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Today I’ve posted Kate Sugak's first documentary here again for those who haven’t yet seen it. It's a brilliant account of the political shenanigans of epidemics over the centuries until present day “COVID 19”. An entrée to her next documentary installment. “If you want to put all doubts about your decision not to vaccinate yourself and your children to rest” Be sure to watch Kate Sugak’s latest documentary, The Truth About Measles, (coming soon in English). The movie follows and details the German Court decision in 2016, where it was successfully demonstrated that the measles virus does not exist. Any attempts by fact-checkers and vaccination adherents to discredit the outcome of this trial, have been debunked in this new movie .

Find her on Telegram -

Daniel Roytas has been a Senior Lecturer and having spent years lecturing to Naturopathy students came to a realisation that not all was as it seemed in the world of disease and healing. "Can You Catch A Cold?" is the title of his newly released book that goes deeply into the details of the science that has underpinned today's medical understanding of contagion and disease.
Daniel Roytas' "Can You Catch A Cold?" purchase the book here:
His website at:
Toni Weel presents this interview and many other interesting interviews on her YouTube channel.
Full video here:
Podcast Interview

Dr Tom Cowan records a regular questions and answers video for followers of his Bitchute Channel ( Here, I've edited these sessions in subject order. This video covers two Q&A sessions that detail information on the use of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) to relieve urinary tract discomfort.
Full videos: Q&A March 6 2024
Q&A March 13 2024

Chemtrails are not conspiratorial claims by crazed folks looking skyward. Victorian Legislation has The Rain Making Control Act - currently in force ( ) Ergo, the planes spewing forth their chemicals are not necessarily fiction nor are they unicorns they are real planes releasing real substances into our skies via aerosol injection technology. (
Mirrored from the following link:

Mirrored from Dr Sam Bailey's website: "Claims that insecticides protect people from disease vectors such as ticks (e.g. Lyme disease) and mosquitos (e.g. Dengue and Yellow fever) are based in germ theory dogma and the scientifically unsupported concept of “pathogens“. Examination of the foundational studies has universally revealed that microbes in themselves do not make heathy people sick.

Despite these inconvenient facts, “in 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide.” It was certainly not the last time the “safe and effective” catch-cry would be used to introduce a new product into widespread use amongst an unsuspecting public.

What unfolded subsequently was one of the biggest concealments of mass poisoning and disease “outbreaks” in known history using the imaginary poliovirus as the familiar cover story. While the use of DDT was eventually banned in most countries, the scandal continues into the present day with ongoing heavy application in India and Africa. As if this was not bad enough, why is the “Stockholm Convention” acting as an apologist agency in this ongoing deception?…"

Daniel Roytas is an Australian Naturopath who having spent years lecturing to Naturopathy students came to a realisation that not all was as it seemed in the world of disease and healing. "Can You Catch A Cold?" is the title of his newly released book that goes deeply into the details of the science that has underpinned today's medical understanding of contagion and disease.
Daniel Roytas' "Can You Catch A Cold?" purchase the book here:
His website at:
Toni Weel presents this interview and many other interesting interviews on her YouTube channel.
Full video here:

Taken from Dr Tom Cowan's 3/4 Q&A Webinar
Question: - "I am wondering if Tom would talk further about Melanoma to follow up on his webinar of February 21, 2024, in which he made a strong distinction between Melanoma and other skin cancer. What are his thoughts on what Melanoma is and what causes it to occur? What would he recommend if someone suspects they have melanoma? Would he recommend getting it checked out and analyzed by a lab?"
Chaga Nugget Link:

Full Video Here:

Dr Tom Cowan Explains EECP therapy excerpt taken from 20/03/2024 Web Q&A
Full Video here:

Terrain theory verses Germ Theory. Here Dr Tom Cowan quotes the famous terrain nurse Florence Nightingale.
Taken from Q&A 20th March: full video here:

Kangan Water System Comment: Dr Tom Cowan regularly records a Q&A for his followers. Here you’ll find a cut down of some of the questions and answers into the various subjects. This enables you to go to the information that is relevant to you.
The complete Q&A is here:

Dr Tom Cowan regularly records a Q&A for his followers. Here you’ll find a cut down into the various subjects of some of these questions and answers. This enables folk to go to the information that is relevant to them without the viewing of an hour long episode.
The complete Q&A is here:

In this video Dr. Gerade Pollack explains how structured water becomes an integral part of our energy production and how structured water, the sun and the earth are essential to our well being. We are taught that water can be a gas, a solid and a liquid – what about the fourth state of water - jelly or structured water? Humans are much like the trees and plants around us. We, like plants are hydrophilic, meaning ‘water loving’, we also absorb light, in particular infrared - our cells have structured water coating them. The infrared increases and produces 'free energy' though this structured water science although comprising over 90% of the human body, is not taught in school.
Mirrored from: Water, Cells, and Life | Dr. Gerald Pollack | TEDxNewYorkSalon
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.

