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Sources / credits: (Richard Allen) (MKFI) (Alex Tora) (George Chernilevsky) ( (Ввласенко) (Anton Holoborodko) (Goran_tek-en) (Patrickneil)

notes with timestamps:

0:01 the number of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands has skyrocketed in recent months: 12,000 arrived between mid-October and early December (8,000 had arrived in the previous 10 1/2 months).

Santiago Abascal (the leader of Vox) made a three day trip to Canaries last week (Thursday 3rd December to Saturday 5th December).

0:55 "pull effect": literally "call effect" (efecto llamada).

Abascal is saying that politicians are attracting and inviting migrants (indirectly) through their actions and words.

He repeatedly uses the phrase "calling to" (llamar a) throughout this video and in his speeches to describe what is happening.

He says the politicians are "calling to" the migrants. This is a vague and ambiguous term but means inviting / attracting.

The audio here is from a press conference Abascal gave in Tenerife.

In the press conference Abascal went on to give examples of what he means by this "pull effect":

1 - the minimum income introduced in Spain during the covid crisis,

2 - the decsion to accept the migrants from the Aquarius ship in 2018

3 - politicians saying that the solution to Spain's demographic crisis (low birth rates) lies in immigration.

1:00 Partido Popular (PP) are the mainstream, moderate centre-right.

Podemos are left wing democratic socialists.

The Socialist Party (the PSOE) are the mainstream centre-left.

The current government is a PSOE-Podemos coalition.

1:35 guardias: members of the Guardia Civil, a militarised police force in Spain (similar to gendarmes in France or Carabinieri in Italy).

1:45 regularised: given documents etc, made regular (legal + documented), allowed to stay and work etc.

2:30 the man on the loudspeaker is talking about pensioners.

I didn't subtitle it because it is only a short snippet that doesn't make a lot of sense without more context (it is the second half of one sentence, and the start of a second sentence)

2:48 social harmony: the phrase Abascal uses is "convivència" (living together).

This has a similar meaning to the French term "vivre ensemble".

It refers to potentially hostile communities living side by side in peace (for example the left and the right in post-Franco Spain, different language communities, or immigrants and natives)

3:21 the banner reads "Save tourism in Mogan. Demonstration to safeguard the future of tourism."

3:30 ¡Abascal, presidente!: president here means "President of the Government" (called prime minister in English). So they are really saying "Abascal for prime minister"

4:02 the placard reads "secure borders, secure (safe) neighbourhoods"

4:23 progressive: generally this refers to the centre-left, for example the PSOE (Abascal calls Podemos "communists" not progressives)

5:00 attracting a massive immigration originating from places...:

the phrase Abascal uses here (llamar a) could be translated as "calling for" (literally proposing, wanting) or "calling to" (attracting, inviting, a vaguer, more indirect term).

I think he means the latter.

It fits in better with his use of "call" throughout his speeches: that the politicians are doing this indirectly, rather than literally and explicitly calling for mass immigration from Africa.

5:24 progressives and communists: usually this means the centre-left PSOE and left-wing Podemos.

source videos:

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This event took place on Sunday 27th September in Brussels, to protest against the formation of a new Belgian government coalition

(called the Vivaldi coalition, after Vivaldi's four seasons because it includes four different ideologies: social democrats, Christian democrats, liberals and greens).

The Vivaldi coalition is made up mostly of parties from Wallonia (the French speaking part of Belgium).

The two largest parties in Flanders, the N-VA and Vlaams Belang, are not part of the coalition.

The four Flemish parties that are part of the coalition only won 41 of the 87 seats in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium).

This is what Van Grieken means when he talks about a Belgian government without a Flemish majority: because Flanders is larger than Wallonia, and because it also contributes disproprotionate amount of tax, Van Grieken believes the Belgian government should include parties who won a majority of the Flemish seats (ie. at least 44 of the 87 seats).

Although organised by Vlaams Belang, this event was intended to non-partisan, for any Flemings unhappy with the new coalition.

The slogan used was "Niet Mijn Regering" (not my government): this can be seen written on what may be a bus at the start of the video.

For more details of Van Grieken and Vlaams Belangs opposition to the government see this previous upload:

To clarify in case it is unclear;

Flanders = the region

Flemings = people from Flanders

Flemish = anything to do with Flanders (it is not a reference to a language).

0:02 the first speaker is Tom Van Grieken leader of Vlaams Belang

0:03 the black lion on a yellow field is the flag of Flanders.

In the official version of the flag (used by the Flemish regional government etc) the lion has a red tongue and claws.

The version of the flag without the red tongue and claws is associated with the Flemish movement and with Flemish nationalists who want greater autonomy or independence for Flanders.

0:08 this man is wearing an N-VA coat. The N-VA are the largest party in Flanders, they are centre-right, nationalist (though not as nationalist as VB) and want independence for Flanders (though not immediately like VB).

(Vlaams Belang invited supporters of other parties to attend this event too).

0:09 our own individual interest: in case it is unclear, Van Grieken is talking about what is in the interests of Flanders.

0:58 the second speaker is Dries Van Langenhove, a member of the Belgian parliament and leader of the Flemish nationalist youth movement Schild & Vrienden.

Although not a member of Vlaams Belang, he is part of their parliamentary group in the Belgian parliament.

1:40 the third speaker is Barbara Pas, a Vlaams Belang member of the Belgian parliament.

1:59 state minimum income: the "leefloon" social welfare payment.

3:09 the writing on the hearse reads: "Vivaldi = death of the Flemish voter"

3:19 partycracy: when power is effectively held by political parties, not the people. This should probbaly be spelled particracy but I think th meaning is clearer if you use a "y".

source video:

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This speech took place on Wednesday 18th November.

The law in question (the IfSG) was passed 413 to 235, with 8 abstentions.

The CDU-CSU and the SPD (the government coalition parties) and the Greens voted in favour.

The AfD, the FDP and Die Linke voted against (a small number of CDU-CSU, SPD and Green members also voted against).

As you can tell from Gauland's speech, some people are opposed to the IfSG, believing it infringes fundanental rights and grants the government too much power.

