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April 19th, 2024
Music from prompt.

1080p: https://files.catbox.moe/e62p16.mp4
Audio: https://files.catbox.moe/3i6bp7.mp3

The delusion deepens:
Monopoly on hurting people.
- British non-semite wants other non-semites to hurt anti-semites because they do not support the killing of actual Semites.

Wonderful times indeed.

April 21st, 2024

(Screenshot not from this guy - but to show where they're currently at - https://twitter.com/MOSSADil/status/1782453799757504683)

While white folks are left to fend for themselves, one of these creatures are calling for the National Guard to help protect jews at US Universities:

Time's ticking.

without actually saying it: Just another game of war-propaganda "Telephone"...

Full lecture:


Update: My first Geo-blocked video. I guess congrats are in order.
Only difference between this and other videos on this matter, is that single word; 'Holohaux' in the title. I'm betting it triggers an autofilter.

Gotta love their honesty when it's visible from time to time.

Democracy only works when people are sane.
When they join the largest suicide-cult called "COVID" - what then shall be done?

Freemasons were outlawed in Germany - for they do not adhere to such "simple principles".
- But they do love the jew, don't they...

Judaism for goy = Satanism for Christians.
Stupid fucking idiots forgot James 5:12.
If only they knew what a Caananite was - he would look in the mirror in horror...

7:05 to for the Zündel.
I'm not prone to Idol-Worship - but let's reflect, then wreck the kike narrative once and for all.

Oh wait...

April 19th, 2024

Silver Crown of Jerusalem:
"This is a person that doesn’t care only for himself but cares for the entire world"
and then help usher in the most dangerous biological weapon known to mankind... (- Which he STILL - in 2024 - promotes during his rallies)

Sauce: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

While the world is currently losing it's mind over (finally) realizing the COVID Genocide, let's soothe ourselves with circumventing one of G-d's Commandments (Deu 5:8) and reveal what is under the Earth and the Sea, shall we?

General update on 2024 politics 'tween a Nordic soul and whatever Rogan is.

OBAd from:

Portable solutions:
mp3: https://api.discreetshare.com/download/6622eb5d0e16ec15c91692da - 225.7 MB
mp4: https://seed122.bitchute.com/tXTg4HwxFpBG/dQy5ygv1Mh0n.mp4 - 446 MB
720p: https://yt1s.com/ - ~2 GB

Part 2:


Part 1 released April 9th, 2024:
Undercover journalist entraps CIA Agent Gavin O'Blennis into revealing how CIA agents entrap people...

In a nutshell: How CIA piss people off, then destroy them when they react.
Alex Jones mentioned by name as a target - as well as his followers.
FBI involvement on J6 also admitted.

Response by Alex Jones:




Direct video link:


Greenblatt speaks on criminalizing students at Universities if they speak negatively about Israel (the State) - aka "Anti-Zionism".

He does not consider The First Amendment of the US Constitution valid when non-jews say negative things about jews - and an entire program is in place identify & destroy the last critical thinker in American schools.

They've already contacted various Universities, initiating digital "reporting cards", so students can rat each other out.
An entire blackmail scheme is implemented, as many schools initially did not welcome it:
they're aiming at removing Federal Funding for schools who do not comply:
More than 300 lawyers are currently at play behind the scenes.
500+ cases have thus far been submitted for legal action.

ref: Article VI:
7 old archive: https://archive.ph/6g7GP
2024 Update :https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/hq43e4.html

Same as always, in the usual sweet-slithering commie-tongue: "Get the Intellectuals!"

00:00 - 05:53 - Introduction on Anti-Zionism
05:53 - 07:35 Introduction of Self, Technology and Social Media Collaborators
>07:35 - onward: The nitty-gritty: How they want to (ab)use Government as a Sledge to get their way

Published April 5th, 2024


Edit note:
Left channel broke volume threshold, and was swapped with Right Channel to remove clipping.

Quick DL: https://seed132.bitchute.com/tXTg4HwxFpBG/iT0X8YPDdNP0.mp4

Anyone is free to post this on his channel - because I no longer can.

March 15th, 2024
This is a response to Sanity4Sweden;

I listened attentively to the video published this date, and responded:

"I can't wait 'til you discover the jews.
You might have to start another channel though...
Meanwhile, good job.
You'll get there eventually"


Which leaves me little option but to upload this.

Being such an avid commentator on COVID (and it's repercussions), I have waited for you to connect the dots.
- Might have: but won't do it publicly?
- Might not've: another reactionary stuck in the present?

- We're practically Blood brothers - and I'm still looking forward to you discovering/discussing the Jewish origins of the Jew-Jab.

They've thoroughly helped destroy your people's cohesion through medical subversion and foreign immigration.
- And now you live out in the country because of it.
Denial won't fix anything.
Sincerely - a brother from another mother a few stone-tosses away.

Borrowed without permission from SonOfEnos:

As opposed to yourself, I won't block you.
Let's have a dialogue - Feel free to comment below.

Speaker: Christopher Jon Bjerknes.


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

572 videos

Category Education

No mRNA nor DARPA hydrogel nasal swab in this department.

Playlists: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/Sht6dNhXKgj9/ (Bitchute deleted them after "migrating" to U.S.A. - don't blame me - rather, tell them what you think: https://support.bitchute.com/contact-us)

Torrents: https://saidit.net/s/OnlineBackupArchive/

Must have: Two-click download of .mp4 for Firefox/Waterfox/Tor: https://github.com/nICEnnnnnnnLee/VideoSnipper
YT DL: https://yt1s.com/


2024 update:
Seems Bitchute deleted my entire channel.
So; no more playlists (which makes me love this platform even more...)
Videos have been removed/blocked/deleted WITHOUT NOTIFICATION - all of them regarding Prigozhin only for some specific reason.
-Free speech - as long as you pay for it, I guess.

Sidenote: Now that Bitchute servers are inside jew.S.of A = inside PRISM = ALL traffic will be force-routed through the world's "Free Speech Country" of Skynet - so we'll see how long I'll bother to stay here.

Meanwhile: Enjoy Armageddon.