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Seizing the Global Commons - Presentation delivered by Iain Davis in discussion with Whitney Webb and Cory Morningstar.

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James Corbett - from The Corbett Report - Interviews Iain Davis (me) - from In This Together - about the findings in my latest book "Pseudopandemic - New Normal Technocracy." The book explores how the policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic has ushered in policy agendas that have been planned for decades.

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Part 2 - Whitney Webb from - Unlimited Hangout - talks with Iain Davis from - In This Together - about the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP). The two of them look at how the GPPP functions, it's role and touch on many of the issues explored in Iain's new book "Pseudopandemic - New Normal Technocracy"

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Whitney Webb from - Unlimited Hangout - talks with Iain Davis from - In This Together - about the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP). The two of them look at how the GPPP functions, it's role and touch on many of the issues explored in Iain's new book "Pseudopandemic - New Normal Technocracy".

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Matt Hancock Pretending To Cry On National Television

Government responses to COVID 19 are often said to be "led by science." However what we are seeing is the widespread censorship of science to support a narrative. It seems anything that challenges the orthodox view is ignored, banned or undermined. While this persists no government can claim their polices are "led by science."

We contrast the statement about COVID 19 of four eminently qualified scientists. Dr Mike Yeadon, Sir Patrick Vallance, Chris Witty and Dr. Roger Hodkinson. All four should be heard but only two are. While Patrick Vallance and Chris Witty given the maximum public exposure Dr's Yeadon and Hodkinson are almost completely ignored by the politicians and the mainstream media and heavily censored on social media.

Watch here to find out why

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To see the full Unlocked UK interview with Dr Yeadon go here:

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Here, in one single film, is James Corbett's excellent documentary on Bill Gates. For his Show notes check out his website:

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James Corbett and I discuss how Britain is reacting to the coronavirus madness. We talk about COVID-19, the Coronavirus Act and other legislative nightmares, the statistical chicanery that is perpetuating this crisis, and how people across the UK and around the world are reacting to the new normal.

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Coronavirus has supposedly forced the UK State to enact medical martial law. Yesterday (23rd March) Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation and outlined the measures to be enforced. Yet how many of us are aware of the other liberties and individual protections we have we just given away? For this, we need to look at the Coronavirus Act. This Act does far more than simply compel us to self isolate and maintain social distancing. It is an Enabling Act. If you are reading this in the UK you do not live in a democracy.

Yet the scientific and statistical evidence does not suggest the need for this draconian response from the UK government. In this excellent analysis from the UK Column on 25/03/2020 we see just a small example of the many scientific and statistical reasons to question what the UK State has done.

We are apparently shutting down the economy, agreeing to martial law, causing systemic healthcare collapse and transferring the nation's wealth to the banks based upon little more than a belief founded upon next to nothing. You have already given your freedom away, Don't abandon critical thinking too.

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Coronavirus has made the world descend into panic. However it is becoming increasingly clear that the cheap globally available drug chloroquine has the potential to significantly limit both the scale and the severity of the outbreak. Evidence has been available for more than a month yet still we hear little from government.

However, recent statements from President Trump have alerted the western world to the possibility that chloroquine could be useful as both a treatment and preventative against coronavirus. Potentially offering the chance to both limit the spread and reduce the severity of the pandemic.

This video records a conversation on 20th March 2020 between Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Dr Mihael Polymeropoulos co founder of the Vanda Pharmaceuticals and former Deputy Director of Novatis.

For more information on chloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus see the links below.

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Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the clinical specialist and former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee.

Why we need to make this film:

Wolfgang Wodarg says:

"The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.
Evidence-based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media, and ministries."

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With the UK Governments Proposed Online Harms legislation we are seeing the approach of the most stringent censorship of the internet in the western world. All social media, blogs, alternative news sites are in its sights as the State sets about silencing any and all criticism of its policies, actions and agenda.

Pocketnet and similar solutions have never been more needed. The UK State is using the excuse of protecting children and tackling terrorism to suggest a verified login even to use the internet. This truly dictatorial legislation has been cleverly disguised with flowery language about "transparency", "freedom of speech" and "protecting independent media" when everything it proposes is specifically designed to censor, control and limit all.

Check out my post below if you want to know more about the deception creating a dictatorship.

The pharmaceutical industry used faulty research, paid doctors and manipulated the media to push an unsafe vaccine onto the market. They used political pressure to force this vaccine onto the public, despite any demonstrable public threat. The result has been the devastation of many young girls’ lives. Through interviews with leading experts, victims, and our own analysis of the vaccines themselves, the Alliance for Natural Health uncovered a conspiracy of greed that is being perpetrated on families around the world.

Greta Thunbergs tells world leaders they need to act. At least that's what we have been given to believe. But is it true. Are world leaders hanging on her every word?

In December 2018. only a couple of months after starting her one girl global protest , Greta Thunberg somehow found herself speaking at the COP24 United Nations Climate Summit in Poland.

The media reported how she had told world leaders what they needed to do. The mainstream media told us how world leaders really took her message to heart. In this video we look at the reality behind the story.

Did Greta really tell world leaders what they needed to do? Watch to find out.


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Take it easy you hoopy froods.

In December 2018. only a couple of months after starting her one girl global protest , Greta Thunberg somehow found herself speaking at the COP24 United Nations Climate Summit in Poland.