AfD politicians have compared it to the Enabling Act of 1933, which granted Hitler sweeping (and ostensibly temporary) powers after the Reichstag fire

0:58 when members of the Bundestag are thrown to the ground: this is a reference to Karsten Hilse (AfD)

being stopped by police during the protest against this law (the protest was outside the Bundestag on the same day as this speech).

Hilse was stopped because he wasn't wearing a mask.

Hilse has a doctor's certificate excusing him from wearing a mask, but he says the police rejected it, saying his illness was not serious enough.

They then wanted to take him to their van to take his details.

Hilse says at this point they pinned him to the ground because he wasn't acting fast enough. Hilse says he was cooperating.

The police say he was being uncooperative, was asking a companion to film the incident, and was resisting.

You can see a video of the incident here

1:22 Süddeutsche Zeitung: "the South German Newspaper", published in Munich, Bavaria, one of the major quality newspapers in Germany (it is read nationwide). It is centre-left in outlook.

2:37 today also outside the Bundestag: there was a big protest against this law outside the Bundestag on the same day as this speech was made.

3:50 FAZ: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, another of Germany's major daily newspapers. It is centre-right in outlook.

4:18 expert statement: the jurist who made this statement later corrected Gauland, saying her comments were made the previous week, and that the draft law had since been improved.

(in German)

5:28 "an epidemic of national concern": this is legal term contained in the IfSG law. It is defined as a situation where

(1) the WHO has declared an international pandemic and Germany is threatened with a contagious disease

or (2) Germany is facing the threat of a contagious disease spreading across several (German) states

5:37 Herr Drosten: Christian Drosten, Germany's best known virologist

5:48 Herr Streek: Hendrik Streeck, professor of virology at the University of Bonn

7:31 faits accomplis: things which have already been completed, and can now not be undone / changed.

7:40 Herr Buschmann: Marco Buschmann (FDP) who spoke shortly before Gauland.

The FDP are also opposed to the law: Buschmann was talking about a point or order the AfD had introduced (to postpone the vote on the law so the law could be sent back to committee, allowing further time to study and amend it), he was not defending the law itself.

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This speech took place in the lower house of the Austrian parliament (the Nationalrat) on the 5th of November, three days after the Vienna attack.

Herbert Kickl is the leader of the FPÖ in the Nationalrat. He is not the leader of the party as a whole (Norbert Hofer is) but Kickl is the most high-profile member of the party.

Kickl was interior minister in the ÖVP-FPÖ coalition that lasted from late 2017 to mid 2019. He was not involved in the Ibiza Affair scandal which brought that government down, he was however involved in another scandal when he ordered the police to raid the offices of the Austrian domestic intelligence agency (the BVT) in Vienna.

Kickl said he was acting due to concerns over data security regulations, and that was acting after a request by state prosecutor; his critics say he was trying to force opponents of the FPÖ out of the BVT.

0:25 Second Republic: Second Austrian Republic (the first was the interwar republic)

0:45 a member of a terrorist organisation: the Vienna attacker had tried to travel to both Afghanistan and Syria in 2018, to fight for ISIS, he failed and was jailed by Austria authorities for membership of a terrorist organisation.

1:16 Chancellor Kurz: Kurz is on the right, with the blue mask.

1:58 the only person you are reproaching: the way Kickl phrases this it is unclear whether he means you singular (ie. Kurz) or you plural (ie. the ÖVP).

Kurz's party ÖVP has often (but not always) held the justice, interior and integration ministries in recent years. Kurz himself held the integration portfolio between 2011 and 2017.

2:15 the man in the red and white mask is Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) Austria's interior minister.

2:32 took him out of circulation: this is literally what Kickl says (aus dem Verkehr ziehen). He uses the same expression later in the speech.

7:37 the man taking off his mask is August Wöginger (ÖVP), he is saying "What impudence (cheek / insolence / nerve)!"

8:35 a law prohibiting political Islam: FWIW Kurz is now introducing a law against political Islam such a law (Kickl did not know this at the time of this speech)

9:27: "people in need of protection": this is a common phrase in German used to refer to refugees.

9:30 the population: the way Kickl phrases this it is not clear whether he means the Austrian population or the population of the asylum seeker's native country (more likely the Austrian population)

9:38 events have again shown us to be correct: not sue what Kickl means by this, the Vienna attacker was not an asylum seeker.

Source / Quelle: ORF (via FPÖ

date of speech: 05.11.20

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 attacks in Nice: three people were stabbed to death by a jihadist in Nice on October 29th. One of the victims (an elederly woman) was partially beheaded.

0:49 decapitation of Samuel Paty: the teacher beheaded on October 16th for showing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad

1:12: another knife attack in Avignon: it turns out this was not an Islamist attack, nor was Allahu Akbar shouted out.

The attacker wore a jacket with "Defend Europe" on it (a Generation Identity campaign) and French media report that he claimed to be part of that organisation.

Generation Identity have said that he was never a member.

According to French media he had been a patient in a psychiatric hospital in the past. They also reported him owning neo-Nazi material and giving a Hitler salute during the incident.

The attacker threatened passers by with an unloaded submachine gun, and was shot by police. Nobody else was hurt. This incident took place about three hours after the attack in Nice. (article is in French, there is no corresponding English article on wikipedia)

1:12 French consulate attack: this happened in Jeddah, also on the 29th of October, one guard was wounded.

1:24 "we are at war...not against a virus": this is a reference to Emmanuel Macron saying France was "at war" with the coronavirus.

1:58 administrative courts: these are courts which judge whether actions by various state administrations (local councils, government etc) are legal.

2:50 they were not with us in Mali: this is a reference to the French operation against Islamists in Mali in 2013-14. Germany was involved, but only in a logistical and training capacity.

3:07 making war on Greece: this is a reference to tensions over oil and gas exploration by Turkey in Greek territorial waters.

4:02 legal recourse: in case it is unclear, legal recourse means the legal ability to challenge decisions (by the French government in this case) or to appeal them.

4:32 mosque in Pantin: Pantin is a suburb of Paris, the mosque there posted a video on facebook denouncing Samuel Paty and calling him a thug (the video was posted before his murder).

The imam of the mosque was prominently involved in the campaign against Paty before he was murdered.

The French interior minister closed this mosque for six months after the murder.

