Truth and Music

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Truth and Music

daz nez


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The worldwide protest anthem sung by millions is released on Friday Dec 10th on all major digital platforms. Please download, stream and share everywhere and help send a powerful message to the rulers that they can stick their plans, we love freedom!

You've got knickers on your face,
You big disgrace
If they told you not to wear shoes,
Would you sing the broken glass blues?

I never thought i would see these days,
Surrounded by a nation of sleeping slaves

Queue up at the shops outside 10 metres,
But once you get inside, everyone's squeezing by the freezers,
So what's the point of keeping us all apart outside?

These people embezzle and lie to go to war,
Cover up raping children and a whole lot more.
What the hell are you listening to what they say for?

Don't you remember the gulags, the stasi,
The party in 1984??
This ain't a brave new world at all.

And it's very long way from normal,
'Cos no matter what they say,
Wearing knickers on your face
And keeping 2 metres space from everyone
Is completely abnormal.

Don't you find it strange that all the flat earth 'leaders' (you know who they are,) not only promote a model they know has serious errors in it, but refuse to discuss or research or come up with a different model?

I'm only interested in what the truth is, and if something fails i move on because i'm not interested in popularity or feeding off a cult, but i know most people aren't like that - they prefer the social comfort of accepting what the majority accept, which is what the leaders manipulate; even if they know in their hearts they haven't really done the proper research for themselves, just like when they were accepting nasa's horse manure as wisdom, they haven't actually changed, just jumped from one cult to another.

Anyway, comments closed, because it is far easier to type a swift one off the wrist and be a dick on the internet than actually email, which anyone can do if they want to give me reasons why 4D can't be true (not vagueness like 'there's no proof!') or if they have a better idea (nothing based on a 1-poled disc model, it also puzzles me that people say, 'it's not the ae projection' but then go on to show a disc model with an ice wall and a circling sun, still with no explanation for the stars or the planetary system, both of which 4D has, though not for why they disappear at high altitude..)

enjoy :-)

Original Performance from end of 2013.

from the protests at barton moss, manchester, 2013-14.

Tune from the album 'Last Days Of Babylon' available now at all greedy corporate online retailers.


Created 5 years ago.

6 videos

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