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⚪️“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

⚪️ We did not listen to the Scientists and we did not Heed the Warnings. And so the Climate Gods punished us and destroyed all life on Earth starting with the year of 2015.... Is what the "undeniable, settled science" practitioners would have told you in 2008. I claim this did not occur, and the science is not settled. But, what do I know?

This video took a lot of effort to make.

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Climate Change, or Global Warming is by far the most popular Hoax and Cult today.

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“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

How powerful is the mighty 'Scientific Consensus?' Can it shape reality to its will? Or is reality the only thing that matters? My Math equation vs unaccounted or unpredictable variables, which reins supreme?

This video took a lot of effort to make. Please consider donating to my Patreon!

Climate Change, or Global Warming is by far the most popular Hoax and Cult today.
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The Corals have survived 550 million years. Ice Ages, Warm Periods, Meteors, Vastly Different Composition of Oceans didn't kill them... but now, today, a slight increase in CO2 is the fatal poison...! Or not.

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Thank you for watching!

The year is 2015. The Climate Apocalypse starts...

..Or so Climate Scientists thought in 2009!
Watch for a collection of predictions, all of which either did not, or will not take place as described.

This video took a lot of effort to make. Please consider donating to my Patreon!
Climate Chnage, or Global Warming is a very popular Hoax and Cult these days.
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How well do the NASA predictions from 2007 on Climate Change and the Arctic hold up? Watch to find out!


Part II of the Series. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed, it means a lot to me! I hope you continue to enjoy my content!
Climate Chnage, or Global Warming is a very popular Hoax and Cult these days.
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For this short video, I take a look at what NBC News said about Climate Change almost 40 years ago..
Were the scientists referenced correct? Watch to find out!

Climate Chnage, or Global Warming is a very popular Hoax and Cult these days.
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Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

6 videos

Category Science & Technology

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

The goal of my channel is simple. To look at claims made by Climate Scientists or Mainstream Media, and how the claims match up with reality.

I provide counter-balance to the Global Warming or Climate Change Hysteria.