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Dr Heather speaks about the death of her Mother, then her husband while her children were young teenagers, the effects on her family and how to deal with grief within the family.

00:00 Introduction
01:17 Loss of loved ones
05:19 Life Plan with no guarantee
12:10 Be open
22:35 Happy memories
26:08 A promise
30:00 Moving away from loss into celebration
34:23 Heather's tip

As a relationship expert and best selling author, Dr. Heather Browne has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in psychotherapy. Speaking with the Heart, her recently released book, is the message she shares in her TedX and keynote speeches.


Time perception is a phenomenon.

Time seemed to pass much slower when we are children and faster as adults; faster when we are enjoying things and slower when we wish it would speed up.

But in reality, all we have is this moment, now.

#mindfulness #mindfulliving #mindfulnessmatters #time #passingtime #healyourself

Karen shares how she fell at a client's house, shattering her ankle and breaking her foot. The Orthopaedic Doctor wanted her to wear a boot, to stabilise her foot but Karen chose alternative methods to heal.

00:00 Introduction
01:11 Karen's accident
08:33 Consequences of traditional treatment
11:49 Adaptions
13:13 Have I healed?
22:45 Karen's tip

Contact Karen:

Today we'll dive deep into the concept of unconditional love and how it has the profound ability to heal our hearts and souls.

Unconditional love provides us with a sense of belonging and acceptance, fosters forgiveness and compassion and empowers us to embrace vulnerability and authenticity.

We cultivate and harness the power of unconditional love in our own lives with self love.

Remember that unconditional love is not a destination but a journey, of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

#selflove #unconditionallove #transformation #healingjourney

Lucia Stone healed breast cancer and not only shares her healing here with me, but also in my book Heal Yourself in Chapter 21.

The audio of this recording has some interference, I am not sure why.

00:00 Introduction
01:53 The power of the mind
05:49 Cleveland Clinic holistic healing
08:30 Death caused the cancer
12:12 Healing modalities
16:30 Permission to ourselves
27:08 Lucia's tip for healing

#healingjourney #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancerthriver #healyourself

Magnesium is necessary for many many of our body's processes.

It supports our health in multiple ways and there are a number of forms of magnesium.

Let's look at what it does for us, the side effects and the forms.

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Magnesium's health benefits
03:05 Forms of Magnesium
03:33 Absorption and Side Effects

#magnesiumbenefits #magnesium #magnesiumspray #magnesiumdeficiency

Stacey Hall suffered adrenal burn out and spent two years and three months in bed as a result.
She shares what happened in the run up to her becoming sick and how she screamed out in anger.

What happened next made Stacey think she had gone crazy........

Following this, Stacey took a course in natural healing, understood why she had become sick and healed herself.

00:00 Introduction
01:19 Diagnosis burnt out adrenals
03:24 How I got sick
16:13 How I healed
21:00 Healing with natural therapy
27:10 Behind the Doctor scenes
37:13 Stacey's tip for healing

Stacey Hall is an acclaimed international speaker who gained recognition for her TEDx Talk.
Her mission is to help entrepreneurs attract and connect with their ideal audience, solve their audience’s problems, and leave a legacy that lives on long after they are gone, through her social media marketing training program, Go for Yes.

#adrenalfatigue #adrenalglands #naturalhealing #burntout #healyourself

Our minds create narratives to make sense of our experiences, constructing a story that becomes deeply ingrained within our psyche.

These stories we tell ourselves about suffering have the power to either imprison us or set us free.

Changing our story also requires forgiveness – not only of others but also of ourselves.

Get your free Ebook on Forgiveness here -

#breakingfree #mystory #mystorylife #changinglife #changingperspectives

Erica Hoke struggled with infertility for years, until she found and addressed the root cause of the infertility.

Today, she shares the many health issues she struggled with that fed her infertility and what she did to help herself.

Erica has published several books, sharing her own and other's infertility journeys, through pregnancy, birth and after.

00:00 Introduction
02:03 Diagnoses causing infertility
07:50 Take back your power
10:42 Factor V Leiden
14:01 Mental healing
20:01 Living with infertility
21:53 Thyroid healing
25:14 Tip for healing infertility
29:40 Erica's books about infertility, birth and beyond

Erica Hoke is an Infertility Strategist, Author and Publisher, whose life's mission revolves around empowering women grappling with infertility.

At 35, Erica made a powerful decision to actively participate in her healthcare journey. She became pregnant four times, without the help of reproductive medicine, by addressing root causes and embracing holistic healing.

She firmly believes that every woman's body holds an inherent wisdom and strength to heal.

Connect with Erica

Erica's Books

Book 1 Infertility Success, Stories of Help and Hope for Your Journey

Book 2 Infertility Success, MORE Stories of Help and Hope for Your Journey

Let's take a look at shadow work and why it is important to our health.

