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Go on an adventure while burning your eyes with luminescent flashing. Or hold the adventure, sit there and harm your optical nerves. Then listen to some Anal Cunt. That's the Seizure 2 experience.

created by yours truly


wasswadd collab entry, #KOTHCOLLAB2024

funnier than my last youtube poop of king of the hill, I think

Original episode: 7x10 Megalo Dale

Here's my megapoop of King of the Hill episode "Rich Hank Poor Hank". To pre-empt some criticism, yes, most of these parts were used in Orpheus's second KOTH YTP collab. But it does so in a different, more continuous editing style. And it does more than reconfigure the parts in the collab. It uses all the original collab entry videos I could find, and since there were parts of those videos that Orpheus edited out, this will have new scenes that you haven't seen yet if you've only watched that. Plus more YTPs that came before and since.

Original videos:
dsargent724 - King Hank's Hill of the Cocaine

Attackofthehank - Collab 2 - Entry 1

Attackofthehank - Collab 2 - Entry 2

wasswadd - Poor Bobby becomes One with The Dollar

Nick Hanson - Dammit DaAaAaLe!

lpoop7colors - Bobby and the Arlen Gang

MrTPoops - KOTH Collab #2

Likety - Starring Tom Hanks (REUPLOADED)

chemistryguy - Propane is an alkane, consisting of three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atom

Shad0wchucky - Collab 2 Entry

OrpheusFTW, KeeperOfPorridge, ChristophersFlashes, $100, KroboProductions, Robbersquest, kevmcallister, Adventure2TheUnknown (aka Hankhillinator, aka Slay Skullmaster) - KOTH Collaboration #2


Videos backup + extra vids not on youtube

fagmerica deserved it


Happy Black History Month. Just kidding! Here's some twisted animation by me and some friends from over a decade ago. It distills the band NWA to nothing more than the parts necessary for their fame. Unfortunately the content of the video and audio needed some sanitization to be suited to this lousy website (referring to youtube here). The part in the middle where the animation quality significantly decreases is the part that I animated.

Witness the original uncensored version here:

the world renowned masterpiece, Rapping Faggot 3

hank hill has turned into the yelling creature

bill at the newseum

The Flame of Dax

heggy pill and hancoc hiih buy a motorcycle (and die)(spoilers) in this Youtube Poop of King of the Hill.

fun facts about this video:
1. I've been working on this since 2018
2. the clouds over the office of dr. tits are actual texas clouds
3. I am a real YTP veteran who has been making and watching YTPs since 2007, but I haven't done that in a while and my original account (charcoal125) was deleted, along with many videos loved by the community. I think it was my KOTH poop from 2007 that got me banned. So this is my first full-fledged original YTP in a while.
4. I also make what I call Youtube Megapoops. They're compilations of different YTPs of the same KOTH episode, edited into a continuous experience. There is a boggle megapoop that compiles 21 YTPs and is actually longer than the original episode! Watch them in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwcx_raEoXZdInDxYlA3eQFK0Z4L67nD2

bandcamp: https://pigeontoucher.bandcamp.com
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/pigeontoucher
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pigeontoucher/
odysee: https://odysee.com/@pigeontoucher
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482634
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Navigate through a maze of glitches and effects layered and layered on each other, breathing and tangling into a living mass. Feel the Deiri-icious effects of Obscurantist Anarchist Insanity.

This album consists primarily of samples from video game corruption videos that can be found on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PabloShikovski/videos

Influence Hoarding: WWF Royal Rumble
Casual Fugly: Donkey Kong Country 2
Brian Rad Pants Mania: Kirby's Adventure, McKids
YummyGort: Spider Man: Maximum Carnage

bandcamp: https://pigeontoucher.bandcamp.com
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/pigeontoucher
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pigeontoucher/
odysee: https://odysee.com/@pigeontoucher
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482634
gab: https://gab.com/pigeontoucher
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Youtube Megapoop playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwcx_raEoXZdInDxYlA3eQFK0Z4L67nD2

This is 10 different YTPs of the same KOTH episode, edited together to show the best parts of each. Since the first version of this video contained a highly copyrighted classic RnB song which caused the video to be blocked, this is the newly edited anti-copyright version. In this version, that scene was painstakingly recreated with alternate, hopefully non-copyright triggering music. Four additional YTPs have been added as well!

Original videos:

BaconatedGrapefruits - Hank Hill's Fish Fetish

Gavin Hernandez - Hank Heh Gives Up The Worm

Porchemaster10 - Hank hill and friends keep on glitching!

Attackofthehank - Hank Has an Addictive Personality

Attackofthehank - He never did get that hammer.

LooperPooper - Hank Hilleh and the Crack Rock Fiasco

TFO Revitalized - Fish of the Hill

MisterrCoolio - Hank's Fishing Escapades

BaconatedGrapefruits, Jake Roberts - A Pooptastic Valentine's Day Collab

Atamali - Hank's Master Bait

This is one of the best videos you'll ever see. It's a compilation of all the rolphing in BlameSociety's Fun Rangers series.

The final form of NWA's masterpiece.

I started making this soon after the original swearing compilation back in 2011, but was finally prompted to finish it through the process of mirroring my videos on other video hosting sites. So you'll find backups of the swearing compilations (and a lot more fun videos) in these links:

bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pigeontoucher/
odysee: https://odysee.com/@pigeontoucher
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482634

original account (with youtube poop and fun vids):

Also, check out my music it's great

a compilation of all the bad words in dr. dre's 2001 album

I made this in 2010

A companion piece to one of my previous videos, 2001 Swearing Compilation (Bizarro Edit). This time around it's Nigga only.

bandcamp: https://pigeontoucher.bandcamp.com
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/pigeontoucher
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pigeontoucher/
odysee: https://odysee.com/@pigeontoucher
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482634
gab: https://gab.com/pigeontoucher
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tik tok: no


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

71 videos

Category None

youtube reuploads, plus more non-youtube stuff

bandcamp: https://pigeontoucher.bandcamp.com
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/pigeontoucher
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pigeontoucher/
odysee: https://odysee.com/@pigeontoucher
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482634
gab: https://gab.com/pigeontoucher
facebook: no
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