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Is your cat especially happy when you come home from work? Might want to check the vegetation around your house. Could be you'll both benefit.

Soon, we'll be accustomed to seeing people die on the air as if it's just part of life. People are so easily programmed.

An oft-repeated meme, this one mirrored from YouTube Channel The East Family.

Feminist chokes on a dose of reality.

If you look at her closely, you'll find that it's impossible to argue with her. The use of the word "just..."

Here, a young sister shows her absolute love for her older sister by risking teasing of her classmates and friends, and shows a positive side of humanity. The interviewer is so touched, he just couldn't help expressing his feelings. I hope this touches you too.

Finally! Help has arrived with no uncomfortable questions asked!

Mirrored from iwantlibertees's Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@iwantlibertees

This hits the nail right on the head! A very timely and telling video regarding the jabs (which, of course, we all know are completely safe and effective).

There's a lot of good music out there addressing what we're facing today.

Mirrored from Stephanie Forryan's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@StephanieForryan

Sometimes man's best friend is friend to those perceived as their mortal enemy. This brave dog went way out of his way to help this poor cat, who might have died without the doggy's help. Love your pet today!

This is a 2016 video where Dr. Carol J. Baker, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Chairperson on Immunizations, says the way to lower the vaccine refusal rate is to get rid of White people.

Can anyone imagine if a person suggested getting rid of all the Japanese people in the U.S.? What about all the Native Americans? Chinese? Blacks? Afghanis? Mexicans? Puerto Ricans? Jèws? Any other race you can mention? That person would be excoriated and pilloried in a public square.

Just what makes it okay for a person to promote eliminating white people from the country they, primarily, built?.

If we're going to have special laws that are supposed to punish attacks against a certain race, religion, creed, belief, sexul orientation--whatever--We need to start enforcing those hate crimes equally, no matter WHAT race is under discussion.

The older I get the...well, the older I get. Beats the alternative, though.

Oops! I think the tiedowns got untied!.

Ten years old, and this schoolboy managed to twig to a fact that our wonderful media has managed to "miss" for more than ten years. I can't imagine him doing a school report on it though

This man has the right idea about the correct way to sample that new mmmm! mmmm! good meatless meat.

This chuckle was included in the most recent report from Max Igan from thecrowhouse.com Visit and support Max's Herculean efforts to spread the truth while it's still possible to do so.

Here's a piece combining the propaganda that Americans are being inundated with to convince them to get the "safe and effective" vaccine along with some clips to illustrate the reality of the deathshot. This video was the introductory piece on the video from The Crowhouse, Max Igan. Visit his site at thecrowhouse.com, or his BitChute page at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tj99AwcN3zlH/ to stay informed regarding the vaccine, the pedophile agenda, and many other topics.

Please feel free to download this video and mirror it far and wide. The information presented on this channel could be considered crucial to the survival of the human race as we know it.

Mirrored from

Bilal Farooq

Very meaningful short movie on how the system is failing. how we are ruining our lives with abuse of technology. Use your smartphone, but don't let it use you.

Great comedy but also very serious considering all the reality spoofed here.
Mirrored from knowingthetruth channel
For more info visit and subscribe at https://www.KnowingTheTruth.com
Source: https://banned.video/watch?id=62d56809216abf0b418de214

How many ships, planes, submarines, people, fuel, and everything else needed here does it take to send one soused valueless lifetime teat-sucking politician to the Far East in an attempt to poke The Dragon in the chest, hoping they'll respond more vehemently than they've been able to get The Bear to respond? How many millions, even hundreds of millions, did this trip cost? If you happen to be fooled by the "carbon footprint" myth, then you'll know this footprint was made with Seven League Boots.

But be sure you trade your reasonably priced, earth-destroying SUV or passenger sedan on one the newer electric models that'll be recharged using gas or coal generating plants, and will serve only to pollute the environment forever.

Shows how the media can "massage" the message to provoke an emotional response from the viewers.

Here's a message for action suggested in 2012, one which has become more pertinent than ever.

I spotted this segment of BS news on Max Igan from The Crowhouse's video from February 25, When Revolution Rises Give Them War,
https://www.bitchute.com/video/MRQqhY2e39mF/ and having lived more than 50 years in the U.S. and being exposed to massive amounts of BS for every day of my life, I've become quite the conniseur of BS. So I had to track down the source, and found it posted on The Onion's channel (where else?) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U4Ha9HQvMo and took the opportunity to feature it here as well.

Of course, as you might guess from the name of the video, it does contain some lannguage that I'm sure wouldn't want your 1-year old to go on record as being their first words, so if you're offended by certain arrangements of certain letters spoken out loud or not, please exercise care or refrain from watching it altogether.

Otherwise, enjoy this version, or tune in to your nightly news this evening and get the source information.

100% safe? Well, I guess experience has given lie to that claim. ...And effective? I guess that depends on your yardstick. At preventing being infected? Well, not so much. ...At preventing transmission? Not that either. At slaughtering the populace? Not a hundred percent, but right up there.

This video mirrored from the channel of Jim Crenshaw (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/NYZMjDr6JOG3/) who has done yoeman's work at documenting the negative effects of this jab. Visit him today to see some of the horrors of this weapon.

Mommy gives the little one some good advice--and you can just see this little brain turning it over, looking for alternatives. Her response is classic!

When it just seems too hard, and you don't think you'll be able to make it--remember this little guy! Success is waiting for you. But you have to work for it.

Most cat lovers consider their cats to be sweet, loving animals, and that's usually true. But, just like people, some cats can be total jerks.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

30 videos

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Just some of the short clips I've seen that grab me by the throat.