In this episode, we will discuss what our shadow self is, what questions we can ask ourself to find it, and how we can accept and integrate it.

This information is taken from Dr Nicole Lepera, The Holistic Psychologist. You can download her booklet from the link below.

00:00 Introduction
00:40 What is our shadow self
02:42 Questions to ask yourself
05:50 Meet your shadow self
07:21 Shadow self in action
08:47 Accepting shadow self
09:48 Integrating shadow self

Christiaan shares his love of photography with me and how he found long exposures would bring him into the present moment and out of his mind. He found this a great healing modality for the stress and anxiety he developed in his day job, as a medical doctor.

Christiaan is a Family Doctor based in East Anglia in the UK.
As the stress of the medical job took hold, taking him to the hospital twice with heart arrhythmia, Christiaan reduced his medical hours to pursue his love of photography.
Whilst still working as a Doctor, Christiaan went back to school to do a diploma in photography, followed by a Higher National Diploma online, which he then converted into a First Class Honours degree. His dissertation reviewed the benefits of Therapeutic Photography in treating mental illness.
Christiaan also discovered self-healing through his own processes of long-exposure photography, which he uses to de-stress from the rigours of daily life.

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What we experience as a child doesn't go away just because we grow up.

Let's recognise the signs that we have a wounded inner child and know that we have the opportunity and ability to give them what they need.

Come and join me as I take you through the steps of recognising your wounded inner child and what you can do to help them to heal.

00:00 Introduction
01:02 Signs of a wounded inner child
01:51 Healing the wounded inner child

#innerchild #innerchildwoundshealing #healyourself

If you need help, find me at
Please reach out.

Marni shares with me that she fell off her bike and sustained concussion, bleeding on the brain, she broke nine bones, had a punctured lung and her left shoulder was left "mangled".

Marni healed herself through her own belief that she would heal along with some energy healing from people she knew.

00:00 Introduction
01:30 Accident
05:42 Belief in healing
06:44 Healing and Wake Up Call
14:06 What's Lion's Mane
17:00 Writing a story
19:23 The power of belief
26:15 Gratitude for everything

Marnie always had the capacity to “know” things about those around her and to feel their emotions. Since she was a teen, friends, family and even foes, would seek her out specifically when they had “a problem”. Marnie was the “go-to”.

For many years Marnie doubted herself and her abilities. However, following a serious accident involving a Traumatic Brain Injury, a broken neck and back, Marnie embraced her inner gifts and now works as a psychic, counsellor and hypnotherapist and she has published two books.

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Following a discussion with my hubby, I decided to write a book about people's own views and beliefs around empathy.

Today's episode is a request for help with research into people's understanding and beliefs about empathy.

You can download the questionnaire as a word document, an odt document or a pdf document from here

Any questions, please email me at [email protected]

For more information about me, check out my website

#empathy #personalbeliefs

I speak to Jackie Scully about her spiritual awakening and healing after a dark night of the soul.

00:00 Introduction
02:18 mental health matters
09:03 the beginning of the spiritual journey
16:27 physical healing
21:53 the healing work
32:26 higher state of consciousness
43:59 helping children
46:52 Jackie's tip


Jackie Scully, M. Ed is an accomplished History and Psychology Teacher, recognized for her dedication to education. As the Creator and Host of "The Teacher Story," she skilfully shares her personal journey and conducts insightful interviews with fellow educators.
Beyond her podcast, Jackie is also the co-founder of "The Teacher Circle," a thriving LinkedIn group that fosters a global community dedicated to supporting educators and all stakeholders in the field of education.
Her unwavering commitment centers on principles of dignity, freedom, joy, and community. With a mission to promote dignity in education for all, Jackie Scully is a driving force in the pursuit of a brighter future for learners and educators alike.

Contact and Book

Let's take a quick look at the benefits of stepping out of our comfort zone in this short episode.

When we find the confidence to do it, we grow not only our comfort zone but our confidence too.

#stepoutofcomfortzone #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #tryingnewthings #confidencebuilding #confidenceboosting #healyourself #naturalhealing

00:00 introduction
02:02 My journey outside my comfort zone

Contact Sarah

EMAIL - [email protected]

Bonnie Madrigal shares her story of growing up in a religious community with strict rules and heavy handed discipline. At the age of twenty, she left home to search for herself and find her own beliefs. That is when her journey for healing began.

00:00 Introduction
05:40 Seeing and feeling the hurt
07:31 The need for forgiveness
11:21 The bad child
12:45 The healing work
14:20 Freedom to be who you are
17:33 Healing tip from Bonnie

Bonnie grew up in a small, conservative Mennonite community in Northern California. Her family left the community when she was 14 but still held on to many of the same cultural beliefs for many more years.

