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(Fast forward to 1:25 in video to skip intro.) It's over. Dead & buried. Stop being an optimist, i.e hoping for the best with no evidence to show such will come about. Meaning the white pill. The white pill makes you apathetic, and inactive in regards to enacting change. Nah, things are great. They're going in the right direction. I don't need to do anything. Nope. You need to do a sh*t ton. Stop listening to the useful idiots telling you Trump being convicted means things are getting better. They're getting worse. Much, much worse.

#DailyWire #Conservative #Marriage
The Daily Wire is nothing more than a bunch of controlled opposition gatekeeper, faux conservatives set up to keep dissenting voices in check, and keep real conservatives in the dark. They prove this to be the case with their latest joke of a round table where they sit around feasting on what appears to be an Imperial Roman Banquet whilst pontificating about how evil R pill men are. What a joke.

Yeah, this is for real. I can tell you one thing, I'm not flying "ANYWHERE!"

I have no idea how anyone listens to this guy. In just 5 minutes he commits multiple self owns, and contradict himself I don't know how many times. This guy does not impress. At all, but watching his self owns sure is hilarious :D

She can't find a man for love, sex, or anything. She's part of a growing new trend. She's a female incel. More dangerous than Evil white male incels? Maybe. That ever more women can't get a man, and are suffering mentally because of it has me worried. How about you? Are male incels really who we should be worried about?

No, walking away will change nothing when it comes to the status quo, but you know what, it'll still improve your life. If you appreciate deep dives into the hows, and whys of things this video is for you.

Keen insights into female psyche, coupled with dark humor, and comedy gold. A can't beat combo looking more deeply into why women refuse to acknowledge reality.

Spirit Aerosystems, which is so far along the DEI oath that they have whole teams of female only engineers built the fuselage, and door that experienced catastrophic failure last Friday. Think there's any correlation?

There's a lot of content producers out there talking about being "apathetic" if you want to win. "APATHY" is the way! However, do they even understand what apathy is, how to actually employ it specifically, or the role it actually plays in war? Let's find out!

#JasonMomoaDivorce #LisaBonet #Divorce
If Jason Momoa can't make his marriage work with a single mom 12 years his senior then what chance do the rest of us have? None. Time to check out of marriage gents, if you haven't already.

#mgtow #dating #datingadvice
Women are "dating," meaning having ever more situationships when their young, and destroying themselves for any future long term relationships. Good luck you men. It's time to move overseas, if you even want a GF, let alone a wife.

Jana is trying to cope with her miserable life yet again. Sadly, the way she copes is to indoctrinate other women throughout the world into her horrible approach to life, and relationships. Sad, but a laugh riot!

#mgtow #dating #datingadvice #marriage #equality
How dare you think that you going out to work, and earning all the money gets you off the hook, you evil men! You "MUST" come home, and do my job as well for things to be EQUAL! Prepare yourself folks, and turn down your volume, as I get pissed, and loud for this one.

#mgtow #datingadvice #dating #JanaHocking #masculinity #toxicrelationships
This so called dating expert, who has ruined the lives of countless women with her hedonistic advice stoops to a new low; telling women not to give it up for anything less than $2000 US dollars. This is dating in 2024 folks. It's all about materialism, and not a lick of it is about meaning, legacy, or purpose beyond getting "PAID!" #manosphere #modernwomen #femalenature #mgtow

Viral Tik Toker Claims Nerds Are Hot - Really?

#divorce #singlemom #divorcestories #mgtow #dating
She wanted internet clout. She wanted attention. She want6ed validation. She wanted butterflies. She wanted adventure. She wanted some strange. She got everything she wanted, & now she's miserable. LOL!

Have you noticed that the mainstream is no longer really using the word feminism? They're not discussing the ideology anymore. Why is that? The reason is clear, and it cannot be allowed!

#mgtow #AnnieKnight #hypergamy #datingadvice #lifehacks
She's had her fun, and now she's ready to settle down. Come on guys. She's only had an OF account for years, and had fun time with 300 guys in a single year. You're insecure of you don't want to wife her up!

Calling men creeps for looking at them purposefully presenting their back sides wasn't enough, as men got wise fast, and stopped looking, or just stopped going to the gym. Solution, up the ante, and go to the gym buck n*ked. That'll get their attention.

The world is getting to be just too weird. Women are now hooking up with trees. That's how lonely they are.

This seems to be a new trend. Former degen OF chicks "embracing" Jesus, and claiming to be reformed, but are they really, or is this just a new grift to trick normies, and/or Christians into wifing them up?

This is some next level degenerate stuff. Pay your own wife to have your kids. I thought having kids was the payoff. Apparently not. Is this what we have to look forward to as men? If so, hard pass for me.

This lefty loser, boygirl, bi, non binary, nose ring wearing, granny haired, man clothes wearing f*minist claims that a "trad" man's junk changed her forever. That, and his money! DID he now? I think not. What do you think?

Insin, (Involuntarily Single) Jana Hocking attacks my channel in her latest article. She also claims to have just discovered incels, and she's none to happy about them either. Hilarious!

Women are waiting longer and longer to commit, and marry a man, but in doing so they end up waiting too long. Is this woman an exemplar for most western women? Can a western woman even be redpilled, or are they beyond all hope?


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

1686 videos

Category News & Politics

I'm a weathered and well traveled man who has seen a lot, done a lot, and lived life. I'm happy. Always. Why? No why. I just am. I'm happy, and I live alone. Imagine that. Someone who is happy, and wants for nothing who lives alone. How is that possible you might ask?

Well, watch my videos, listen to my podcasts, which you can find at the links below, and maybe you'll find out ;)



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