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- notice, you have plenty of Skin, not only outside but also inside.
- we are being poisoned all Day and Night and that means you are sick. They probably tell you that you suffer of Borreliose - the current "famous" Dia-gnosis. Well Ticks were around since ever but did not cause anything like so called Borreliose. But when the Insects are poisoned, and they are just like we are- no better Way to inject you with Poison than through Insects.

A little Story: While my Time in Africa I had a Dog overthere who wanted to be cared by me, so he adopted me. I agreed with him, if he would allow me to clean him up from all the Insects on and in him. I tried to bring out the Ticks, no Way: he could not endure this .. and he had a lot of other Insects sticking even deeper in him. So finally I went to the Ocean with him. He did not like that -most Africans cannot swim and are really frightened of Water and that was the same with that Dog. But I reminded him on our Agreement and so he came into the Water with me: 3 Hours we were in there and I could pull out all the Insects without Pain for him. After that he got so strong (when he adopted me he was fully skinny) that he got the King over there.

The Problem with Salt: it really functions but it will itch you at first but if you mill the Salt before using it, it will go in and not scratch you on top of the other Shit.

they were among the first Ones who noticed this and also spoke out about it.
For the Bible Freaks
That God therein is very pleased with Eunuchs.
and sets them over sons and daughters, at least those who made themselves into Eunuchs: Question? Who would do that by free Will?

What we see in the Film Farinelli is the purposeful Castration of little Boys by the Musicindustry ... we know that the Catholic Church had been very interested in such Castrations.

We also know that you can turn Men into Eunuchs before they got born with the Use of certain Ingredients into the Food or Water not by God at all but People who love to play God.

Question: How much Allohol or other Stuff one need to endure such Shit?
Answer: a lot

the Husband was probably a Castrato

Check the Pictures by your own (Google Pictures). Something wrong with your Fathers in Heaven, dear Americans.

just believe it like you are used to believe any Bullshit

What is next to the 3 fold Shamrock? Yup: the 4 fold Shamrock also used in celtic and germanic Tradition as Sign for Happiness, Shamrock (Clover) is also known and used for better Fertility. And of Course our "Experts" (MediSinners) also know how to bring Fertility down. Just put some Poison on the Plants or burn them all down ... and especially the Women ... well they did not kill Jews but Women who did know all the Uses of Plants. The Catholic Church was founded by Jew(el)s and their best loved Methods had been burning Women who knew too much in their Eyes, of course, especially Midwives.

In other Words the Bible Freaks have been putting Knowledge known to Mankind since ever and made Religions out of it: Tools for Power over other People. The Wisdom out of Konfuzius, so to speak, that Name should be spelled Confusius, if you get the bitter Joke... today known as the Wisdom from "Experts"

You do not need to be conquered by the Bible Freaks ... same System functioned also by Chinese Confusiusängern,zu%20den%20„Drei%20Lehren“.
normally even a fresh born Fish realizes that he is not in real but poisoned Water. But so called Humans (I prefer to call us Menschen or Mankind) can be told all Kind of Bullshit. Depending on how much of Lies they got used to be taught in Childhood already, they believe much more Lies lateron. Currently we are running with the most dumbed People and this is so because they are being poisoned: every Day and every Night.
Covid Vaccinations had "only" been an Intelligence Test to find out how poisoned you are, that you would take a Vaccine although no one had died from Influenza (the other Word for Corona). The Perpetrators also needed to find out, if we would have enough Fighting Spirit left,to kill them for the Massgenocid on all Life and Living Beings on Earth. So far I do not see that but a Bunch of Fishes who do not know what Water is. It is a very sad Statement but true.
By the Way- if you follow so called Truthers and they never mention a Word about Geoengineering - forget about them. They are either blind Fishes or paid "Influencers".
If you wonna know what they are doing with those Clouds:

and Fakemoney
by Eustice Mullins
by Circumcision of Males. Done by DOCTORS (Witchcraft) . Circumcision causes more than "only" Pains - it causes Submission and never ending Greed: The Search for something what got lost. I find that out when living in Africa. As soon as the Girls get circumcised the Lights in their Eyes turn off. afterwards they will only follow Money as Substitute for the Love they will miss their whole Life. Well, that is the same with Males. Some might get Alcoholics as well but that also needs a never ending Moneysupply. It is the ultimate Witchcraft or Voodoo, however you want to call it.

