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This is also not working but you need to see this before or after the last upload.

- Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development
- ID2020:
- Immunization: an entry point for digital identity:
- Bill Gates - Ask Me Anything (reddit):
- Microelectronics & Society (pdf):
- Gordon Brown calls for new global government:
- Quantum Dot Tattoo:

SONG used in video:

O.D.D TV / ODD TV / ODD Reality:

This is a re-upload, because the first one isn't working anymore.
Original Video Source : ODD TV

Witsit vs Harrison. Great respectful debate, as it should be, but almost never is..

This is a disaster for real musicians. I hate this so much! This is AI generated crap.. Lyrics stolen from K-Rino and video from Eric Dubay. They are killing off the music industry..

Here is an interview with a tree expert and botanist, that have been working with and studied trees for 48 years. He has made 107 trips around the world, to study 38 "wildfires", in the last 7 years. The vast majority were systematically burned down, in fact only three of these "wildfires", were natural according to him. Like forest fires where the forest forgets to burn, plastic bins don't burn, but the houses and cars melt to the ground. Trees burn from within, etc., etc.

Remember when they called us conspiracy theorists for talking about how governments and NGO's carrying out cloud seeding programs... or how people have seen an unbelievable explosion of chemtrails. Well we were proven correct once again. The city of Dubai in the UAE... is flooding... more than 6 inches of rain falling in a matter of hours. According to Bloomberg this is thanks to their cloud seeding program.
Original video :

Nice song from youtuber BOATRAWKER

Statement COVID-19 Vaccines Safety and Efficacy by Dr Aseem Malhotra MD for Mika Vauhkala Short Biodata: Dr Aseem Malhotra is an NHS trained Consultant Cardiologist and an internationally renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease. His areas of expertise include evidence-based medicine and collaborative shared decision-making with patients.
Full statement:

Notre Dame Fire CCTV PROOF of DEW, Media Reports Before it Happened.
I just wanted to make a fast video about what I believe happened here. But I will focus on Notre Dame, as I don't know enough about this new event.
It's always the same crap. I have not investigated this more than a few hours, but it definitely seems like the usual suspects. Destroy all important tartarian architecture as they do. 5 years and 1 day since they destroyed Notre Dame.
I added some old videos with predictive programming and amazing surveillance footage, from the destruction of the Notre Dame to explain what's going on.
I also added a Fox News interview with a French politician, who got cut off on live TV, for saying that he believed that it was deliberate.

British journalist Richard Medhurst reports on the Iranian response to Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1. This violation of the Vienna Convention (1961 and 1963) went unanswered until today on April 14 The world has watched anxiously in anticipation of Iran's response. Now Iran fires a volley of drones and missiles at Israel, accompanied by an orchestra of similar calibers out of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

Denne film afslører klimaalarmismen som en selvskabt forskrækkelse uden noget videnskabeligt grundlag. Den viser, at officielle data ikke understøtter påstanden om, at vi er vidne til en stigning i ekstreme vejrbegivenheder – orkaner, tørke, hedebølger, naturbrande og alt det andet. Det imødegår eftertrykkeligt påstanden om, at de nuværende temperaturer og niveauer af atmosfærisk CO2 er usædvanlige og bekymrende høje. Tværtimod, sammenlignet med den sidste halve milliard år af jordens historie, er både de nuværende temperaturer og CO2-niveauer usædvanligt lave. Vi lever for tiden i øjeblikket i en istid. Den viser også, at der ikke er bevis for, at ændrede niveauer af CO2 (det har ændret sig mange gange) nogensinde har 'drevet' klimaændringer i fortiden.

Hvorfor får vi så at vide igen og igen, at 'katastrofale menneskeskabte klimaændringer' er en uigendrivelig kendsgerning? Hvorfor får vi at vide, at der ikke er beviser, der modsiger det? Hvorfor får vi at vide, at enhver, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved 'klimakaos', er en 'fladjordstilhænger' og 'videnskabsfornægter'?

Filmen udforsker karakteren af konsensus bag klimaændringer. Den beskriver oprindelsen af klimafinansieringstoget og fremkomsten af billioner af dollars klimaindustri. Den beskriver de hundredtusindvis af job, der er afhængige af klimakrisen. Det forklarer det enorme pres på videnskabsmænd og andre for ikke at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved klimaalarmismen: tilbagetrækning af midler, afvisning fra videnskabelige tidsskrifter, social udstødelse.

Men klimaalarmismen er meget mere end et finansierings- og jobtog. Filmen udforsker klimapolitikken. Fra begyndelsen var klimaforskrækkelsen politisk. Synderen var industrikapitalismen på det frie marked. Løsningen var højere skatter og mere regulering. Fra starten appellerede klimaalarmismen til og er blevet vedtaget og fremmet af de grupper, der går ind for en stærkere regering.

Dette er den uudtalte politiske hensigt bag klimaalarmismen. Klimaforskrækkelsen appellerer især til alle i det vidtstrakte offentligt finansierede elite. Dette inkluderer den stort set offentligt finansierede vestlige intelligentsia, for hvem klimaet er blevet en moralsk sag. I disse kredse er det et brud på den sociale etikette at kritisere eller stille spørgsmålstegn ved klimaalarmismen.