Bonnie moved to a remote county in California where she met and married the love of her life. She is now raising four wild, strong boys.

Bonnie always had a passion for healing and helping others find the power to heal themselves too. She worked in the medical field for over 5 years as nurses assistant, and when she started having children she decided that being nurse mom was her calling. She now tends to the physical and emotional hurts of little children, but also serves her friends and family as a holistic health practitioner.

Contact (changed after the recording)

Whilst nutrient dense food is believed to be good for health, let's take a look deeper look at nutrition and the bioavailability of food.

A study was done in 2022 by Ty Beal, to identify the most nutrient dense, bioavailable foods, to help support people who were malnourished, with nutrient deficiencies.

The results might surprise you........

Here are the study and plant video I spoke about.

2022 Study by Ty Beal -

Plants talking to each other -

#bioavailability #nourishyourself #nutrientsinfood #healyourself

Samantha healed herself of toxic mold, naturally. She shares how she realised it was mold that was causing her symptoms and what she did to heal herself.

00:00 Introduction
02:18 Healthcare run by insurance
04:27 Healing from birth control pills
06:24 Toxic mold symptoms
07:51 Test for mold
08:15 Healing from mold

Use their 20% discount code


Sam and Alyssa are Integrative Health Practitioners and co-owners of Balanced Friends. They met in dental hygiene school in 2010 and frustrated by the flaws in the American healthcare system, they transitioned to holistic health, drawing from their shared upbringing in low-income households.

Their virtual practice offers functional medicine detox programs for mold, metals, parasites, liver, and gut health. Perfectly designed to disrupt the broken healthcare system and to guide clients toward a more vibrant and balanced life

Connect with Sam

#healyourself #mold #healing

Let's take a look at the role of fevers in the healing process.

Fevers are our body's natural defence mechanism against infections.

When our body temperature rises, it produces a healing environment.

00:00 introduction
00:50 Fevers are a natural defence mechanism
01:44 Therapeutic benefits of fevers
01:53 Fever reduction medication
02:01 The best treatment for fevers
02:12 When to seek medical attention

#healyourself #naturalhealing #fevers #fevertreatment

I speak with Sherille Marquez about her overcoming a condition she wasn't even aware she had, for many years, body dysmorphia.

00:00 Introduction
03:20 We are in control of everything that happens
04:20 Awareness of types of relationships is important
07:57 Seeing yourself through a broken lens
12:04 Weight gain from emotional eating
14:50 Feeling the shame and letting it go
22:02 Emotional aspects of food
23:58 Holistic medicine from the ancients
31:36 Make a decision to change

The book Sherille mentioned is Eating in the Light of the Moon by Anita Johnston.

Sherille is a Transformational Coach for divorced women and helps them reclaim their power and create a life that’s authentic and fulfilling. She aims to instil a deep sense of self-awareness, guiding women to navigate the complexities of post-divorce life with strength, resilience, and an unwavering sense of purpose.

Connect with Sherille

We take a look at what seed oils are, where they come from and how they affect our health.

We discuss alternative oil and food choices to increase the intake of Omega 3 and decrease the amount of Omega 6.

#healthylifestyle #omega3 #omega6 #cookingoils #informedchoices
#healyourself #healing

Today, I speak to Reah Hagues about the need to heal relationships with our loved ones. Reah shares her own journey of becoming a single parent, while still a child herself and how she spent time healing the relationship with her addict father.

Reah has written an autobiography about her life and it is available from her website.

00:00 Introduction
01:36 Healing in writing
04:03 Expressing emotions
05:48 Support from family
07:23 Psychology and mental health
12:45 Transforming life
14:31 Healing is feeling
17:38 Stressing about the past
19:19 Expectations
22:41 Improved relationships
29:06 Tip in relationships

Bio and Contact

Reah is a mom, wife, daughter, author, entrepreneur and advocate with backgrounds in psychology and mental health. She has written and published multiple books, including an autobiography and workbooks on parenting.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

38 videos

Category Health & Medical

Sarah is a Holistic Health Coach and Keynote speaker, the Author of HEAL YOURSELF and was a Registered Nurse for twenty years. She has extensive experience in health and wellness gained through her years in nursing and her insatiable drive to improve overall health through nutrition and natural means.

After naturally self-healing a multitude of health issues, Sarah understands what it is like to be sick. With the knowledge gained through her own personal healing journey and experience as a nurse, she takes a holistic approach to her work, understanding that healing is not only physical, but mental, spiritual and emotional.

Sarah works with clients all over the globe, supporting them to find and heal the root cause of their health problems, through exploring their lifestyles and beliefs as well as reminding clients that they are innate natural healers.

When she’s not reading, writing or coaching clients, Sarah can be found outside in nature or in the kitchen.