And as you could hear here it also causes a lot of Rage, not natural Rage in an acute Situation, but permanent RAGE, often lateron directed against Women and Children, what then becomes Homosexuality and Pedophilia... till its final Stage: to replace the Women with a transgendered Man. Why you ask: Women are the "Safety Home" for Children: the inner Castle for all Children- Girls and Boys: Mama and also Mama Earth.- a quiet different Place than BIO, the horrific "Copy" of Nature otherwise known as Geoengineering, GMO and Transhumanism and the Green Agenda. Men, by their Nature, are the second Ring of Defence against Danger, they protect their Families outside of the Cave- but only if they were not amputated, especially after Birth to fit the Blood Hunger of insane Men. The Abracadabra Religions all accuse the Women of Evil (weaketness). Well the Medical System drove Women out of the "Castle Business of Women" and turnt Midwives into Nurses, if they did not burn them, accusing them of Witchcraft. I do not know if it is yet possible to amputate little Men in the Cave of the Women, in her Womb. Check that out Dear Men: look at your Penis. If there is not a lot of Skin hanging over it was taken away from you: either prenatal or right after Hospital Birth, when the Babies get taken away ... their Eyes get poisoned ,,,, and probably their Foreskins got snipped. Mama could not do anything about it- she was poisoned too while that Birthing Process.
it is not about Cars .. they want you to help in the Massmurder of Peoples. Do not buy these idiotic Cars and especially not in the Name of Saving Nature. It is nothing like that.

These People must be arrested. They are killing us.

What Lithium does/ please copy the Text and translate it into your Language

Nach einem Selbstversuch von Cade wurde 1952–1954 die Verwendung von Lithiumcarbonat als Medikament zur Behandlung depressiver, schizophrener und manischer Patienten in einer Doppelblindstudie am Psychiatrischen Krankenhaus in Risskov (Dänemark) untersucht.[21] Damit war der Grundstein für die Lithiumtherapie gelegt.

Bei dieser wird Lithium in Form von Salzen, wie dem Lithiumcarbonat, gegen bipolare Affektstörungen, Manie, Depression und Cluster-Kopfschmerz eingesetzt.[6] Dabei ist die geringe therapeutische Breite zu beachten.

Bei zu hohem Lithiumspiegel können Nebenwirkungen auftreten wie Tremor, Rigor, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Herzrhythmusstörungen und Leukozytose. Über 3,0 mmol/l besteht Lebensgefahr. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Der Grund ist, dass der Stoffwechsel von Lithium und Natrium ähnlich sind. Ein zu hoher Lithiumspiegel kann durch Schwitzen oder Natrium-ausschwemmende Medikamente (natriuretische Diuretika) mit sinkendem Natriumspiegel entstehen. Der Körper versucht, den Natriumverlust zu kompensieren, indem in den Nieren dem Primärharn Natrium entzogen und in das Blut zurücktransportiert wird (Natriumretention). Neben Natrium wird dabei auch Lithium retiniert, das normalerweise gleichmäßig von den Nieren ausgeschieden wird. Die Folge ist ein erhöhter Lithiumspiegel, was bei der Einnahme von Lithium ein Drug monitoring bedingt, bei dem regelmäßig der Lithiumspiegel bestimmt und die Dosis entsprechend angepasst wird.
copy the Text into Google Translate please

he could not stand Uglyness. And I cannot too. When I go through my Homeland I can still find some Beauty left - beside all the ugly Architecture and horrible Nonsense Art, the Town with no more real Trees but synthethic Trees ... I have not even Words to describe all that Uglyness our Occupiers throw over our Homeland. But under it there is still our Homeland. And it will come up again. Why? Because it must.

For my meanwhile pretty much stupified German Brethrens (God thanks not all of us), you should have learned English by Time .... the same I am telling my English Brethrens (as we are basically from the same Stock, so to speak) that they should learn German.

However the Constitution of the US made up in 1871 for some Surprise was done also in Germany in the same Year and by a simular System, which includes all of us as Corperations (Persona). To make Things double safe it includes not only the Birthcertificates issued to show up our Status as being owned by the Nobles (well more the non Nobles) but also another one issued by the Priests and their Corperation - the Papalsystem with all their religious Branches and Tax Collectors. So you got certified by the Hospitals and on Top also with the Bathing-Certificate, drowning you deeply under Water and telling you that Jesus would save you, what a Joke. It is for a Reason that I refuse my Christian ID, though I believe in a Creator who is not the Creator of the Bible. By the Way I do not believe in the Devil either other than a Description of some People, who are really sick in their Brains to want to feed on other Peoples Energy and Flesh.
They got not yet enough of us dead.
First of all WWI and II are not finished as long as War is declared on Germany and it is. So they came up with Alter-Natives: let shoot them without Bombs but let Chemicals and Metals rain via Geeoenginerring and shoot them into the Arms as well, not only drinking and breathing them. Aren`t we creative? Must have come across by our God who made us the Chosen Ones.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

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Category Education

Rotten Civilisation alias Modernity