the government:
A plan for the future:

Health Drink:
Make this drink and take 2 tablespoons every day. You will never catch a cold, flu or covid:

Carry copies of this letter at all times to give to police:

Podcasts and News:
The Bloody Aussie Battler:
and YouTube Battler channel: (no longer active)
and Bitchute Battler channel:

Buy Kevin Annett's book "Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty -- A Common Law Training Manual"

How the political parties stole our rights and freedoms through the biggest LIE in history. Read these articles in the numbered order to learn how and why:

Governments and Mega-Corps are yet again waging the old divide and conquer game; many times throughout history 'the mighty' have waged war against the common people as 'they' strive with all their 'might' to gain total control of the 'slaves' and usurp the wealth away from the people;
yes, Again; this period of time we the people are currently Enduring has all happened only ends when we the people say Enough and then Actually Do something about those trying to take over every aspect of our lives.

the brain drained Alphabet mob are doing all they can to gain control of the children as they play dress-ups and gender identity/pro-noun and even surgical assignment games while at the same gaining more 'legal' rights to life than biological women;
still think that mankind isn't smack bang in the middle of a spiritual war?;
maybe the 'great culling' is indeed justified when we are faced with these things.

the darkness of this world continues as many sacrifice their souls in the name of 'art' and 'freedom of expression'.
Lust, Envy and Greed is at the forefront of the battle for mankind's soul as IT seems to have gained control over way-too-many 'people'....
i will not use ITS name; i will not acknowledge IT by giving IT substance.

i will never forget what these bastards did to us everyday Aussies; Nor will i ever forgive them until Exacting Justice has been served and is seen to be served;
and now these same Armed and Deadly Uniformed Goons are saying we no longer have the right to defend ourselves or carry a 'sharp edged implement';
Who'd have seen this coming? More Police powers; "knife wanding"
a Judge has recently ruled that we do indeed have the right to defend ourselves yet Government over-reach into our daily lives continues;
Huge Victory Against Satans minions calling themselves VICTORIA POLICE
"any man who accepts the premise of safety over his civil liberties has neither"

anybody who still has the ability to read between all the bullshit spewed about the 'bondi attack' , the 'bishop terrorist attack' and several other 'sharp edged weapon incidents' all occurring over the same weekend, none of this further eroding of our right to defend ourselves will come as a surprise;
does anyone think that the Actual Criminals will be deterred by these 'new laws'?;
for people to (apparently) accept this Government over-reach into our daily lives is simply mind-blowing...what will GovCO ban next; Metal Cutlery? Knitting Needles? Gardening tools?
"this isn't about enforcement, this is about keeping people safe"
"we should be doing anything that might make us all feel a little safer"
well, i for one don't feel at all safe when there are armed and dangerous uniformed thugs carrying all manner of deadly devices walking among us.

this 'technology' was perfected in the 90's

the question that needs to asked: just who exactly is paying for this surgical mutilation being 'encouraged' by the 'gender affirmation' movements?
Do Not Enter Part 1

Do Not Enter Part 2

Do Not Enter Part 3 (HOW 2 CREATE AN OPEN WOUND)


thanks to: HATE_SPEECH

need any more proof that these armed thugs are not part of Our Communities?
23 of the Corporate Policy Enforcers have not a single thought between them...or are they simply following orders?

talking about the Fraud that is Usury and Taxes:
A.T.O. Is not a Lawful or LEGAL entity; it does not define what 'income tax' is; they can threaten you but in reality, the threats are hollow and not worthy of any consideration; -

Australian Tax Office (ATO); accusations of abuse of power

Secret recording of an Airline Pilot reveals the mindset of the creatures involved in the chemical spraying of all life on this Earth;
1. Learn the Facts about Chemtrails, when they started, how they started and why they started.

