Son of the Allfather

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Son of the Allfather

Son of the Allfather


As I’ve said in previous videos, the subversion of a group’s identity should be seen as an act of aggression and a crime against humanity. I believe the same is true of the subversion of a group’s indigeneity.

That said, of all the troubling aspects of this multi-faceted offensive against those of European descent, perhaps the most troubling is the attempted subversion of the indigeneity of European ethnic groups.

It is imperative that we secure an existence for our people and a future for our children. That can only be done through ethnic nationalism, and perhaps the most crucial requirement for a morally legitimate return to ethnic nationalism in Europe is to ensure that our indigeneity is not subverted by our treacherous enemies.

Attempts to subvert the indigeneity of Europeans can be comprehensively refuted by simply examining the ethnohistory of non-European ethnic groups considered indigenous in various regions in the world. By identifying similar ethnohistories between non-European and European groups, we can then compare and contrast each group’s general acceptance as the indigenous peoples of their respective homelands. Then any double standards applied to Europeans are then clearly exposed as ethnocidal towards Europeans.

Left-wing globalist media outlet CBS released this slideshow of the Top 65 Deadliest U.S. Cities. These cities show remarkable demographic similarities, namely, large nonwhite populations, especially Blacks and Hispanics, which have been demographically replacing white populations since the post WWII era.

Even though 70% of negligent homicides committed in the United States are committed by Blacks or Hispanics, not one single Black or Hispanic murderer was pictured in this slideshow.

Instead, 4 of the 5 murderers shown were Euro-American, the other an Alaskan Native. Two other Euro-Americans were shown in the slideshow; one is the junkie friend of a Black guy who was negligently killed by a white police, the other is the mother of a guy who threw his infant child off a bridge.

All nonwhites shown in the slideshow were either victims or the loved ones of victims.

For some time now, I have believed that both genetics and environment take a role in producing exceptional human beings, as well as exceptional human groups and their cultures as a whole.

As I have said in the past, culture, ethnicity and race are intrinsically linked, making culture a sort of racial ethos.

Vertigo Politix, one of the content creators I favor most, has said that cultures are a psychic manifestation of our DNA. I couldn’t agree more. But also, it cannot be denied that once our cultures are shaped, they become a factor which in turn shapes our very DNA over time.

In essence, the inverse is also true of VP’s statement to some extent. Our DNA is in part a biological manifestation of our cultural legacy as well. However, the chicken/egg causality dilemma does not apply here.

Obviously for a culture to begin positively shaping the DNA of any human group, exceptional DNA is first required to create and crystalize that beneficial culture. In other words, exceptional culture only organically propagates with the initial presence of exceptional DNA.

As Jared Taylor has said, “good cultures don’t just fall from the sky and the lucky groups get the good ones.”

Fascism and Nazism are nationalistic ideologies that promotes hierarchy, essentialism, and ethno-separatism. They seek to preserve and emphasize class, culture, religion, tradition, as well as ethnic and racial identity.

In contrast, Marxism is a globalist ideology that promotes egalitarianism, non-essentialism, and ethno-integration. It seeks to destroy and devalue class, culture, religion, tradition, as well as ethnic and racial identity.

The Nazis sought to destroy the preexisting globalist order, which consisted of Western liberal capitalism and Marxist state socialism.
They viewed these two ideologies to be divided only at face value, both being inherently Jewish ideologies, controlled mainly by Jewish people, and mainly serving the interests of international Jewry and Zionism.

They held many races and peoples in very high esteem, but they held themselves above all others. But there are many, many groups in this world who hold themselves above all others, including the group that became synonymous with the history of the Nazis.

So, in many ways, they have diametrically opposed goals for humanity and how to best organize it. The only people who frame them as equal are either uneducated or do so dishonestly because it is politically expedient for them.

I've gone through my books and have selected some that I felt made an influence on the shaping of my thought.

If any pique your interest and you choose to buy one, I recommend that you buy only one at a time, as this will ensure that you finish one before starting another...enjoy.


Globalists, especially in their most toxic Marxian form, would have us all believe that change which serves to advance their agenda is never unnatural, destructive, evil and avoidable.

That the changes they have implemented and continue to implement in pursuit of their objectives are purely natural, constructive, virtuous and inevitable.

The idea that the conquest of North America (and all the subsequent consequences) was natural, constructive, virtuous and inevitable was (and still is) known as "manifest destiny."

Proponents of Manifest Destiny thought Euro-Americans had an essential i.e. natural duty to redeem and remake (i.e. fundamentally change) the North American continent in their image...from sea to shining sea. They thought it was their destiny to accomplish this.

Despite heavily criticizing manifest destiny and both the creation and destruction it left in its wake, the globalist left now consistently frames the engineered invasion and colonization of European-majority nations by non-Europeans as a natural, constructive, virtuous and inevitable change, even when the nations in question are indigenous European homelands, and even though much of the change is objectively regressive.

It is an act of unparalleled anti-white hypocrisy.

The truth is, our genocide is necessary in the eyes of globalists, for we are the most formidable obstacle in carrying out their plan for the human species. Our eradication would aid in a swifter and more absolute achievement of their vision. The colonization of the West and the subsequent genocide of the European race is the globalist’s manifest destiny.

Stonehenge unquestionably represents a sacred link for indigenous British Islanders to our ancient past.

One way our enemies endeavor in destroying us and our future is to attempt to bastardize our past…to corrupt the story which serves to solidify our identity and validate our status as the indigenous peoples of Britain.

Identity is what unites humans with mutual similarities and affinities. It is what makes us what we are beyond just a member of the same species inhabiting the same planet. It gives us a collective sense of ourselves, but it is also what makes us who we are as individuals. It is what defines us.

The enemies of Europeans living in modern Western societies have bombarded us with ideologies and propaganda intended to purposefully atomize and break down our most basic of collective identities.

Our enemies cannot change who we are on a biological level, so they attempt to subvert our identity…to coerce us to change how we are defined as a collective group in order to disunite us, make us vulnerable to invasion, and groom us to accept the engineered destruction planned for us. When there is lack of group identity, that identity is usually filled by nefarious groups.

This is for my British brothers. Don't let these slimy Marxist scumbags in the media and academic community try to subvert your nation and your identity as a people. There is a reason why there are 360 million native English speakers in the world: because British Whites are a dominant force and have been instrumental stewards of Western civilization for millennia. Stay strong and Brexit on.

Marxism denies the natural order of things i.e Naturalism. It attempts to pervert and destroy everything that is powerful and virtuous in the world, simultaneously subverting the naturally successful with the natural failures. In a state of nature, only the strong, intelligent, beautiful, and steadfast survive and reproduce, endowing the same traits and mannerisms to their posterity.

In the decadence of the postmodern Western world, humanity has vainly and thoughtlessly assumed that it has conquered the omnipotence of Eternal Nature. As a result, an increasingly conspicuous and extensive effort of contemptuous besiegement is being effectuated upon naturally empowered traditional groups and identities by artificially empowered abnormal groups and identities. This attack can be seen in the realms of race, culture, politics, economics, lifestyle, and just about every other aspect of human existence one can observe.

For this video, I decided to record a conservation I had with my anti-White, feminist, social Marxist professor. I decided that I would take the typical angle of a civic nationalist, trying to argue that her anti-White, anti-male propaganda is logically specious and morally abject. My strategy was to bait her just enough with counterarguments so that she would become overly wordy and expose the true nature of her ideology.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

11 videos

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