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share with those that are asleep

please share to wake people up to this theft video taken from Jason Nota

taken from James Corbett - find his channel on MINDS https://www.minds.com/CorbettReport/ and his own website https://www.corbettreport.com/

please see my 'most liked' videos for important information and the others too but most importantly, use them to try and wake up your friends and family xx

follow @dollarvigilante here https://open.lbry.com/@DollarVigilante:b and Max Igan of the crowhouse.com https://lbry.tv/@thecrowhouse:2/Everything-is-About-to-Change:b

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

video taken from this channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wakeupplanet/

please share far & wide

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

for the better or worse? please share this far and wide. important information from Max. find him here on bitchute, odysee.com / LBRY and his one website thecrowhouse.com

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

please share with those that are unaware to help them see the truth. I don't agree that there is no God, I believe in the almighty, but would the Father look kindly on us when we allow his creation, his earth to be taken by evil? whoever is reading this, be strong, be powerful, we are here but for a short time, do the right thing even if it means ridicule or being ostracised. the almighty is seeing your good works. David is here on bitchute and ikonic.com and parler.

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

sub to waking the future for great analysis of our current world situation! find them here at odysee.com https://odysee.com/@wakingthefuture:0 and bnt https://brandnewtube.com/@WakingtheFuture you can find them here on bitchute, but I would move away from this platform if you can 🙂

share with everyone. share with those who belong to the Muslim faith, there is something important in this video that they need to hear. this is getting ridiculous and a lot of people will begin to feel the effects of their ignorance in 2021. we need one last push to get the zombies to wake up. throw every truth at them. all videos, all documents. don't know if I'll be sharing any other videos, you all know everything and see the same channels as I do! happy christmas. happy new year. much love and peace to you all. pray to whoever you believe in, and ask for this insanity to stop. put out your intentions, keep sharing truths and try to wake people up. good luck and take care. protect yourselves and your loved ones xx

sub to Event202 here on bitchute and find them here https://event202.org/

follow mag igan of and go's channel thecrowhouse on lbry/odysee - bitchute and his own website http://thecrowhouse.com/

taken from Spiro - sub to his channel here on bitchute and you can follow him on twitter as well

taken from James Corbett - find him here https://www.corbettreport.com/

taken from shaking my head productions 2 on yt

I'm not a Christian but there is some interesting information in the video

sub to tyrant finder UK https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ygd5QI2csjHVmFmkZ5TOg?pbjreload=102

this is sad - what is happening - I've had more fun nightmares than this - please keep showing the truth to those that are unaware - without them waking up, we're doomed

much love and peace to you all

see the police brutality at an hour into the video but throughout they are just picking people off for no reason - taken from subject access on yt and you can find him on twitter as well. share this across the world to show others how human rights are being dismissed. this isn't the first time but how long can this continue.

follow resistance gb - tyrant finder UK - on the spectrum asking questions - red pill Phil - tke media - they are video journalists and show you the truth

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/earthnewspaper/ - taken from this channel

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

taken from Terry Lawton here on bitchute

the zombies will continue to act dumb to the truth like this video - ignorance isn't a quality that you want to have. I was on the freedom march in my home town of Manchester. one of the sheep gave us a rude hand gesture and the looks on some of the faces of the other sheep, older and younger, well, I'm surprised we're still alive! we have to try but it won't do any good. just keeping it real with you. the agenda has been years in the planning, they won't give it up easily, if at all.

it's not about financial gain imo, it's more than that. they want less people and they want us to turn away from the creator, the source and follow their one world religion.

please research Stefan Lanka - why do our bodies purge toxins in the winter (colds/flus) because we are more connected to this earth than we know. the earth purges at winter to begin a new chapter. we are in sync with the earth. everything we've been told about how the body works, is taught to us by those who want to destroy us, humanity.

I had the skin rash on my face, urticaria (hives), and my kidneys I was told, were dry, so don't dismiss what he is saying. use natural products wherever possible. don't let those toxins get through the skin. I'm taking activated charcoal and you can also buy calcium bentonite to draw out toxins.

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

Truth&Freedom - Stop Getting Tested - The Great Kary Mullis, inventor of the abused PCR test talks about Antony Fauci! Hmm, he died last year before they started abusing his PCR test! Hmmm!

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

research abiotic oil and prime water

people of the UK, please fill in this form to highlight how the lockdowns have impacted human rights

this is not good. please share this wherever you can. reviewing OUR human rights to see if they are fit for purpose....whose purpose?

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/

it's not a conspiracy theory...it's facts

watch this show as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M-P4iQbjzY&list=TLPQMDExMjIwMjCPp1KxqgetEQ&index=4 - I warn you, it's Micheal Gove being interviewed

please watch and sub to UK column. watch their show from 30th Nov https://www.bitchute.com/video/vLhn0dFXLq4/

Viruses are dead, they cannot replicate, so they can't possibly be contagious!! This is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, THEY'RE NOT ALIVE, THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!! Your body CREATES viruses to help in the elimination of toxins that you ingest in food, air, and water!! you can't catch it or spread it.
Read https://johnscottconsciousness.com/germ-theory/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ep2NwyVLn2Q0/
watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gq8QwPXV332b/
Koch’s postulates has not been fulfilled https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkdHBvBeB3XX/
please search Dawn Lester and David Parker and their book, What Really Makes You Ill. their website https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

173 videos

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