2. Chemtrail Sprayer Turns Off in the Sky --
But it's a Condensation Trail. Bullshit.

3. Chemtrail Whistleblower from US Air Force - Aluminum, Barium and Strontium delivered to USAF Base --

4. ***A Pilot Demonstrates how his Chemtrail Small Passenger Jet Works – “We get paid $10 per Gallon” (1/3/2024)

5. ***Dr Bill Deagle – The Doctor who Treated the Chemtrail Pilots --

6. ***“CHEMTRAIL BAN Bill” Proposed in Tennessee – HB 2063 - SB 2691 – Tennessee Air Quality Act --

7. ***What is Falling from the Sky? The Chemtrail Agenda --

8. You're Breathing POISON Geoengineered Chemtrails --

9. Chemtrails Exposed by Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists – Soil & Water Tested High In Aluminum & Barium --

10. Pilot says Chemtrails are a Necessary Evil --

11. Blue Sky Day – Ian Brown

Source: GettingTheTruthOutThere –

from the Masons Lodge called AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT to its STATE subsidiaries, the people of Australia were blatantly lied to and coerced by many Unlawful measures to enter into the "worlds largest vaccine trial";
so-called Doctors, Nurses, Police, Employers and Bosses all played their part in destroying the fabric of what it means to be Australian and our over-all peaceful social cohesion;
Trust broken is trust lost forever;
Every Man and Woman that pushed the Covid Experimental Injection is Complicit in many Crimes against us Australian People; all of us, whether we partook in the "world's largest vaccine trial" or not have been harmed in some way; all of us lost 2 years of our right to a free life while countless others lost their life entirely; many lost all that they's, the job/career, the family home, the car, the savings...many Australians are now without shelter and struggle to feed themselves and their children...the Crimes being committed against the people of Australia continue day-in-day-out by 'Corporate Governments' and their uniformed and armed Corporate Policy Enforcers some still call police; none of the Politicians are Public Servants; Police are no longer Public Servants....all of them from top to bottom are Servants to their Corporate Master(s);
the servants have become the masters....
Australian Constitution Civil Conscription:
A person must not be—subjected to medical or scientific experimentation or treatment without his or her full, free and informed consent.
FDA sued for interfering with the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

No requirement for medical treatment without consent (not excluding experimental 'medicines') implementing article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights bill 2021

National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

the rapid decline of 'western democracy' is in plain sight as the 'Digital ID Bill' slides into action without a murmur from AUSTRALIEN GOBERMENT or its Corporate Media allies. nor is anyone pointing to the Fact that both 'sides' of the house voted in favour of having big brother watching every single thing you do....

The video that got former FBI director Ted Gunderson 'offed':
a quick search of the www reveals this man had the conspiracy theorist label attached to him by multiple sources; he led investigations into the JFK assassination and the murder of Marilyn Monroe; his findings earned him the not-so-illustrious title of Conspiracy Theorist....a label first coined by the FBI to discredit anyone who dared challenge any official narrative; a label that is still in rampant use today and used against anyone who challenges 'the system'; › details › ted-gunderson-fbi-the-finders
Ted Gunderson, a former FBI agent, exposed a global child trafficking network called The Finders in Washington DC and Wichita Kansas. He was murdered by arsenic poisoning after trying to alert the FBI several times.

RFK Jr. Posts This Video & Challenges Zionist Puppet Trump To A Debate:

and the theatre that is 'western democracy' Polly Ticks goes on as a another member of the Red v Blue lifetime politics arena enters the show.....

On May 7, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr writes:
"President Trump: One of the issues I hope to cover in our debate is your decision to lock down the country during Covid. With your lockdowns, you and President Biden shuttered our churches and stores and created 500 new billionaires in 500 days at the expense of everyone else. You decimated America's workers and businesses. I think Americans deserve a President who will never close our businesses or our churches or suspend our Constitution. Obviously you disagree. Let’s hash it out in a civil debate!"

Jews are clearly at the helm of western civilization and they are bleeding us dry both figuratively and literally.
anyone who cannot see this fact is in dire need of some time away from the Tel-Lies-Vision devices and No-News-papers.

this shit-stain of scum known as Australia's Treasonous Crime Minister for Misinformation hates being mocked so Aussies being the loveable larrikins we are, treat him with the contempt he deserves...
next comes the Lamp Post and Tree swinging ceremonies.
help End the Belligerent Occupation of Our Nation:

if you still think that banks and the Heads at the Temples of Usury don't control your Governments, this video might get you thinking that perhaps your beliefs are mis-placed.

Zionist cocksucking Shill Trump says "anti-semitism should be given the death penalty";
are any you Trumpidians paying attention yet?;
you're demi-god is a Shill for his Shekel master and you are 'the swamp' he wants to drain so 'the chosen ones' can inherit "what is intended to be ours"


Created 9 months, 3 weeks ago.

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