The media reported how she had told world leaders what they needed to do. The mainstream media told us how world leaders really took her message to heart. In this video we look at the reality behind the story.

Did Greta really tell world leaders what they needed to do? Watch to find out.

Another excellent report from the UK Column team.

In this report we see how a False Flag attack was created in Iraq in 2016 then follow how this fake news was reported to the World by Associated Press. The story is then picked up by major MSM outlets, like the Daily Mail in the UK, and reported as if it were real. This fake news propaganda is then used to promote public support for war and conflict, in this case, in the Middle East.

This is standard procedure for the MSM who are the propaganda wing for the global military industrial and intelligence complex.

With the UK parliament seemingly doing everything they can to stop Brexit an early election seems the only hope for frustrated leave voters. To this end Nigel Farage, Brexit Party leader, has seemingly offered the Conservatives, led by Boris Johnson, an electoral pact that could see a huge victory for Leavers.

The New World Order is a thing. A definite concept that has different meanings for different people.

For globalists and world leaders the New World Order means the promise of centralised power and a single point of control of all the world’s resources. Finally extricating themselves from any semblance of democratic oversight, freeing them to do whatever they like with no risk and no possibility of anyone ever interfering in their plans again.

For the people who understand the long, well documented history of the New World Order, from the will of Cecil Rhodes, through the transatlantic partnership of deep state think tanks and policy advisors, to the establishment of federalist super states and global decision making bodies, the New World Order appears to be the very worst from of government lead by the very worst individuals.

For everyone else the New World Order is an antisemitic
conspiracy theory which insists that there is a Jewish plot to enslave humanity. They have been firmly given this delusional idea by the world’s controlled mainstream media and compliant scholars, in order to make sure that they never actually look at the evidence which clearly demonstrates what the New World Order really is.

This tongue in cheek video explores how that mythology has been created as a deception to hide reality.


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Evidence that the Social Media giants are interfering in the U.S elections from UK Column.

It can't have escaped many people's attention that elements within the U.S state have accused Russia of meddling in the U.S 2016 elections. This has been run across half of the U.S news cycle for years and led to a number of investigations by the intelligence and security agencies, law enforcement, so called investigative journalists, judicial inquiries and many more. So far no one has produced any clear evidence that Russia meddled in the U.S 2016 elections.

However, here is clear evidence that the Social Media giants are definitely meddling in the next U.S election. So what makes you think they didn't meddle in the last one? Especially seeing as there is plenty of evidence for that too.

In the UK Column news on 5th July 2019 the team made an observation that the House of Lords (Lord Howell) had discussed the implications for a No Deal Brexit, given that the UK had not yet given notice of its intention to leave the European Economic Area (EEA.)

Intrigued, I looked into it further and you can read my post on the issue here if you are interested.

The situation is perhaps a bit more complex because some claim, including the UK Government, that Article (126) of the EEA agreement, which defines the territorial extent of the EEA, ‘suggests’ that by leaving the EU the UK also leaves the EEA.

However, I discovered that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, Michael-James Clifton, chief barrister for the EFTA court, has thoroughly highlighted the inconsistencies and frankly weird position the UK government has adopted in regard to EEA membership.

The More I looked into it the weirder it got. Something is most definitely amiss.

My suggested conclusion is that the EEA relationship is hidden from the Brexit debate because it will allow the UK and the EU to resolve the Northern Ireland backstop thereby freeing up the possibility of getting a horrendous May like treaty deal through the UK parliament.

However, this is speculative so I would be interested to know what people think if you have time to read the post. I would like to hear a different perspective.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference in 2018, the new European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair discuss what appears to be an EU policy commitment to military operations in the Sahel region of Africa.

Anthropogenic Climate Change sceptic Tony Heller demonstrates how and why he believes the climate change data has been manipulated to decrease historic temperatures and increase modern measurements. He asks why NOAA and NASA would have done this.

The Online Harms White Paper was released by the UK state on 08/04/2019. The state claims that it is all about ‘keeping us safe’ online and especially keeping children safe online. Which is a very laudable objective. Who could argue with that?

The problem is that the Online Harms White Paper effectively establishes the legal framework for the censorship of the Internet and takes a sledge hammer to any notion that we have free speech, or a democracy, in the UK.

It is precisely the kind of proposed legislation you would expect to see from a dictatorship. If it passes into law, it will create one in the UK. No matter who you vote for.


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Take it easy you hoopy froods.

An excellent discussion here fro the UK column team about the Btitish governments attempt to censor the Internet.

Check out the associated post here:

A researcher called A made an FOI request and established that no physical or material evidence of a body was presented to the jury in the Jo Cox murder trial.

Original video:


Created 5 years, 12 months ago.

41 videos

Category News & Politics

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It's all about politics, geopolitics, media lies and manipulation, state sponsored terror and cheese polishing.

I'm Iain and, although I think we’re all being farmed by a corporate and financial oligarchy, I still enjoy cat herding, artistic interpretations of the Jarrow March (through the medium of crochet) and weeping unnoticed. I research and post new videos as often as I can, along with the occasional full length film.

I'm able to leap small foot stools in a single bound and have occasionally been reliable. Some of my friends still talk to me and, best of all, I haven’t been arrested lately. So please check out my channel and please don't forget to subscribe and share.

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