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Along with a few other ramblings regarding the writing community.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

Heyo! Just going over a couple of things I noticed for my channel. Hoping the rest of 2023 will be a breeze.

Just my opinion of the 'rebel writer' claim I see a lot on here. While most are as innocent as doing NANOWRIMO outside of November, some seem to think the only way to be a rebel is to go against the grain...while telling others to follow yours.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

I've been meaning to drop this one for a while. Sad to say, more times than not, I've heard writers harshing on the method commonly referred to as 'pantsing', where we go off of gut instinct and intuition to write 'by the seat of our pants' kind of way. While this is a valid form of writing for MANY successful writers, it seems lately to be the mockery of a community (online and not) who pride themselves for being 'professionals' for planning everything out.
This won't be the only video released on this subject. Rest assured, I will continue looking into it.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

My main frustration with modern literature is the advertising that serves as clickbait for those who might want to be considered 'niche' but aren't necessarily looking for anything 'niche'.
Why is it a 'dark' romance when everything has a positive turn around? Why is it a 'dark' fantasy when it's just a beauty and the beast retelling in a fairy world? Alice in Wonderland retellings aren't dark....in my opinion.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

A last minute dealio of a video since the plan for this week ended up becoming another essay that sucked up all my time. My plan is to start work on the Cyborg Tinkerer NOW so I can still get it out by late March. That meant I had to get a quickie video out this week.
Not gonna lie, this video changed topics like....3 times while making it? First it was going to be about being original, than predictable descriptions on the back cover, and by the time I was editing I realized not only had I been DRASTICALLY short-sighted while reading off one of the descriptions for said book, but my blushing confession of buying a book simply because I liked the book cover might just be enough to stir the part.
I'm a hypocrite. I like pretty book covers. I will not typically by the book solely because I like the cover, but sometimes it only takes a little convincing.

Anyway, I have a few more ideas lined up to talk about book covers. One I'm excited about involves authors on authortube discouraging against or flatout SCOFFING at the idea of using canva for book covers instead of hiring a professional artist. A lot to get into as far as the description and synopsis of your story, what you might be saying and what you might want to say vs. what's going to hold a reader's attention or find your target audience.
Lots of stuff, so stay tuned!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/
(Where I upload pretty pictures of pretty book covers)

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

A little off-topic discussion about some of my pet peeves when it comes to giving and receiving feedback that was requested after reading one's work.
Key points:
Don't ask until you're ready to be honest
Don't be an asshole

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

Currently working on my next project 'Smut is basically P0rn', as well as prepping for the Cyborg Tinkerer review which should be next. Not gonna lie, both projects are massive and are time-consuming, but I think they'll be worth it.

FINALLY! My last essay video for awhile. I'm going to try to stick to biweekly Thursday uploads with the in-person videos, so stay tuned!

While the bookish community has become obsessed with the YA trends of late, I couldn't help but wonder why? Why is it so popular? Why do so many people prefer it? Why is the age majority of people enjoying these books well over the target demographic?

I decided to explore that a little in this video. Be aware, there is PLENTY more to come when it concerns booktube community and YA, so this is just a starter discussion. I will be laying off the topic for a bit, though, since the next two month's videos that are planned will be returning some of that focus to Authortube (I've got a couple reviews lined up) and some of my more writerly opinions on things.

Hoping to see you in the following videos. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Twitter- https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted
Instagram- hates me right now and I'm locked out.
Goodreads- https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

Upcoming videos-
'How to Give (and Accept) Honest Feedback'
(Pfft. Ironic, I know.)

'Smut is basically just porn'
(yea. I said it.)

'Cyborg Tinkerer Review'
(This one's gonna be a BEITCH)

'My Favorite Saying:'

'Let's talk about Pansing'
(not PANTSING, sorry to disappoint)

Happy to report this new schedule is working beautifully so far. Looking forward to many CONSISTENT uploads for the year of 2023. Wish me luck

In this video, I discuss the HEINOUS Peter Pan Syndrome, which just so happens to be the reason a lot of people are stuck in reading YA.
Or is it?
Just a video to prep you for my next and final essay I'm hoping to upload in a couple of weeks. Really putting in the overtime to make this happen, guys, so bear with me!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

This video was difficult to make. I'm not used to opening up, and when I do I usually spill too much which makes me regret opening up in the first place.

But if I want to continue to be real and honest with you guys, I need to express some of the things I have been going through. While I can't divulge everything now, just know 2022 hit me out of left field. The wake up call from nowhere.

I'm fighting through this, though. No need to worry about me. It's not my first time being trapped in the dark. Maybe one day I can tell you what happened. Right now I'm still too shell-shocked and embarrassed.

2023 is going to be even more difficult. Not so much emotionally and mentally, but it's going to take a lot of work to dig myself out of this. As I've expressed, I have a new job. As of writing this, I'm two weeks in and so far it is a healthier atmosphere. It's new territory, so I feel there's plenty of room to grow and experience new things. My plan is to utilize this to keep my mind off other things while I look for a second job in springtime.

While I debated on taking an extended hiatus from this channel to focus on getting my personal life in order, I feel I can do this. I feel what is mostly missing is the balance between work for finances and work that I do for fun. If I ever want to obtain that balance, now is the time to work through the kinks while my channel is still young. I'm sorry for the inconsistencies, the promises made for future videos that have not come about. I have not forgotten about them, but I have a tendency to run away with my imagination and not accept the amount of work involved in fulfilling those promises.