4:52 fichés S: "carded S", S stands for security (fiches S without the accent on the e means the document, fiché S with the accent means a person given that designation)

5:04 jus soli: "right of soil", citizenship based solely on being born in the country. jus sanguinis, "right of blood", is citizenship based on one of your parent being a citizen.

5:16 national priority: Im not sure exactly what this means, though Rassemblement National have used a similar term "préférence nationale" in the past,

saying certain payments should be restricted to French nationals and preference in hiring should be given to nationals

(article is in French)

5:19 CAF payments: these are various payments made by the French government to families with children

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source video:

(source video was uploaded 29.10.20)

notes with timestamps:

0:01 Le Pen gave this speech on the 19th of October, three days after the beheading of French school teacher Samuel Paty

0:02 junior high school: Paty was a teacher at a French "collège" which is similar to a junior high school or middle school (ages 11-15).

0:10 Islamism: this is a vague ambiguous term that can mean different things in different contexts.

It is sometimes used as a synonym for "political Islam" (political movements who base their positions on Islamic teachings) or Islamic fundamentalism (radical extremists).

It always involves some attempt to introduce Sharia law and Muslim principles, sometimes just for the Muslim population, sometimes for the entire population

0:53 Jean Zay: French Minister for Education 1936-39

2:55 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Article X "No one may be disquieted for his opinions, even religious ones, provided that their manifestation does not trouble the public order established by the law."

4:11 obscurantism has a specific philosophical meaning but when politicians like Le Pen use it, it effectively means the opposite of "enlightenment".

It is used to criticise movements like Islamism, saying that they want to keep truth and reality "obscured", rather than embracing science, progress and the enlightenment.

In this context it has a similar meaning to "backwards" or "medieval" or "keep us in the dark ages" etc.

4:45 prone to wars of religion: this is a reference to the French Wars of Religion (Catholic v Protestant, 1562-98)

4:56 Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: the suburb of Paris where Mr. Paty was murdered.

6:01 headscarf affair in Creil: Creil is a town north of Paris. In 1989 three female students were expelled for refusing to remove their headscarves. This was the first major "Islam vs secularism" controversy in France.

6:08 Khelkal and Mehra:

Khaled Kelkal was a terrorist affiliated to the GIA (Algerian Islamists, who were at the time engaged in a civil war against the Algerian government), Khelkal was involved in the 1995 Paris subway bombings

Mohammed Merah shot several people (French soldiers, and children and teachers at a Jewish school) in 2012

6:14 Reublican pact: a vague term that basically means the core values of the Republic, that everyone is supposed to accept, including secularism.

6:33 Boualem Sansal: Algerian writer (who writes in French) known primarily for his criticism of Islamism (Sansal is an Algerian who lives in Algeria, he does not live in France)

7:16 the murder of a priest: 2016 murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel (who had his throat slit)

7:17 the murder of a business owner: Hervé Cornara, who was strangled and decapitated by one of his employees in 2015

7:50 with its own places to shelter it: this sounds clumsy and ambiguous in French too. Le Pen literally says "with its places to shelter it" It is not clear what "its" refers to. The "with" does not refer back to "provide".

7:53 recent protests by illegal immigrants: protests by the "Black Vest" movement n Paris, they are protesting the conditions they live and work in, and want to be regularised and granted the right to live and work in France

7:57 promise of mass amnesty: I think this is a reference to the EU's proposed "New Pact on Migration and Asylum"

8:13 "They shall not pass!": Macron used these exact words, made famous by General Nivelle during the Battle of Verdun in WW1

8:26 proselytising: converting

8:44 the President opened a debate on separatism: Macron gave a major speech on combating Islamism on October 2nd.

Separatism here means Muslims increasingly separating from the rest of French society (see note for communitarianism at 11:56 below)

10:56 attack on the police prefecture in Paris: this occurred on 3rd October 2019, four people and the attacker died

10:57 drama in Conflans: the beheading of Samuel Paty

11:55 religious prohibitions: calling for stuff to be banned for religious reasons (ie. because they violate Islamic law)

I will post the rest of the notes in the comment section below.

source video:
date of this speech: 19.10.20

notes with timestamps:

0:01 this speech took place on Wednesday September 30th 2020, in resposne to the draft budget presented by Chancellor Merkel.

It is from the same session as Alexander Gauland's speech in my previous video.

As one of the joint-leaders of the official opposition (Dr. Gauland is the other joint-leader), Weidel was the first speaker in this session (Merkel spoke immediately after Weidel, Gauland spoke later).

0:14 there is a heckle from the floor at this point,

something along the lines of "I assume you are going to say things are bad in Germany, Frau Weidel" (Deutschland soll es schlecht gehen, Frau Weidel!)

but I'm not sure exactly what the heckler means (it is an unusual grammatical construct) so I left it out.

1:50 Finance Minister and Vice-Chancellor: Olaf Scholz (SPD)

2:00 Foreign Minister: Heiko Maas (SPD)

2:03 employs them in his ministry: I think this is a reference to Nurhan Soykan, secretray-general of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany.

She has been criticised for defending the "Quds Day" event in Berlin, organised by Iran.

Supporters of the event say it is anti-zionist and pro-Palestinian. Opponents say it is attended by extremist groups and is anti-semitic.

2:12 Interior Minister: Horst Seehofer (CSU)

2:20 "welcoming-policy": the term "welcoming-culture" is closely associated with the migrant crisisi of 2015 and efforts by Germans and the government to make the migrants feel at home in Germany.

2:27 Defence Minister: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU)

2:28 purge: a new watchdog has been appointed to deal with (mostly right-wing) political extremism in the German armed forces.

One of the companies of the special forces unit the KSK is going to disbanded after various scandals

(inclduing allegations of Nazi salutes, listening to right-wing rock music, throwing around pigs' heads at a party in 2017).

One soldier's home was raided and weapons and explosives were found.

2:34 gendered titles: there were plans (now abandoned) to introduce separate female forms of words like lieutenant (so man would be a Leutnant and a woman a Leutnantin)

2:40 Justice Minister: Christine Lambrecht (SPD)

Not sure what the "at war with the Consitution" reference is about.