Filmen indeholder interviews med en række meget fremtrædende videnskabsmænd, herunder professor Steven Koonin (forfatter til 'Unsettled', en tidligere provost og vicepræsident for Caltech), professor Dick Lindzen (tidligere professor i meteorologi ved Harvard og MIT), professor Will Happer (professor i fysik ved Princeton), Dr. John Clauser (vinder af Nobelprisen i fysik i 2022), professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics), professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph), Willie Soon og flere andre.
Filmen er skrevet og instrueret af den britiske filmskaber Martin Durkin. Læs hele beskrivelsen her.

Jesus Campos’ 33 name was also used for the 2017 Las Vegas massacre as the security guard role. These guys don’t look exactly the same, but same name for two major events.

Thanks to They Live Truth

Thanks again to They Live Truth on Youtube and Rumble.

*** Lots more hard hitting truth content in the Truth Vault on my website:

Please remember to comment, rate and share this video with others.

This is an unofficial re- edit of Ben's awesome FE presentation. Ben may or may not agree with the added information, my interpretation or the visuals and music presented in this video. No affiliation to Ben is intended or implied.

Don't like the music or the music is to loud for you? Here's a link to a music free edition.


Taboo Conspiracy


Red Pill Philosophy

Hibbeler Productions


neo HUMAN eve


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I am HEAVILY CENSORED! Go to my other video platforms



YouTube (This channel):



Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app

Massive APPARENT reduction in excess deaths in 2023 as UK ONS change how they calculate excess deaths.


Excess deaths in 2022, 52,514 (9.26%)

OECD, UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

Excess deaths, 49,389 (9.44%)

Early heart disease deaths rise to 14-year high

Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020

Heart and circulatory diseases cause around a quarter of all deaths in England – over 140,000 deaths each year or one death every four minutes.

In 2022

Over 39,000 people in England died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions,

heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke,

an average of 750 people each week.

It is the highest annual total since 2008.

Genocide, Democide, and Holocaust

The Twentieth Century has witnessed more mass killings than in any previous century. It is estimated that about 170,000,000 persons were systematically and cruelly killed by the actions of governments. In many cases, these governments were their own.

It sure looks like we are going to beat the Twentieth Century in only a few years... And this is according to plan, as everybody who studied the New World Order just a little bit, of course knows....
And no I'm not a fan of this doctor, he still believes we had a new virus. But these numbers are so incredibly high, so I needed to share it.
The real numbers are most likely much higher. Bill Gates funded Our World In Data..

Our world in data excess mortality link

ONS link for deaths from covid in care homes

Health improvements and disparities


John Watt and the Prime Minister keeps his word

I’m an Australian embalmer and we are seeing the same clots

i have a friend who is a funeral director here in new zealand i asked him he said he was finding the same thing and i live in a small town .

I know a guy who's wife is an embalmer. She said ever since the you know what she has never seen so many cases of clotted arteries in her life.

My Daughter passed away 29 years old. A Blood Clot they called it a Thrombotic Pulmonary embolism. The coroner told me that she was presenting these white type Clots. She was a New Mother and I miss Her dearly. I get upset thinking that when she had her jab they double dosed her. The Public Health Org. was supposed to follow up with Her but they didnt.

As a physician practicing in the USA, I’m extremely concerned about the rising excess deaths and its correlations to 2021 . Practitioner’s need to be brave and continue to speak out with compassion to educate our patients. I believe the dam is ready to break soon.

Johns past few episodes alone should be a wake-up call for an independent review body. There should be at the very least a database showing if the deceased were vaccinated or not and if so what type(s) of vaccine were administered. Thanks for highlighting these findings John.

I know of a 64 year old man, perfectly healthy, fully jabbed who died of a massive heart attack 2 months ago. The hospital ordered no autopsy! His wife has employed a Solicitor to insist an autopsy is done. Funny, it’s like the hospital has something to hide…can’t think why?

I don't agree with everything Jordan says but he is a walking encyclopedia on a great many subjects. However the more research I do and the deeper I get the more sense some of what he says makes. Keep in mind that by listening and thinking about opposing points of view, you learn more and get closer to the truth. Use your own discernment.

Jordan Maxwell Born 28 December 1940 and Died 23. March 2022. Rest in peace Jordan.
Jordan Maxwell was a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America's oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today.

His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades.

* Astro-Theology
* Sexual Symbolism in World Religions
* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion
* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion
* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern
* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems
* Ancient Sciences and Technology
* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries
* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion
* The Story Your Church Doesn't Want You to Know
* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events


Mirrored from Jim Crenshaw Bitchute channel:

Thanks to:
Rigged sports media,
Jake The Asshole
They Live Truth

This interview is a must for anyone just starting to look into the truth of their reality. And hopefully a nostalgic trip with a twist down memory lane for others.

When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 500 year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the F.E truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the F.E truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our F.E gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the F.E truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

Sir Richard Owen: The man who invented the dinosaur

After the question there is a follow up interview, by Dr John Campbell with the vaccine injured guy.
From Dr. John Campbell (who is vaccinated by the way) YouTube channel.

Great video by Jerry from jeranism channel on YouTube. Neil Disgrace Tyson explains how we are not allowed to use our own senses, when it comes to science in general, but in astrophysics especially. Hmm why would he say that?🤣

Today, we investigate the Great Fires. In my personal Favorite Episode to this point, we find a massive flaw in the narrative that mathematically opens the floodgates. Understanding that there is nearly zero chance that these Great Fires happened, the way that we are told, will possibly change the way that people think about our mainstream history forever. We cover all of this..and much..much more!



Created 4 years ago.

699 videos

Category Health & Medical

Exposing The New World Order Agendas