After the YA Addiction, I'll be taking a break from the essay videos as right now it's just too much to juggle. I'm hoping to return to monthlies in a couple of years, but for now I think I need to work on consistency, image, and maybe brand.

Up until now, the Unwanted Book Club has been for fun. While I intend to use next year to have more chill discussions instead of over-the-top rantings, I think a big part of me didn't want to take this too seriously. Maybe we shouldn't take writing so seriously. How can an artform be true art if it's expected to follow the rules? By the same law, how can art be distinguished from one another if it doesn't HAVE any rules? If there's no structure?

I thank you all for your patience and support as I'm going through this difficult time. I hope to be in a better spot by 2024, but I will not abandon this channel. I will work on biweekly in-person videos. If those stop for a min, just know I will be back. I will continue to fight through this.

All my love to my viewers- Nicole Renee

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

Another in-person video prefacing my Ya Addiction essay coming up in the next few weeks.
Is consumerism the real problem here? Or is it something else?
We know how much booktubers love YA, and I think that's part of the reason some of you are interested in this upcoming video because- why? Why the big craze? What's the allure?
At the same time, I'm noticing some hostility toward YA audiences, adults who enjoy it primarily, and the community itself for promoting the same image. Has the cliquey treatment of booktube to other communities tainted the respect of their favorite genre?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/100469443-the-unwanted-book-club

A starter video on the conversations I think we should be having before I release my YA Addiction essay.

While I know this is not JUST the Fairy YA, I will say the FAIRY YA is some of the most toxic romance I've read (barring heavy smut novels). Some of these novels are actually in the NEW ADULT genre, but have been heavily advertised AS YA, which is another concern.
It may not be graphic, but is that the only thing we should be concerned about? As writers, is it our responsibility to tie our own hands for the sake of the younger generation for fear of influence? Or does consumerism make everything game?

(More on consumerism in an upcoming poll, so make sure to subscribe and become a part of the community!)

Stay informed on all my channel/business decisions and releases!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

See what I'm up to!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Find some of the stuff I'm reading!
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/UnwantedBookClub

Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to get notified on all of my upcoming videos!
I am hoping to release my essay video on the YA
Addiction in the next month. Thank you all for being so patient!

Just a little something I've been working on...

oh, okay. So it's been a BIGGER project I've been working on.

As many sources as I try to find to support my theories, I encourage anyone to also look into it. I'm not perfect, but this is my stand on the topic of politics when it comes to writing, artists, and authortube.

We're talking more about growth and the scariest of all scary words- CHANGE.
Like most readers within the booktube community, I also fell into the trap of consumerism and gluttony. Even though I had all the books my childish heart could ever want for it was never enough, and I could never find the time to read.
So what happens when you decide to finally make the time, only to realize that time has passed? You are no longer the same person you were, with the same wants and perspectives and mindset. Reading isn't so much a chore as a bore.
Do we simply outgrow the genres and stories we once held dear? Or did we outgrow reading in general?

Twitter- https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

This rant has been a long time coming. Plenty of books feature the 'strong mary sue' types of characters, and the telling is usually pretty heavy. More and more in modern literature (especially in YA) the 'victim' has become its own trope. It is usually featured to garner sympathy from the reader in a way that's meant to create attachment but it comes off more manipulative and desperate than anything else.
Victimhood does NOT equal likeability, and your characters should have more than that as a personality trait.
Likewise, the 'strong female warrior' types are usually featured as bullyish, domineering, StUbBoRn, and above all- a loudmouth. But again, these personality traits aren't indicative of a strong character. Instead, they're presented as very flawed human beings who learn little, but we're told throughout the story how 'wonderful' they are through the eyes of other characters.

Let's keep it real, people.

Went a little harder in this one. Last time I talked about the Characters and the Writing. Now, it's time to bring up the LOVE INTEREST (and politics) and the Worldbuilding.

I might still read the Savior's Sister to see if anything has improved, but I'm pretty sure I'll be doing Eve the Awakening first, since it's preparation for an upcoming video- Should Debut Authors Be Giving Advice?

No. I don't think they should. But, it's the internet. It's allowed. Some might say I shouldn't make fun of Authortubers. B A H A H A HA

Anyway, subscribe and hit the notification bell if any of these future videos tickle your fancy. I should be releasing Venom next, followed by my channel update (because the year is already over, whaaaaaa)

Eleanor and Park is a work in progress, but I'll hopefully get to that one next...

And the rest will come later.

Upcoming videos (a work in progress that is tedious and time-constraining)
DUNE (Book vs. Movie)

Follow me on Twitter to keep up to date on video ideas, website renovations, and other addities:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Website: https://unwantedbookclub.wixsite.com/mysite

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unwanted.bookclub.1/

My take on the Raya and the Last Dragon- something to tie you guys over until Booktube part 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookUnwanted

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unwantedbookclub/

Website: https://unwantedbookclub.wixsite.com/mysite

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnvRAQzzdQCWvq7eO4iml8Q

Just a sneak peek for my next 2 parter discussion


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

91 videos

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