2:41 intenet censorship law: the notorious NetzDG

2:46 her predecessor: Heiko Maas (SPD)

3:07 the verdict of a British political scientist: Anthony Glees, professor of politics at the University of Buckingham. His exact quote was "a hippy state, being led by its emotions"

4:58 deposit money: the money you get for returning the bottles

5:11 TARGET2 is the banking system used to settle cross border transactions in the eurozone.

This is quite a technical and esoteric issue.

Some economist agree with Weidel's belief that the money owed to the German Central Bank (Bundesbank) from other central banks is a big problem, others do not.

Note that the German word "billion" is the equivalanet of trillion in English.

5:41 Union: the CDU (Merkel's party) and the closely allied Bavarian party the CSU

5:50 base load requirment: the minimum amount of energy a grid needs at all times

6:34 Minister for Economic Affairs: Peter Altmaier (CDU)

6:37 Ludwig Erhard: liberal economist and Chancellor of West Germany 1963-66. A key figure in the German "economic miracle".

6:45 "that was a good one!": in case this is unclear, the floor are reacting positively to Weidel's joke, saying she is on top form so early in the morning.

7:21 Herr Söder: Markus Söder (CSU), minister-president (prime minister) of Bavaria. Söder has suggested banning the registration of any new ICE cars after 2035.

9:34 Rosa Luxemburg: a key figure in the failed, communist "Spartacist Uprising" in 1919

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This clip is from the 2015 movie "Michiel de Ruyter" (known as "Admiral" in international markets). This is an excellent movie and covers the politics of the Dutch Republic and the great naval victories over the English during the high point of the Dutch Golden Age (mid to late 1600s). The man speaking is Johan de Witt who was effectively the prime minister of the Dutch Republic between 1650 and 1672.

(Strictly speaking he was "Grand Pensionary" of Holland, the largest of the Dutch provinces, this made him the most powerful political figure in the Netherlands).

De Ruyter was the leading Dutch admiral of the era. De Ruyter and De Witt were friends, and the movie focuses on their careers, their rise and fall, and their deaths.

Dutch politics was divided into two camps at the time

1 - The "Prinsgezinden" (Prince's supporters, or Prince's faction, usually translated into English as "Orangists").

They wanted William, Prince of Orange (who later became King of England) to be the stadtholder of the Netherlands.

Stadtholder (steward) was a role similar to a monarch, but at the same time not quite a monarch (the Netherlands was still called a Republic when a stadtholder was in place).

The Prince's faction tended to support a strong central government, and being less involved in international trade than their "States' faction" rivals, tended to favour military spending on the army rather than the navy.

2 - The Staatsgezinden (States supporters or States' faction, usually translated into English as "Republicans").

The "States" were the parliaments of the seven provinces.

The States faction was opposed to having a stadtholder, and favoured having strong provincial states rather than a strong central government.

They favoured spending on the navy rather than the army.

The States faction (to which De Witt belonged) were in the ascendancy from 1650 to 1672.

In 1672 (the "Rampjaar", or disaster year) the Netherlands was quickly overrun by an invading French army.

De Witt's policy of limited spending on the army was blamed, and in one of the most infamous events in Dutch history, De Witt and his brother Cornelius were murdered on the street.

An angry mob then strung up their naked corpses on a gibbet and mutilated their bodies, and their livers were cooked and eaten.

In this clip the Prince's faction are sitting on the left (many with pieces of orange clothing).

The man on the right at 0:15 and again at the end 3:31 is Johan Kievit, arch-nemesis of De Witt.

Before De Witt spoke, Kievit had suggested that De Witt would only work to defend the interests of his own faction.

De Witt's speech in this movie is based on an actual speech he gave ("De Deductie") which was 3 1/2 hours long.

Further reading:

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This speech took place on Wednesday 30th September, in resposne to the budget presented by Chancellor Merkel.

Alice Weidel also gave a ten minute spech during the same session, I will translate that next.

0:33 The heckle is made by Britta Haßelmann (Greens).

She heckles Gauland almost continuously throughout his speech, mostly about masks / covid.

Haßelmann can be seen at 3:05 (front row, centre).

She does heckle a little less frequently after he tells her to hold her tongue at 2:50

2:07 a certain south German minister-president: not sure who this is a reference to.

2:50 hold your tongue: literally "keep your mouth closed".

This isn't as rude as "shut your mouth" is in English.

Gauland also uses the respectful forms "Sie" and "Frau".

Britta Haßelmann (Greens) had been heckling Gauland almost continuously since the start of his speech.

Haßelmann can be seen at 3:05 (front row, centre).

She does heckle a little less frequently after he tells her to hold her tongue at 2:50.

3:05 Heckle: Absolutely nothing. This is made by a member of the liberal FDP, not the man on screen (Anton Hofreiter, Greens).

3:12 Herr Altmaier (CDU) Minister for the Economy and Energy.

3:29 yearly plans: in case this is unclear, Gauland is saying the yearly palns to reduce CO2 are reminiscent of the 5-year plans, ten-year plans etc. that were common in communist countries.

He literally says "of unhappy remembrance / memorial".

4:06 Nord Stream 2 is a pipeline taking gas from Russia to Germany, under the Baltic Sea.

4:54 dubious poison attack: the Alexei Navalny incident

5:32 "special path" (Sonderweg).

This term is often used in disucssions of German history.

It can mean different things depending on the context.

In the 19th century it referred specifically (and approvingly) to the form of government in Germany at the time, which combined a parliament and multi-party free elections with an emperor and aristocracy who still held the real power.

At the time Germany's mixed system was compared favourably by some to the parliamentary democracies in France and Britain.

Since WW2 it has referred to the theory that what happened between 1933 and 1945 was caused by the unique path Germany had taken over the previous centuries, in relation to its form of government (so, similar to the first meaning above, but now disapprovingly)

4:38 Mecklenburg's Minister President = Manuela Schweisg (SPD) (Nord Stream comes ashore in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

5:43 Turkey Deal: the 2016 EU-Turkey deal which aimed to limit the number of migrants crossing into the EU from Turkey.

5:51 Anne Will is a high profile political talk show that goes out on Sunday evenings (9:45pm) The migration-lobbyist referred to is Gerald Knaus, co-founder of the think tank European Satbility Initiative.