Dr. Cowan discusses the actual origin of the lab leak theory

Full Video ‘Discussing the actual origin of the lab leak theory- Webinar from 10/18/23’ at:
Dr Tom Cowan’s Channel:
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.

Poster Note:
Dr Sam Bailey, as usual has blessed us with her research and happy disposition. Her research on sunscreens and cancer, I knew about 10 years and two children ago. I’m the father of five. I’ve been doing my parental duty for four decades now and in that time I have swung from “slip,slop,slapping” sunscreen on my older children, to a “Nah, I don’t listen to multi million dollar ad campaigns any longer”, approach. Our skin, apart from being the largest organ of our body, works in tandem with the sun. It removes toxins from our body and produces hormones essential to good health. Use your good sense to leave the sun when you’ve had enough. The consequences of partnering with chemical particulate sprays and creams, in my opinion, are deadly otherwise.
Full video at:
Dr Sam Bailey:

Poster Note:
I'm re-posting this video as the first post won't start.
Asthma: Here Dr Tom Cowan helps us through an alternate understanding of asthma. Can pneumonia be one of the body's therapeutic responses to asthma?

Excerpt from August 10th Webinar.
Link to full video here:

Poster's Note:
It's all-too-common that one hears a teacher or a parent expounding that little 'Johnny' has ADD (Attention Deficite Disorder), or that Suzie has oppositional defiant disorder. Medical labels are being used regularly in standard discussion these days - they are in the vernacular it would seem. Mark Horowitz in this short video, discusses the oftentimes irritating presumption and cookie cutting of people.
Dr Mark Horowitz, MBBS PhD, is a training psychiatrist who has come off antidepressants after experiencing withdrawal symptoms and sharing his experience online. He is now a clinical research fellow in London and an honorary lecturer at King's College London, and has written a paper on how to safely taper off antidepressants based on neurobiology and pharmacology.

Dr Mark Horowitz Website:

Original Video:

Dr Sam Bailey is one of the new medicos that through the pandemic insanity, saw the light and is dedicating her new professional life to supporting and helping to bring that light to others. Kelly Brogan, MD, is very much doing the same in respect to psychiatry and psychology. Since calling-out main stream psychiatry, she has been vilified, attacked and censored for her views. Those views are now founded in her understanding of the 'scientism' that her Ivy-League education had trained her in as a specialist psychiatrist.


Dr Sam Bailey is found at:

Kelly Brogan is found at:

As usual, Dr Tom Cowan is investigating claims using science and inductive reasoning. In this excerpt from his latest webinar, he explains why the science available on the COVID 19 shots, MRNA and spike proteins, is flawed. MRNA said to be inbuilt in the COVID19 shots it seems, is not. Cowan becomes very detailed in his pursuit of facts over fiction. People say they have symptoms that they attribute to shedding of the spike proteins, however, there appears to be no evidence of MRNA within the shots, ergo, we need to look carefully at what mechanisms are at play and why main stream continues reporting on the dangers of the ‘spike protein’. The picture being painted repeatedly by main stream and alternative media doctors and scientists and the ‘Freedom’ / ‘Truther’ movements, creates fear and division without the back-up of real evidence.

“In stage magic, a force is a method of controlling a choice made by a spectator during a trick. Some forces are performed physically using sleight of hand, such as a trick where a spectator appears to select a random card from a deck but is instead handed a known card by the magician.”

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of a group/s.

Full Webinar at:
Dr. Tom Cowan's Channel:

Full Webinar at:
Dr. Tom Cowan's Channel:
More about the history of smallpox, measles, polio etc. Kate Sugak has prepared this detailed documentary:

