Perspektywa Narodowa

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Perspektywa Narodowa

Perspektywa Narodowa


BitChute wprowadził swój nowy regulamin oparty na cenzurze, w wyniku czego ten kanał nie może dotrzeć już do swojej grupy docelowej, której są Polacy. Kanał został przeniesiony na i

"It is likely that the first Leuchter Report will for a long time remain the last word about the gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. As a pioneering effort, it has opened a particularly fertile field of research for others to follow and expand upon.

The second Leuchter Report, 1989, is also a pioneering work, this time on the question of the alleged gas chambers at Dachau, Mauthausen and Hartheim."

As can be read in CharlottesWebb's description of this very same material:

I have tweaked the audio and switched it to mono, as every other mirror I found only let me listen to the report with my right ear...

Better quality of a previous upload

Goy, goyim = non-Jews, "cattle"

1. If a Jew finds a Object Lost by A Goy it does Not Have to be Returned [BABA MAZIA 24a]
2. If a Goy hits a Jew, He Must be Killed [Sanhedrin 58b]
3. If a Jew Kills a Goy There Will be No Death Penalty. [Sanhedrin 57a]
4. What a Jew Steals from a Goy, He must Keep [Sanhedrin 57a]
5. All Children of the Goyim Are Animals [Yebamoth 98a]
6. If You Eat with a Goy it's the same as eating with a Dog [Yebamoth 98a Tospoth,Jebamouth 84b]
7. The Gentiles are not Humans, They are Beasts [Baba Mezia 114b]
8. Even The Best of the Goyim Should be Killed [Soferim 15]
9. Do Not Save the Goyim in Danger of Death, Show NO Mercy to the Goyim [Hikkoth Akum X1]
10. Sexual Intercourse between the Goyim is Like Intercourse between Animals [Sanhedrin 74b]
11. When the Messiah Comes every Jew will have 2800 Slaves [Simeon fol 56D]
12. Extermination of the Christians is a Necessary Sacrifice [Zohar, Shemothj]
13. Jehovah Created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jews would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night [Midrash Talpioth, p. 225-L]
14. A Jew is Forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, Because the touch has made the wine Unclean [Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122]
15. To Communicate anything to a Goy about religious relations would be equal to the Killing of ALL Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would Kill us openly [Libbre David 37]
16. A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat. [Hadarine,20,B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348]
17. A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl [Gad. Shas.2:2]
18. A"prayer" or "benediction" to be said by a Jewish man every day: "Thank God for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a Slave. [Hilkkoth Akum X1]
19. A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them [Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17]

A Polish translation of one of the videos made by Alerta Judiada, a group imprisoned for their beliefs.
I did not create the video itself.

Alerta Judiada archive's English version:

A Polish translation of one of Magister Populi's videos.
I did not create the source video.

Link to the Axis Speeches archive of the source video:

A Polish translation of one of The Impartial Truth's videos.
I did not create the source video.

Link to The Impartial Truth BitChute archive of the source video:

A Polish translation of one of the videos made by Alerta Judiada, a group imprisoned for their beliefs.
I did not create the video itself.

Alerta Judiada archive's English version:

A Polish translation of one of the videos made by Alerta Judiada, a group imprisoned for their beliefs.
I did not create the video itself.

Alerta Judiada archive's English version:

A Polish translation of one of the videos coursing around the web.
I did not create the video itself.

A Polish translation of a video from Lupuzi's channel:

A trailer for now released documentary by The Impartial Truth - A Last Appeal To Reason

watch it here:

Polish translation of a video from Anon88's channel:

Originally by Propagandaministerium:



Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

13 videos

Category Education

Polish translations

BitChute wprowadził swój nowy regulamin oparty na cenzurze, w wyniku czego ten kanał nie może dotrzeć już do swojej grupy docelowej. Kanał zostaje przeniesiony na i

Zajmuję się archiwizowaniem treści stworzonych przez osoby o skrajnych poglądach w formie przystępnej dla każdego posługującego się językiem polskim, swoją działalność prowadzę w celu umożliwienia Polakom zapoznania się z owymi materiałami, a nie w celach politycznych i uważam, że nie podlegam karze za domniemane propagowanie ideologii na podst. § 3 art. 256. KK.

Odnośnie kwestii rasowej, szczególnie Światowego Żydostwa - nie namawiam do nienawiści, nie uważam, że Żyd podlega krytyce jedynie ze względu na swoją rasę, jednak nie powinien również z tego powodu nie ulec tej krytyce.
To samo tyczy się wszystkich innych ras i narodowości - sama odrębność nie uzasadnia nienawiści, ale nie może też stanowić tarczy przeciwko uzasadnionej krytyce.