6:25 the EU is often referred to as a community of values, ie. a community of shared values. Gauland is saying that Erdogan's actions are not compatible with these values and the EU should respond.

6:29 Manfred Weber is a member of the CDU and the leader of the EPP group (mainstream centre-right, Christian democrats) in the European parliament.

8:19 Herr Kurz = Sebastian Kurz, chancellor of Austria. Visegrad = Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.

8:53 Frau Göring-Eckardt = Katrin Göring-Eckardt, leader of the Greens in the Bundestag.

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 Switzerland is a member of EFTA, and has a bilateral "freedom of movement" agreement with the EU.

The centre-right SVP has organised a referendum on ending the agreement.

The referendum will be held tomorrow, Sunday 27th September.

The "no" side are expected to win comfortably (meaning freedom of movement will continue).

0:48 Grandpa worked hard for it: Grandpa worked hard for Switzerland

2:05 I had to change this around a bit in order for it to make sense. it literally reads "are we to, once again, be able to, control, immigration"

2:13 "restriction (of immigration) initiative": the word used here (begrenzung) means "limit" or "cap". A better translation would have been "initiative to limit (immigration)".

2:15 initiative: this is what Switzerland's frequent referendums are called.

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This is Tom Van Grieken, leader of Vlaams Belang.

Vlaams Belang want Flanders to become an independent country.

Flanders is the Dutch ("Flemish") speaking part of Belgium. Wallonia is the French speaking part.

"Flemings" = people from Flanders. Depending on the context it can also mean "Dutch speakers in Belgium".

"Flemish" is a general term covering anything to do with Flanders. It usually does not mean "the Flemish language" (Dutch).

0:16 26th May: 26th May 2019 when Vlamms Belang made huge gains in the Belgian federal election.

0:20 "more right": right as in "right on the political spectrum". Van Grieken literally says "right-er".

I know "more right" sounds awkward but I don't think you can use "more right-wing" here because "right" and "right-wing" have a different tone.

"Right-wing" in itself sounds extreme and pejorative. I don't think a politician like Van Grieken would self-identify as "right-wing" in English, he would probably use "right" or centre-right".

Dutch doesn't really use the term "right-wing", it just uses "left" and "right" which are more neutral terms.

0:21 Flemish: the adjective of Flanders. Van Grieken is not talking about the "Flemish language" here, he means more government ministers from Flanders.

0:25 what government are they forming:

there are basically four blocks in the Belgian parliament

green block = green parties (the Flemish green party and the Walloon green party)

red block = centre-left social democrats ("socialists", the PS, which is the social democratic party in Wallonia, is particularly powerful)

blue block = centre-right liberal parties

yellow / orange block = three centre-right Flemish conservative parties

the green, red and blue blocks are "united", by that I mean they are made up of sister parties: a party in Wallonia and the equivalent party in Flanders.

the yellow / orange block is different, it is made up of three distinct parties with different ideologies

CD&V are the most moderate. They want more autonomy for Flanders but not full independence. Generally, CD&V can reach coalition agreements with the green, red and blue blocks without enormous difficulty.

N-VA are further to the right than CD&V. They want independence, but not immediately. They are fiscally conservative.

Although not "taboo" like Vlaams Belng, in practice it is difficult for N-VA to reach agreements with the green, red and blue blocks.

Vlaams Belang are the furthest to the right. They want independence, are eurosceptic and want immigartion reform. They have a "cordon sanitaire" placed around them - no other parties will work with them.

here are the seat numbers from the last election (150 seats in total, 76 needed for majority)

green block: 21

red block: 29

blue block: 26

CD&V: 12
N-VA: 25
Vlaams Belang: 18

blue-red coalitions are called "purple"

the most likely government at the moment is "purple-green plus CD&V" (also referred to as "Vivaldi" due to the party names) so green, red, blue and CD&V

you can see how the N-VA and Vlaams Belang are both likely to be left out despite being the two largest parties in Flanders

this Vivaldi government would have 41 of the 87 Flemish seats

further reading:

0:27 "most left": left as in politically left. As with "right" above at 0:20 I don' think you can use "left-wing" here.

0:30 as with 0:21 above "Flemish" here is not a reference to the Flemish language but to Flanders in general

0:34 see 0:25 above for explanation of what these terms mean

0:47 Almaci and Calvo: two Green politicians. Van Grieken uses the respectful form "Mevrouw (Madam)" Almaci, I left this out to save space.

1:03 PS: the centre-left Walloon "Parti Socialiste"

1:07 Wallonia decides...: in case this is unclear, he is saying Wallonia decides government policy, and Flanders finances it.

source videos:
(date = 05.09.20)
(date = 15.09.20)

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This speech took place last Friday (September 11th).

Moria is an official migrant / refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. It is the largest such camp in Europe.

The camp was largely destroyed by a fire during the night of Tuesday 8th September, leaving 12-13,000 migrants without accomodation.

Conditions in the camp have long been criticised (see 3:45 below).

Quarantine measures due to coronavirus may have been the straw that broke the camels back, leading to arson by the residents.

On Tuesday 15th September (four days after this speech) the German government said they would take in 1,600 migrants (mainly families with children).

Die Linke and The Greens want them to take more (Greens have mentioned 5,000).

1:00 September '15: this was when Merkel opened the borders to circa 1 million migrants.

1:15 Die Linke ("The Left") are a left-wing democratic socialist party.

2:07 family re-unification: if an asylum seeker is granted asylum, they can apply for family members to also be granted the right to come to Germany.

2:33 civil war in Leipzig: this may be a reference to recent left-wing violence in that city (in protest at gentrification and police clearing occupied buildings).

3:03 candidates to be Chancellor: I had to change this around a bit, so that it would make sense.

He literally says "those who want to again take in asylum-claimants can (become) Chancellor. A competition to outdo each other."

Curio is talking about the candidates to become next leader of the CDU (Merkel's party).

Whoever becomes CDU leader will probbaly be the Chancellor (German prime minister) after the next election (September 2021).

Merkel has already stepped down as CDU leader but will remain Chancellor until that election.

