Emerald City Radio

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Emerald City Radio



A very senior UK politician declared himself able create and cast magical scrolls or was perhaps giving a cry for help declaring his insanity by expressing quite openly a belief that anyone is capable of performing such magical activities.

If by "conspiracy theorist" you mean those who engage in the democratic process of analyzing "the system" and providing criticism and journalistic information about it, then Alan Watt has to be the greatest "conspiracy theorist" who ever lived. If you just mean bigoted racists like the former military people who take up roles in the human terrain system after they leave the military then Alan Watt was a terrible "conspiracy theorist". His free podcasts were published every Sunday night and the content was used by the likes of big alternative media celebrities like David Icke and Alex Jones who did not give Alan the credit his research truly deserved. He died in 2021 but his podcasts are still available if you have a look at the free audio section of his website at cuttingthroughthematrix.com. While it might seem a bit passe to be looking at content from as early as 2009, you will find his insights even back then are extremely relevant today and it is unfortunate he is no longer with us. Perhaps the news stories and the technology has changed but the behaviours of those who exercise absolute power over the alleged democracies we are supposed to live in remain the same now as they did in the time of Pharoah and Herod and as they will in generations to come. If you see the cracks in their fake reality show begin to appear and you need some assistance in making sense of the world as it is beyond their wall of lies, listening to Alan Watt will be of enormous assistance to you. Go to his free audio section and download the audios. Perhaps you will reupload them to the internet as they are all within the public domain and free from any copyright restrictions.

You are all going to die if you don't believe the media and obey your lords and masters. This is a mirror of one of James Corbett's greatest pieces of journalism ever. Its all bullshit. Its pseudoscience, just like their fake virus.

I have a pet hate for female lesbians which is to some extent unjustified. They are absolutely sexist misanthropic evil doers for the most part but sometimes I am just trying to find ways to justify the hatred I feel for these female chauvinist pigs which must be to some degree unjustified.

I know who it is that get up to these practices, you know who it is that get up to these practices, only the people who would dismiss what I have to say without investigation would disagree. ITS THE JEWS!

I recently discovered Prince Harry wore a Nazi outfit to a halloween party and many people were shocked and horrified by this and despite that I only just found out about this (as I don't consume the media), I would like to extend a hand of friendship to those who are appaulled by those who support and promote the policies of Nazi Germany, although to be fair, I wonder if such a hand of friendship can be extended back because potentially, Prince Harry was just wearing a scary halloween costume and the people who express abhorrence to his chosen scary costume, are not all that concerned about those who genuinely support and promote the policies of Nazi Germany who are all over the media corporation platforms today. Is a person a Nazi simply because they have a swastika tattoo or wear Nazi apparel, or are they a Nazi because they support and promote the policies of Nazi Germany. If Hitler dressed up as Winston Churchill, would he for the time he was so dressed, be other than a Nazi? Nazis are nazis not because what they look like on the outside, but because of what they are on the inside. Do you know anyone who supports and promotes the policies of Nazi Germany? They are more Nazi than a person who rejects such ideology who has a swastika tattoo on their forehead.

I haven't uploaded any of my own content for a while so I thought I would upload six hours of me bumping my gums together about the stuff that our (ahem) informative media just don't talk about, There's no video stream and there's no music in the background. Busy busy, cant do much and what more has to be said if you already get the main point the channel is about. This audiocast doesn't contain much about "the moon mission" so it's more "conspiracy theory" than "crazy wacked impossible why would you believe such rubbish".

This video has been scraped from the Amazing Polly channel. The subject is about someone with a dubious past attempting to place themself and their friends in positions of prominence within the truth movement. I have never heard of the guy but Polly seems to be aware of him. The subject matter of the interview is as irrelevant to me as it may be to you as what I am trying to get across is the behaviors of those I call "reptillians". Rather than go into the various disingenuous rhetoric Reptillians believe passes for being "on the level", a video such as this shows people the "self-contradictions" and "jumping to extremes in an attempt to portray the self-evident unlikely" and other such dishonest tactics these people use. As I said, the subject matter of the interview is irrelevant to the point I want to get across and I am reposting this video as a classical example of a Reptilian so people can understand the symbolic meaning of the word Reptillian and that they are infact just human being rather than aliens from outerspace. They visibly lack conscience in everyday dialogue, but you only notice this when you know what you are looking for as they can appear very plausible to those who believe the other humans are just as honest as they are. Bear in mind that although this video is not "MSM", it is still just "a show" and the realities of Reptilians amongst your friends and family should not be overlooked as these people are more dangerous in your peer groups than on some screen you watch for entertainment and information.

I repost this video as it serves as a classic example which will assist those who are suffering from or are attempting to recover from what has become known as Narcissistic abuse.

These people do not even care what the truth is but are determinned to have people believe whatever is convenient for them to be believed and it does not matter that the people they speak to can fall into deception and superstitions just so long as they believe what is convenient to the reptillian that people should believe, even if it is completely false.

Survivors of "narcissistic abuse" realise they have put implicit trust in what amounts to someone who will lie, cheat and gaslight and even double down on such behaviours. The amount of falsehoods they have accepted at the hands of such people are so overwhelming that they literally have to start off again in making sense of the world since their view of reality has been very much warped and manipulated by someone they have loved who shockingly have no capacity to love anyone but themself and their own self-interest.