Poster Comment
In this video Drs Mark Bailey and Kevin Corbett, unpack the off-hand dismissal of the no virus debate by Dr McCullough. Dr Sam Bailey did her critique as a preamble to this rebuttal of Dr McCullough’s denigration of the no virus debate. Dr Peter McCullough is said to be ‘one of the most peer-reviewed Doctors in the world’ as stated by he himself. The ‘New World Media’ (controlling shares held by Big Pharma) is training people to take everything pronounced by experts as done and dusted. I suppose some of us have been in the situation where we have witnessed or have been involved in a situation that there is a profit to be gained from a decision that was quasi ethical? I was speaking to the Ethical Director of a local health food store near where I live. Their stores distribute many ‘health’ labels. I was asking about a locally made health product as I knew the owners to be very serious about their products. I was told that they would have to go through the “Ethics Manager” to proceed. At that point, I drew attention to the fact that they sold many products from companies that were in fact Parented by, or were downstream from Big Pharma Companies. Many were repurposed drugs. The person shifted uncomfortable at my observation, smiled wryly and said “yes I see your point; this is a dilemma with the health industry business model”.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair
Mirrored from: is a fabulous resource for interesting and informative, lively and eclectic interviews. Jeremy Nell is the person behind the microphone and he never ceases to bring to the fore the subjects that main stream media won’t go near.
For further informed discussion on the 'No Virus Debate' go to Dr Tom Cowan’s Bitchute: Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Mike Stone, Mike Donio here:
Comments below are by Jeremy Nell, on
‘Mike Stone runs easily the most powerful and persuasive critique of virology, that I’ve come across.’
‘I’ve chatted to a number of great minds on the topic of viruses, such as Tom Cowan and Sam Bailey, and find myself convinced by their arguments.’
‘In our conversation, Mike covers
• why virology is pseudoscience;
• what viruses are;
• the problems with definitions;
• direct evidence versus indirect evidence;
• Koch’s Postulates and why they matter;
• the rejection of the Scientific Method;
• isolation and purification;
• genomics and genome sequencing; and
• the Rockefeller funding behind virology.’
I strongly recommend reading Bechamp Or Pasteur, which is a biographical exposé of the fraudulent work of Louis Pasteur and the forgotten work of Antoine Béchamp.”

Poster Notes:
This recent interview by Reiner Fuelmich ICICLAW (a lawyer and spokesman for the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, a non-governmental investigative committee based in Germany) being long, I’ve edited the subjects and created shorter excerpts for you to digest. I’m really unsure of Fuellmich’s part in the scheme of things today. Apart from his Freedom Community Connections, it appears that nothing solid has come of his legal ambitions to "bring Mr Global to justice". I also remain neutral, without opinion and unaware of Kautz’s affiliations. Like all of these informative pieces, they are part of a puzzle, or perhaps are they being presented simply to demoralise our global society? It’s up to you to have a gut feel on which way to think.
Personally, I discovered Harald Kautz (known earlier as Harald Kautz-Vella) over six years ago. His gentle voice along with his take on metaphysics, science and main stream conspiracies, is fascinating to say the least. From his talks on ‘Black Goo’, where he describes a black substance as an ancient alien substance, a mono atomic, self organising, immortal invasive black rock (also the name of the world's largest corporation) Originating as a meteor that purportedly fell from the skies around 30,000 years ago it is now commonly known for its use in nano material: Graphene oxide. From physics to his illuminating discussions on NASA, CIA and his extensive knowledge on the nefarious use of chem-trails in both transhumanism and deep surveillance. Some people may think his information is too way-out and others feel that he’s on the money – you always need to use your critical thinking to find your truth.
Full Interview here:

A recent interview with Drs Mark and Sam Bailey by Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network, covers many medical topics. In this edit,the discussion moves into the topic of parasites, ticks and Lyme disease.
Dr Sam Bailey:
(Full Interview:
Dr Mark Bailey:
Donate to Timpone at:
One Radio Network’s main website offers over 15 years of audio shows, at no cost to you. The search function is great for finding subjects and guests.
Patrick timpone
[email protected]

A recent interview with Drs Mark and Sam Bailey by Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network, covers many medical topics. In this edit,the discussions moves into venereal disease, herpes and urinary tract infection.
Dr Sam Bailey:
(Full Interview:
Dr Mark Bailey:
Donate to Timpone at:
One Radio Network’s main website offers over 15 years of audio shows, at no cost to you. The search function is great for finding subjects and guests.
Patrick timpone
[email protected]

An interview with Drs Mark and Sam Bailey by Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network shortly before he passed away. They discuss the technical essay of Dr Mark Bailey ‘A Farewell To Virology’ among other topics including the failure of the main stream medical establishment to prove contagion exists using standard scientific methods.
Dr Sam Bailey:
Dr Mark Bailey:
Donate to Timpone at:
One Radio Network’s main website offers over 15 years of audio shows, at no cost to you. The search function is great for finding subjects and guests.
Patrick timpone
[email protected]


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

61 videos

Category Health & Medical

Highlighting interesting opinions and discussions on diverse topics