Laschet = Armin Laschet, currently minister-president (prime minister) of the state of NRW (Germany's largest state).

Röttgen = Norbert Röttgen

Merz = Friedrich Merz

Söder = Markus Söder, currently minister-president of Bavaria (Germany's second largest state).

Söder is the leader of the Bavarian party the CSU, not the CDU, but those two parties are closely allied, and Söder could also become Chancellor after the next election (with the backing of the CDU).

I'm not sure what the reference to Neuschwanstein (a famous castle) is about (other than Neuschwanstein being in Bavaria). I think Söder may have been criticised for using the castle for events in the past.

3:45 chairs in front of the Reichstag: on Monday 7th September (the day before the fire) activists placed 13,000 empty chairs in front of the Reichstag (parliament buidling) to draw attention to overcrowding in the Moria camp.

3:52 first the chairs, then the pyrotechnics: Curio is saying the protest in Berlin inspired the arsonists in Moria.

He is pointing to where Die Linke sit in the chamber.

Politicians from Die Linke, the SPD (centre-left) and the Greens attended the event.

3:58 concerted action: literally concerted, ie. "acting in concert". I could have used "coordinated" action but I think that word is stronger and more explicit than the word Curio used (konzertierte).

4:30 the heckle is from Matthias Birkwald (Die Linke)

4:38 this is Claudia Roth (Greens) one of the Bundestag vice-presidents

4:56 Bartsch = Dietmar Bartsch (Die Linke)

date of this speech 11.09.20

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 This speech was made in Koblenz (Rheinland-Pfalz) on 07.08.20. The entire speech was 48 minutes long.

The entire speech (in German) can be viewed here

Gottfried Curio is the AfD's spokesperson on domestic policy (crime, migration etc.) in the Bundestag.

0:02 the banner on the right reads "Mut zur Wahrheit, Ändern Sie nicht Ihre Meinung, Ändern Sie die Politik" = "Courage to speak the truth, Don't change your opinion, Change politics"

0:19 gender mainstreaming: strictly speaking this means ensuring that any policies or laws introduced benefit men and women equally.

This is a term which is used a lot more in German than in English (I don't think I have ever heard anyone use it in English). I get the impression it has a vaguer, more general meaning in German.

2:05 Habeck: Robert Habeck, leader of the Greens said in 2018 "there is no people (volk), so there can be no treachery against the people"

He was being asked about the term "betrayers of the people" which is used against some politicians.

The word "Volk" carries some stigma in Germany because of ethnic connotations. Many prefer to use the term "Bevölkerung" (which means "population").

3:00 exonym: a term given to a group by outsiders.

3:08 Ten Little Negroes: German uses a term here equivalent to the English "negro", not the more offensive "n*****".

If anybody has any questions about anything else, please just ask!

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source video:

date of this speech: 07.08.20

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Source: FPÖ

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Lampedusa is a small Italian island (pop, 7,000) in the far south of the Mediterranean.

Because it is the European territory closest to Libya and Tunisia, it is the most attractive destination for migrants trying to reach Europe.

Lampedusa can be seen as the epicentre of the entire Mediterranean human trafficking / migrant crisis.

The migrants set off mostly from Libya.

Some try to reach Lampedusa directly, in boats, with the aid of people smugglers in Libya.

Sometimes they make it onto the Lampedusan beaches, other times they are picked up by the Italian coast guard and brought ashore by them.

Other migrants are taken to Lampedusa by NGO ships, having been rescued somewhere in the southern Mediterranean.

Lampedusa and Malta are usually the first port of call for the NGO ships in those circumstances.

Once ashore the migrants claim asylum, and are eventually transferred north to other Italian territory.

The most common nationality among the migrants is Tunisian.

The first six video were recorded by Salvini on 23.07.20. The final video was recorded on 28.07.20.


Migrants being brought into harbour
Rabbit Beach
Talk with fisherman in harbour
Migrant reception centre
Arrival in Lampedusa
This is Lampedusa
Press Conference

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Pim Forrtuyn's famous speech defending his controversial interview with De Volkskrant newspaper.

Fortuyn was chosen as the "lead candidate" ("lijsttrekker", or candidate to be prime minister) of the LN party in the Dutch 2002 general election.

Fortuyn was already known as a critic of Islam, but LN was a moderate party, and Fortuyn agreed to tone down his language on issues like immigration and Islam.

On Friday 9th February he gave an interview to De Volkskrant newspaper in which he broke this agreement, and made several controversial comments about asylum seekers and immigration ("the Netherlands is full"),

Islam ("it is a backward culture").

He also made an ambiguous comment about removing the article from the Dutch constitution that prohibits discrimination, in order to protect freedom of speech.

Based on later statements by Fortuyn it would appear that he was talking about removing Article 137 that prohibits hate speech, and not Article 1 that prohibits discrimination.

Fortuyn's interview attracted a lot of negative media attention and the executive council of his party met that night to discuss what to do.

Initially, Fortuyn was not involved in the discussion and waited in an adjacent room. He was then allowed in to argue his case in front of them.

That is the meeting portrayed in this video.

Eventually it was decided that the best option would be for Fortuyn to leave and set up his own party.

The split was not acrimonious. Fortuyn embraced the LN leaders before leaving the meeting, and LN hoped to cooperate with Fortuyn in a future government.

The party he set up would be called the Lijst Pim Foruyn (LPF). Most of LN's support migrated to the new party.

After leaving the meeting, a famous scene then occurred outside in the street: before being driven home by his butler in his black Daimler,

Fortuyn told the assembled press from the window of his car "Make no mistake, I will be the prime minister of this country".

Fortuyn was assassinated on 6th May 2002, nine days before the election.

His killer was motivated by Fortuyn's comments about Muslims, and also by Fortuyn's plan to legalise fur farming.

LPF finished second in the 2002 election with 17% of the vote.

Although they took part in the short-lived coalition government formed after the election, they soon fizzled out as a major party. They disbanded in 2008.

LN entered a downward spiral once Fortuyn left, they received 1.6% of the vote in the 2002 election and eventually disbanded in 2006.

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Unofficial music video combining footage from 1938 South African film "Building a Nation" with the Afrikaans song "Die Gelofte" (The Vow) by Adam Tas, Appel, Chris Chameleon, Juan Boucher and Ghapi.