As for the subject matter of the discussion, get over to the Amazing Polly channel ( https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/ ) as the subject matter is of very indirect interest to myself but I thought this video would be helpful as a "portrait of reptilian" to give people insight into what these people are really like.

You wore your heart on your sleeve when you didn't realize there were people playing poker against you with your life being the thing you didn't know they were gambling with. Get out from under them. If there is any truth in them, they will not present it to the world. They have nowhere to hide in auranos, and it is perhaps these type of people who strongly desire a universal spiritual deception for everyone but themself.

May the stars gently guide your path to truth in a world which is dominated by fraudsters.

If there’s a light in the darkness
It has to mean there’s a dawn
That takes us to where we started
A place to be who we are

Don’t be afraid to lose your hope
You can’t embrace what you don’t know
To put a face to all your ghosts
You hold a flame to the sorrow

Cause when i close my eyes
I see Otherworld
the forest of your heart
The river of your soul
When i look within
I finally understand
We must embrace the night
To find the light again

Is this what you’ve always wanted?
Is this what you really need?
There’s freedom in letting go
So let it set you free

Don’t be afraid to lose control
You can’t embrace what you don’t know
You live your life on time you borrow
No yesterday, no tomorrow

Cause when i close my eyes
I see Otherworld
The forest of your heart
The river of your soul
When i look within
I finally understand
We must embrace the night
To find the light again

Call in the wind
We’re vanishing in the oceans all before they dry
Beyond the ash, beyond the world, flame that never dies
Call in the wind
We’re vanishing in the oceans all before they dry
Beyond the ash, beyond the world, flame that never dies

Cause when i close my eyes
I see Otherworld
The forest of your heart
The river of your soul
When i look within
I finally understand
We must embrace the night
To find the light we crave

Call in the wind
We’re vanishing in the oceans all before they dry
Beyond the ash, beyond the world, flame that never dies

Remember the forgotten.

PS This is a re-upload of an old video that was deleted. The reptilian video mentioned at the end will not be reappearing on the channel but there are other references to reptilians in other videos on the channel.

The route through Hades and other mythological legends.

Meeting Marsians on the Secret Space Program

A confession of my sins on Epstein Island

Spaceman, I always wanted you to go, into space, man!
Intergalactic Christ!

The unvaccinated deserve to die twice.

I am considering committing internet suicide. I don't mean recording myself while slashing my wrists but more like stop banging my head against the wall by recording myself online and furthermore to delete all my accounts and stuff in the good old fashioned internet suicide style (which incidently is no longer easy to do now the governments and banks are all in the clutches of the googleverse.)

Unless the modern internet has something to offer beyond the boredom of 90s television, what is the point of even being online? I think its time we all tuned out of the internet and tuned into "TALKING TO THE DEAD" (as the worshippers of golden calfs would call it). Whats your thoughts? Thumbs down if you dont want me to kill myself. Thumbs up if you would like to see the back of me.

Babylon will be at work changing the meaning of the word "gaslight" as it has now entered colloquial usage. This movie is the origin of the term "gaslighting". The woman protagonist of the story is the victim of "gaslighting". I am in no doubt that the meaning of this word will be altered by Babylon so as to conceal the practice.

A bit of a rant and rave with some humour thrown in. It's very negative and depressing to listen to if you are a kunt, but of you people who delusional like me will find this very positive and uplifting.

Media censorship, undisclosed wars, media propaganda, media and government slander against swathes of the population, surveillance apparatus, suicide clinics.

Democracy? Fucking retard. Go kill yourself for your fake fucking flags!

The Secret Space Program and the Jupiter Mission

Be happy. The world is full of shit. The greedy bastards call you selfish for not satisfying their greed concealed by a thin veil of lies that have become completely implausible. Look on the bright side. Their world is fucked. Be happy!
Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord. Queue the fake religionists calling me a witch for calling them out for the frauds they always were. It's the end of the world! LOL!

No, not that one. The real one. The one that was around before governments and nation states were invented. Noah's family? The spirit that hovers over the face of the deep? The gods which came down and confused their language? You don't know anything about that? Hi Jacob, there's something I need to talk to you about before you learn your proper name.

On the 18th of November, it has been exactly 1335 days since the church was shut down. On the 4th of October, it was 1290 days. A very very old friend of mine Danny was talking about this stuff a very very long time ago ... in a galaxy that was not so far away, but it was a load of rubbish, so it isn't important. What is not important are people's vaccination status (according to The Angry Hobo - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/angry-hobo-showzen/ and I dare say others) but as Celtic Supporters and Danny said when he was giving us those numbers a very very long time ago "If you know your history, its enough to make your heart go woe oh oh oh". As for those who don't know history, they are destined to repeat it - queue the vaccinated children who will have to again tolerate this. I don't care about your governments. Their days are numbered like everything else. Danny's words will last for all eternity because Danny doesn't believe in government. God is sovereign!

This audiocast is only relevant for those who are living in modern slavery. If you are fortunate enough to live in freedom then just move on to the next video as this audiocast is intended to be for the slaves and by the slaves and of the slaves and there is nothing of interest in it for those who live in freedom.

Is the internet dying or is it already dead?


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

64 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Unofficial Radio Station broadcasting from Emerald City.

Please note this radio station does not have an official Municipal Warrant to Operate from the Great Wizard.

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