Historical bakground: In 1837 a number of Boers left the eastern part of the Cape Colony and trekked into the African interior to escape British rule (reasons explained in more detail below).

In February 1838 they reached an agreement with the Zulu king Dingane.

In return for retrieving 700 stolen cattle for the Zulus from another tribe, Dingane agreed to give the Boers land on which to settle.

The Boers fulfilled their side of the bargain and a treaty was signed.

Two days later Dingane reneged on the deal and the Zulus murdered the entire party of Boers (including their leader Piet Retief) in cold blood at a farewell ceremony.

Over the following days Dingane also attacked a number of Boer caravans, killing over 500 men, women and children.

These attacks are collectively known as the Weenen massacre.

(This is what the woman at the start of the video is referring to, her exact words are

"If we go back now (ie. to the Cape), it is back to humiliation where once were respected. We have paid for this land with the blood of our people. Now you tell us to return.

Let those 600 who are lying quiet in this blood-stained land of weeping (she may say "Weenen" here) cry shame upon everyone who talks of returning.")

The Boers decided to send out a commando (an armed group formed to carry out a mission) to seek a pitched battle with the Zulus.

The battle took place on 16th December 1838.

The Boers took a famous vow to God before the battle (the lyrics of this song are literally the words of the vow and nothing else. The song uses the most common version of this vow, although other, slightly different versions also exist).

Even allowing for their superior technology, the resulting Boer victory was extraordinary: 464 Boers held off 10-15,000 Zulus, with no fatalities and only three casualties suffered. The Zulus lost 3,000 dead.

For comparison 141 British soldiers faced 3-4,000 Zulus at Rorke's Drift in 1879, a similar ratio to Blood River, but the British had breech-loading rifles by then, and still lost 17 dead,

and at Isandlwana on the same day as Rorke's Drift 10-15,000 Zulus overwhelmed 2,000 British (again with better weapons that the Boers had in 1838).

The Boers have long believed that their victory was due to divine intervention.

Their leader in this battle was Andries Pretorius, after whom South Africa's capital city would later be named.

The date of the battle has been a public holiday in South Africa since 1910, known as Geloftedag / Day of the Vow / Dingane's Day until 1994 when it was given a new meaning as the "Day of Reconciliation".

The church promised in the Vow was built in Pietermaritzburg in 1841.

The Battle of Blood River and the Vow became central to the mythos of Boer identity.

Their victory was seen as a sign of divine approval for their Great Trek inland.

*The Boers were unhappy with British rule for three main reasons:

1 - Britain was attempting to impose English language and British law.

2 - Britain was not doing enough to protect the Boers' farms against cross border raids by Xhosa tribes, and was interfering with the Boers' own attempts to defend themselves.

(The British were worried the Boers would provoke a war with the Xhosa by carrying out cross border attacks of their own.)

3 - The final straw was the British decision to abolish slavery. The compensation offered to the Boers for their slaves was well below market value,

and to obtain this compensation the Boers needed to travel in person to London, or to hire an agent there. Both options were prohibitively expensive.

Further reading:

The video clips are from the 1938 film "Die Bou van 'n Nasie" ("Building a Nation", also sometimes referred to as "They Built a Nation"). There are both English and Afrikaans versions of this film.

Editing, translation and subtitling was done by me, Cassius.

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 Marion Maréchal (sometimes referred to as "Marion Maréchal-Le Pen" or "Marion Le Pen") is the grand-daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and the niece of Rassemblement National leader Marine Le Pen. From 2012 to 2017 she was a member of the French parliament (for Rassemblement National, then known as the Front National). She was 22 years old when she was elected, the youngest member of the French parliament in modern history.

I have translated two of her speeches from that time: her famous exchange with then Prime Minister Manuel Valls in which she indirectly called him a "cretin" and her speech on the hypocrisy of modern feminism Both of these speeches went viral in France.

Since 2017 she has largely been doing her own thing and is no longer involved with Rassemblement National. She is a controversial figure, even more controversial than her aunt, and is seen by the media as a right-wing firebrand.Marine has publicly criticised Marion's video, saying Marion is "falling into the trap of the racists and the indigénistes" (see below for explanation of who the indigénistes are). Marine is taking a softer tone, talking about the French constitution, republican values and ending all forms of "communatarianism" (parallel societies). Marion's video went viral in France and has 2.8 million views on Facebook (where it was originally uploaded).

0:16 Adama Traoré was a black man (of Malian ancestry) who died in police custody in 2016. There is controversy over whether he died due to heart failure (as the official autopsy stated) or due to suffocation (as an independent autopsy stated). The officers involved were exonerated (most recently in a report released on May 29th 2020). His case has attracted a lot of attention in France, and the "Justice pour Adama" group claim that there was a cover-up.

0:35 put my knee on the ground: I know this sounds a bit clumsy but I wanted to be very careful how I translated this. Maréchal uses quite a neutral term here. She doesn't say something like "bend the knee" (which suggests submitting before a king etc.) or a phrase like "take a knee" which in English is unique to the BLM movement. She literally says "put a knee on the ground" which is a normal, neutral term in French.

0:38 Minister of the Interior: Christophe Castaner, a member of Macron's party LREM, who said he would be prepared to take a knee.

0:49 indigénistes: members of the political party "Parti des Indigènes de la République" (Party of the Indigenous of the Republic / P.I.R.). Members are mostly black or Arab Muslims (mostly Arabs). They see themselves as discriminated against in France, like the indigenous peoples were in Africa in the colonial era (hence the name). They talk a lot about colonialism, racism and Palestine, and have been described as "Islamic left-wing" and identitarian.

1:19 Palace of Justice: the building in Paris that houses one of France's supreme courts.

Due to character limits, please see comment section for the rest of the notes.

Source video:

Date of source video: 10th June 2020

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All translation and subtitling is my own original work.

Music used at end: Forelsket by Soundae
Apple Music:
Google Play:

notes with timestamps:

0:01 National Board = the AfD National Board (supreme authority / executive committee of the AfD). For an in depth explanation of the Andreas Kalbitz affair see my previous video "Is the AfD about to split in two?" The jist of the situation is that Andreas Kalbitz, an ally of Höcke, has been expelled from the party over his alleged membership of a neo-Nazi summer camp in the past (Kalbitz denies being a member). The expulsion took place against a backdrop of division within the party over whether the AfD should spilt in two - with a liberal-conservative, more moderate party (largely in the west of Germany) and a "social-patriotic" (the term Höcke uses) party which would be more nationalistic but more left wing on economic issues (this party would win votes mostly in the east). Höcke and Kalbizt are the leaders of the "social-patriotic" eastern wing of the AfD. Their rhetoric is criticised by some in the liberal-conservative wing, who say it scares away moderate voters from the party. Höcke is saying that this is what was really behind the decision.

0:12 close vote - the vote was seven in favour, five against, with one abstention. I explain who voted how in my video "Is the AfD about to split in two?"

0:23 Jörg Meuthen and Beatrix von Storch are part of the liberal-conservative wing of the party. Meuthen initiated the debate over a possible split with an interview he gave in April, and also led the attempt to expel Kalbitz.Höcke is saying that Meuthen and von Storch want rid of the people like Kalbitz and for the AfD to become a more moderate liberal-conservative party.

0:55 a party that helps the CDU achieve a majority - Höcke is saying that the liberal-conservative wing see the future of the AfD as a more moderate party that could get into government as the junior partner in a coalition with the CDU (mainstream centre-right, Merkel's party).

1:02 "alternative-less" - the AfD chose their name (Alternative for Germany) in response to a statement by Merkel during the euro crisis (she said there was no alternative to the euro).

1:07 black-red-gold FDP - black-red-gold are the colours of the German flag. Höcke is saying Meuthen etc want to turn the AfD into a more nationalist version of the FDP (a right of centre, liberal party).

1:07 Werte Union - this is a grouping within the CDU, on the right of the party.

1:15 united here means united in public, as in "put on a united front"

source video:

date of source video: 16th May 2020

music used at end: Nat Keefe with The Bow Ties - "Dude, where's my horse"

all translation and subtitling is my own original work.

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 The "Caravan (convoy) for Spain and its Freedom" protests were organised by Vox and held on Saturday 23rd May all across Spain. In order to comply with social distancing regulations, participants were asked to stay inside their vehicles. The reason for the protests was to criticise the Spanish government's handling of the coronavirus outbreak (Vox leader Santiago Abascal said Spain has handled the crisis worse than any other country) and also to protest the continuing lockdown restrictions (Spain had one of the strcitest lockdowns in Europe though it is now being lifted).

The largest turnouts were in Madrid and Seville, in both cities around 6,000 cars took part. 500 cars took part in Barcelona. Abascal addressed the protesters over the FM radio station EsRadio. Vox say the government has lied about the real numbers affected by the virus (Vox say the real numbers are higher), and that the strict lockdown has violated Spanish people's rights and caused immnese harm to the economy.

0:07 This is Vox leader Santiago Abascal addressing the protesters over FM radio station EsRadio.

0:12 The people standing on the bus, from left to right:

The woman in the white blouse is Macarena Olona, spokesperson of the Vox parliamentary group.

The woman in the black top with the green mask is Rocío Monasterio, leader of Vox in Madrid. I have translated one of her videos (in which she talks about feminism)

The man in the blue shirt with the white mask is Iván Espinosa, another senior member of the party. Espinosa and Monasterio are married to each other.

The man on the right is Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox. I translated his speech at the 2018 Vox party conference

0:17 The man in the white polo shirt is Javier Ortega Smith, ex-Spanish special forces and general secretary of Vox. I translated the speech he gave in the Spanish north African enclave of Ceuta after migrants breached the border fence in August 2018

Abascal, Ortega Smith, Espinosa and Monasterio are the four highest profile members of the party.

0:30 "El Coronavirus es malo. El Socialismo es peor." = The Coronavirus is bad. Socialism is worse."

0:54 Spain broken up, impoversihed and locked up: this is a reference to separatists in Catalonia (broken up) and the lockdown (locked up, he literally says incarcerated). The Spanish government has no parliamentary majority and relies on votes or abstentions from various separatist Basque and Catalan parties.

1:01 "Pedro Sánchez os engaña" = Pedro Sánchez is deceiving you.

1:12 Fase Libertad = this is a reference to Spain entering what the Spanish government calls "phase one" of lifting the lockdown on May 26th. Vox think it should be phase liberty.

1:19 pots and pans = people banging pots and pans has become a symbol of protest against lockdown restrictions

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notes with timestamps:

0:01 in case it is unclear, Le Pen was ostensibly speaking in favour of a proposed amendment (not sure what the amendment actually was), during a debate on France's new "Law to fight against hateful content on the internet".

This law is widely referred to as the "Avia Law" after Laetitia Avia, a member of Macron's party LREM. Avia lead the committee which drafted the law.

The law was passed on Wednesday 13th May, also the date of this debate.

It is inspired by Germany's NetzDG law, and gives online platforms and search engines one hour to remove terrorist and child pornography material, and 24 hours to remove discriminatory (based on race, gender, religion, disability) material. Failure to remove the content will result in fines.

This article (in English) gives a good summary of the law

0:08 Avia = Laetitia Avia, a member of Macron's party LREM. Avia lead the committee which drafted the law.

0:39 ECHR = European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR's judgement in the 1976 case of Handyside vs the United Kingdom contained the following sentence "Freedom of applicable not only to 'information' or 'ideas' that are favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also to those that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population".{%22dmdocnumber%22:[%22695376%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-57499%22]}

0:58 this is Nicole Belloubet (independent), France's Minister of Justice.

1:15 as someone who argued cases = Le Pen was a trial lawyer before becoming a politician.

1:39 Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon = Le Pen uses the acronym GAFA.

1:46 how we will be able to speak about it = Le Pen literally says "how we will have the right to speak about it". I changed this a little bit to make it more coherent.

2:15 while the president of the assembly is speaking over her, Le Pen is saying "you have never succeeded in telling us what a 'hateful content' is". I couldn't fit this into the subtitles.

please see comment section for the rest of the notes

Date of this speech: 13.05.20

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Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

42 videos

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